Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1352: Grandpa came to see her at Mo's

Warm and enthusiastic about Zhou Tianyu and Gu Junlin.

Gu Junlin's death in the previous life and Zhou Tianyu's feelings about Gu Junlin's evasion in this life gave her a strange feeling inside, always feeling that there must be an inevitable connection between the two.

However, Tian Yu didn't want to talk about her own hardships. As a friend, she was hard to ask.

In the past two days, she has been thinking hard about the last life, trying to find a trace of clues from her poor memory.

But helplessly, after she returned to the Wen family in the last life, under the calculations of Ning Shuqian and Xia Ruya, she had not been integrated into the circle of high society, hovering outside the circle's door, unwilling, angry, resentful, for I know too little about high society.

Later, after she was poisoned, she lost her spirits and became even less able to pay attention to these things.

At this time, Uncle Zhang led Father Wen into the living room, and he was surprised and warm: "Grandpa, why are you here?"

Because of her mother's death, the relationship between the Wen family and the Mo family has long been a stranger. In the past, Grandpa rarely came to the Mo family and never even visited the New Year. Although she returned to the Wen family, the relationship between the two has also Not as rigid as before, but there is still no contact.

There was a smile on Father Mo's face: "I haven't seen you for a few days, so I came to see you specially."

During this time, although he was calling Xinya every day to inquire about her injury, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, he was always concerned about it. Fortunately, something happened today, so he just came over.

"Grandpa, I'm fine, I can eat and sleep, stay at home all day, I can't go anywhere, and I'm bored to death by the grandfather and the grandfather, you can see my feet can walk down the ground." Finished, Wen Xinya really put on rabbit ears hairy slippers and walked twice on the ground. Although the movement is smooth, there are still some unnatural.

There was a smile on Mr. Wen's face: "It recovered very quickly, and it looked a bit fatter than before."

Warm and ya heard this, the whole person is not good, thinking of Zhou Tianyu also said that she was fat two days ago, she was fat, she was fat, she was fat ...

Infinite echo!

Mr. Wen nodded with satisfaction: "It's better to be fat, and he's fatter and stronger."

Wen Xinya "hehe" said: "Grandpa, my health has always been good."

Why do you think that she is thin? She is of standard figure, she looks a little thin, but she takes up her clothes, and her physique has been continuously trained by Si Yizhen in recent years, and she has become as strong as a cow. .

After talking about the company for a while, Mr. Wen's eyes flickered a bit: "Xin Ya, I recently investigated the sudden fall of the crystal lamp at the jewelry exhibition, because it is related to the reputation of Wen's Group and fame, so don't The investigation with great fanfare is naturally not good at alarm handling, so the investigation channels are limited and no clues have been found. At present, this incident can only be located as an accident! "

Mr. Wen knows well that this incident can never be as simple as an accident.

He also investigated all the large-scale banquet events of Shangri-La Hotel and Ascendas Public Relations Company over the years. Such serious life-threatening incidents have never happened, and the Wen Group has worked with them for many years, and it has never happened accident.

He had previously speculated that this matter was most likely done by the H-Z League of Nations, and now it is almost certain.

Even Si Yizhen did not find useful clues, not to mention grandpa: "Grandpa, no matter whether this matter can be found clues, the results are actually the same, we know well."

Even if the clues are found, it is impossible to get the H-Z League of Nations out of it. At most, Wen Haowen has fallen into a tiger poisonous zombie, and the cruel and ruthless accusation has no benefit to the Wen family.

Mr. Wen looked at the indifferent expression of his granddaughter and said with a whisper: "Xin Ya, some media reports about your dad a few days ago ..."

Although it was just news catching the wind and insinuating, with a strong directional insinuation, it made Master Wen thrilled and trembled, but he didn't know why. He suddenly believed that the fact that the media insinuated was really true.

Maybe Wen Haowen was really involved in this matter.

Every time he thinks about it, he can't sleep nearly all night.

He didn't expect that Wen Haowen was so destructive of human nature.

Wen Xinya looking at the grandfather's frustrated face, he suddenly reached out and held the cold and trembling hand: "Grandpa, the jewelry exhibition was successfully held, and the posthumous work of the mother came out, which caused a huge sensation in the jewelry industry. And because of this, the Wen Group has no one else to look at, and it is inevitable that it will be jealous if it is too popular, and some negative news is inevitable. "

She didn't want to talk to her grandfather if Wen Haowen had actually harmed her. Once she had no evidence, her grandfather couldn't bear it.

However, Wen Haowen's heart is so embarrassing that she can't just swallow the bitter fruit. Now the Wen's Group is in the midst of storms and winds. If there is any carelessness, it will be gone. She also wants to prepare for Grandpa's heart. What kind of person has a speculation and doubt, the future of Wen Haowen's tiger and wolf heart will be revealed, and Grandpa will not be more stimulated.

Therefore, she used Wen Haowen's bad news about crystal lamps to count the negative news, both for the Wen Group and grandpa.

"Xin Ya, your dad is willing to be at the mercy of Ning Shuqian, I'm afraid I can't look back. You ... be careful in the future." Although the granddaughter's words made sense, it also made Older Wen feel better, but people are In this way, once the seed of doubt is planted in the heart, it is not easy to be removed, and it will take root and grow in the deepest and darkest place in the bottom of the heart.

Driven by the H-Z League of Nations, Ning Shuqian was at the mercy of Wen Haowen. Even if Wen Haowen was not involved in harming Xinya, he had indirectly become the murderer of Xinya.

Wen Xinya holding Grandpa's hand, Grandpa's hand is very old, trembling, unsettling: "Grandpa, don't think about it, now that the Wen family is in the midst of storms, only you can control the overall situation, whether it is The Wen family, or the Wen family, can't miss you. "

Wen Ya knew that Grandpa Wen Haowen had planted the seeds of doubt and was afraid that Grandpa could not think for a moment, so he spoke comfortably.

Mr. Wen took a deep breath, and his emotions were a little cheered up: "Relax, my old bone is not so easy to break."

The HZ League of Nations has treated Wen Jiahu with jealousy. After counting the Wen family for so many years, the daughter-in-law Yunyao's death, the granddaughter Xinya's disappearance, and the son Wen Haowen's change are all caused by this organization. Nowadays They also wanted to take Xinya's life. Even if he hit the stone with a egg, he couldn't continue to tolerate it. For better or worse, he always had to fight for it.

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