Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1353: Born to be a fateful enemy

The mood of Mr. Wen was completely soothed by his granddaughter. Regardless of Wen Haowen, he is now at the mercy of Ning Shuqian and is doing things that harm the interests of the Wen family and even the entire Wen group. Already.

What he is most worried about now is Xinya. H-Z League of Nations has already murdered Xinya. If there is no plan, there must be a hindsight. Xinya is now the most dangerous.

Fortunately, Mo Gong's reputation can protect her one or two.

Mr. Wen turned to the topic and said, "Xin Ya, the chairman of the Paris Fashion International Jewellery Association of France, called me before. They want to win the permanent exhibition right of Chu Feng, display the Fashion International Museum, and have sent a commissioner to Beijing. Responsible for negotiating this matter. "

Honestly, when receiving this call, Mr. Wen was very shocked, but he was so old, and he had never experienced any storms, so he calmed down quickly.

He knew that at the time, Yun Yao designed a set of works called Dragon Soul at the Paris Fashion International Jewellery Design Competition. At that time, he was shocked by four pieces, and was later collected by the Paris Fashion Museum as a display work. Yao Jing was brilliant.

So, this is a dream for all jewelry designers.

After listening warmly, she couldn't help but be surprised: "Grandpa, what do you think about this?"

Wen Xinya is very happy, which proves that her mother ’s legacy has reached a peak in the world. In this way, she came out of her mother ’s legacy and counted as the HZ League of Nations The ingenuity will proceed more smoothly.

Mr. Wen said: "This matter is related to the sales strategy for the next generation of collections. I have entrusted you to this sales strategy, so it is up to you."

At the previous jewelry exhibition, Chu Feng was a work designed for her daughter by Yun Yao in the last period of gestating Xin Ya, which means that this set of Chu Feng belongs to Xin Ya, Xin Ya has the right to decide.

Moreover, no matter how this matter is decided, it does not have much impact on the Wen Group.

Wen Ya hesitated and nodded, "Grandpa, I know."

If the request of the Paris Fashion International Jewellery Association is agreed, the mother's reputation in the jewellery industry will be fulfilled. In the interests of the Wens Group, the Wens Group will naturally get more benefits.

Of course, if the request of the Paris Fashion International Jewelry Association is not agreed, there will be no loss to the Wen's Group, and it will be a sales strategy for the next generation of collections, which will bring huge benefits to the Wen's Group.

After thinking about it warmly and elegantly, she figured out the joints. Although this matter is important, it has no conflict with the interests of Wen's Group. It is understandable that Grandpa left this matter to her.

At this time, Si Yizheng came to the living room with a fruit plate. When he saw Father Wen, he naturally greeted him, "Hello Mr. Wen!"

There are more than a dozen fruits such as oranges, papaya, apples, grapefruits, and jujubes in the fruit plate, and the color matching is also very beautiful.

Father Wen saw Si Yizhen, his face suddenly pulled down: "Mr. Si, why are you at Mo's house?"

In fact, Mr. Wen deeply admired a strong man like Si Jiu, but he didn't know what happened. Every time he saw this Ji Jiu, he was almost subconsciously alert and there was no way to keep his peace of mind.

At this time, Mr. Wen did not know that his conscious behavior was actually a subconscious behavior of protecting the calf.

By the time he really figured out the reason, Si Jiu had already embraced the beauty, and his granddaughter, whom he most valued, had been run away by this Si Jiu.

It was then that he truly realized.

It turned out that some people were born to be fatal enemies.

Just like the war between mother-in-law.

For example, the war between son-in-law and father-in-law.

Another example is the secret between granddaughter-in-law and grandpa.

Everything was stolen because of her baby!

In fact, Mo Gong also feels this way, so he often sees Si Jiu, how he looks displeased, how he thinks that Si Jiu does not fit his granddaughter, and how he thinks that his granddaughter is actually a pig Now, how do you think, grandson's daughter is actually a flower inserted in cow dung.

Si Yizhen replied calmly but without politeness: "Why Mr. Wen is here, why am I here."

Naturally, Si Yizhen also noticed that the gentleman's defensive attitude towards him, when he thought about it, he knew what it was, so he was very straightforward in his heart, and gave him a "will and he will grab Xinya" "will Obstruct him and Xinya happy life "label.

Mr. Wen: "..."

He came to Xinya, and by the way cared about Xinya's injuries.

So is he the same?

Xinya is his granddaughter. He came to see his granddaughter and cared for his granddaughter's body.

But this Sijiu, what is his identity, and what kind of relationship does it have with Xinya? Why is he so straightforward in front of him?

"That ... Grandpa, Si Jiu lived in Mo's house recently ..." Wen Ya swallowed a bit of saliva and looked at the two for a moment. Why did she feel the atmosphere was a bit wrong? Are these two people inherently incompatible?

As soon as Mr. Wen heard it, it was all bad, and his voice suddenly raised: "What? He lives in Mo's house? Did your grandfather agree?"

Si Yi faintly evoked the corners of his lips, and the stars in his eyes flickered: "Mo Gong naturally agreed."

Broken, warm Yahoo's body shook, and quickly remedied: "Yes, Si Jiu is a grandfather's student. Recently, there are some academic issues that need to be discussed externally, so ..."

Mr. Wen cut off the Wen Xinya words, a little excited: "He still lives in Mo's house !!!"

Mr. Wen did not know why the response was so big when he heard that Si Jiu lived in Mo's house, anyway, he just felt that it was inappropriate.

The Wen Xinya little face collapsed, alas ~~ She seemed to say something wrong, but what did she say wrong?

Mr. Si Yili was well thought out for a few weeks, Wen Ran said with a smile: "There are many guest rooms in Mo's house, and Mr. Wen can also move in for a short stay."

It's simply God's sword!

Wen Xinya eyes looked at the anger on his grandfather's face, and he quickly took an apple and fed it to Grandpa's mouth: "Grandpa, the apple is very sweet, you can also try it."

After that, she quietly looked at Si Yichen, and gave him a stern glance.

Si Yizheng's eyes got deeper. He took an apple and ate it meaningfully.

And Mr. Wen's dissatisfaction with Si Jiu was temporarily put aside by the feeding of his granddaughter's parents.

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