Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1375: Si Yifan Fanwai San

Si also thought that this was just an episode in his life, but later he never thought that he would eventually entangle with this woman, even if that woman was already dead at that time.

When he saw Huo Qiuzhen, Huo Qiuzhen had been forced to confession by various means, and he died shortly afterwards. Huo Qiuzhen asked him to take a picture of his brother.

Si Yizhen agreed.

From Huo Qiuzhen's mouth, Si Yizheng heard some valuable information about the HZ League of Nations, but this information was scattered and some of it was about warmth and elegance. In the news, I got an amazing message.

He has been investigating that the core of H-Z International Alliance ’s influence in Beijing has never been thought of-Wen Group!

The HZ League of Nations has long followed the Wen family, including the death of Mo's only daughter Mo Yunyao, the disappearance of the true blood of the Wen family, Ning Shuqian married to the Wen family, and Xia Ruya was mistaken for the Wen family. It was not a coincidence that it was a coincidence, but the calculation of the HZ League of Nations.

The H-Z International Alliance organization controls Ning Shuqian and Xia Ruya, and at the mercy of Wen Haowen, controls the entire Wen Group, allowing the Wen Group to become a cover to cover up their illegal and criminal activities and to expand their power.

Of course, those who are being manipulated at the same time are also Wen Xinya.

At this moment, he had a feeling of regret for the woman who had never met him, but had nothing to do with him.

He can survive tenaciously under the calculation of the H-Z League of Nations, on the one hand because of his care, on the other hand, why isn't that woman's tenacity?

Si Yizhang returned to Sheshan Manor and the housekeeper came over to report: "Nine younger, your guest has arrived and is waiting for you in the living room."

Si Yi nodded slightly and entered the living room. The "guest" in the housekeeper's mouth was sitting on the sofa. He was about twenty-six years old, exactly the age of Shaohua, with a dignified and charming face. , It was so cold that there was no trace of temperature, and he was wearing a small black cheongsam with a pure white dead flower embroidered on it.

The flower language of the dead flowers is: endless thoughts, desperate love, letter from heaven!

Si Yizhen asked softly: "Miss Zhou Family Zhou Tianyu?"

The Zhou family in the capital city has extraordinary influence in the political world, and Zhou Tianyu is also an excellent diplomat himself. He is known as the new political star together with Zhong Rufeng and attracts much attention.

"Lucifer, hello!" Zhou Tianyu bowed his head subconsciously, and respectfully replied. Although he tried to keep calm, he was still very nervous.

Over the years she has been inquiring about him, looking for various channels, and finally getting in touch with him through the Jiayuan Club. This is the first time she has seen Lucifer, who is the power of Chase, who is more than she imagined. The stronger among them, her uneasy heart finally settled a little.

"Sit!" Si Yizhen motioned for her to sit on the opposite sofa.

The maid brought tea.

The scent of tea made Zhou Tianyu's tense and breathless breathing finally relax: "Lucifer, I took the liberty to come and disturb you today. I know that the matter of black Sunday being cleaned is related to you. I have a message here, I believe you Will definitely be interested. "

After speaking, Zhou Tianyu gritted her teeth secretly, and took out a piece of information from her bag, put it on the coffee table, and pushed it in front of Lucifer. This move seemed to have exhausted her whole body and bet on all her life. Gambling is normal, the five fingers clasped tightly, while being white and white, trembling.

In this gamble, she did not have any chance of winning. She only showed her best sincerity, showed her own value, and maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

Si Yizhen glanced at the information in front of him, and looked at the woman in front of him, and had to say that this woman was courageous: "You are so sure, I will be interested?"

He knew for a long time that Zhou Tianyu started to pay attention to him three years ago, and even investigated him through various channels. He has been letting go, waiting for today.

Zhou Tianyu's hands clenched into a fist suddenly: "This information is part of the power of the HZ League of Nations in Beijing. To tell you the truth, the Zhou family was deeply trapped in the HZ League of Nations 20 years ago. In the mud, you ca n’t dial yourselves. The Zhou family paid a painful price for this, and my husband died. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Tianyu was distraught for a while. Gu Junlin has been dead for seven years. In the past seven years, she has been suffering from thoughts, pain and despair every night. Since Gu Junlin's death, she has been wearing black clothes. When she likes black, but no one knows, she is keeping the festival for Gu Junlin.

If it wasn't for her belief in revenge, I'm afraid she would have collapsed long ago.

Si Yizheng investigated the Zhou family. The father of the Zhou family had a car accident five years ago with poor legs. Although Zhou's father was in a high position, Zhou's mother got depression and has been receiving treatment in a nursing home in the suburbs. As far as he knows, that nursing home is also one of the forces of the HZ League of Nations.

As for Gu Junlin, Gu's only son, fell in love with Zhou Tianyu. He died in a car accident seven years ago. After Gu Junlin's death, the Gu family's father disregarded outside speculation and donated all the Gu family's property to charity. Leaving the capital to settle in Suzhou.

This determination, even Si Yezhen is also very much admired, eliminating the tragedy of the Gu family deep in the mud.

Once there is a decision in her heart, Zhou Tianyu will never drag any more. She knelt on the ground: "Lucifer, I want to avenge my husband, I want to save my mother, I want to get the Zhou family out of this devil, as long as you Willing to help me, I am willing to pay any price. "

She researched for seven full years before finding out such a material, but the more she knew about the organization, the more desperate she was, because the organization was so scary that she was so powerful that she didn't compete with it. If you take the initiative, the final result must be a shortfall of power, but it will be a surprise.

Therefore, she wanted to find someone to cooperate with, but there are very few people in the world who can compete with this large and complex organization. It is not easy to find such a person.

Until, Lucifer appeared in her eyes.

She faintly discovered that Lucifer had been dealing with a mysterious organization. She guessed that this mysterious organization was the H-Z International Alliance Organization. She knew that her opportunity was coming, so she made every effort to get on the line with him.

Si Yiyi glanced lightly at the woman kneeling in front of him, and said quietly, "I have accepted this information."

The core of HZ International Alliance ’s power in Beijing is the Wen Group, and the Zhou family has the greatest influence in it. If he can master the Zhou family and cooperate with the Zhou family, then he is very sure to completely eliminate the HZ International Alliance organization. Power in Beijing.

Zhou Tianyu was overjoyed. She knew that Lucifer accepted the information, which represented his willingness to deal with the H-Z League of Nations.

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