Zhou Tianyu's data is more comprehensive than he imagined. It contains not only the H-Z League of Nations organization, the infiltrating forces in the Beijing elite circle, but also some H-Z League of Union forces in other provinces and cities.

However, the main power of the H-Z International Alliance in country Z is in the capital city. As long as the power on the capital side can be eliminated, the power of other cities will also collapse.

Si Yizheng added some details about Plan S based on this information and Gu Yuexi, and determined the action plan. He and Xu Xianghu, and the people who participated in Plan S convened a video conference overnight. For this plan, Once again, careful deployment was carried out.

At this time, Si Yizhen didn't know that a shocking conspiracy had already begun in the dark, and when it dawned, it would sweep the entire capital.

In the early morning of the second day, Gu Yuehan came solemnly to Laoshan Manor.

"What's the matter?" Si Yizhen's hair was a little messy, and he was wearing a black silk robe and a belt slanted around his waist, sketching his slender figure and exposing his laziness.

Si Yizhen came to the bar, took out the coffee beans, and ground himself a cup of coffee. The fragrant coffee was mixed with the sourness of tannin, and the bitterness of the coffee beans, and the black coffee combined the characteristics of the sweet and sour taste of coffee. It is primitive and rough, deep and intriguing.

"Wen Xinya, something happened!" Last night Jiu Shao didn't sleep until more than four in the morning, and now he hasn't slept for less than four hours. If he can, he really doesn't want to disturb him at this time.

However, the passionate video about Wen Xinya has been spread all over the Internet, and the media news is all about the video. Although Jiu Shao does not pay attention to Wen Xinya, because of Mo Gong's relationship, he has always taken care of Wen Xinya. With such a big deal, Nine Young will not be indifferent.

Gu Yuehan hesitated a bit, and said the course of the event again: "I'm sorry Nine Young, this is our fault."

Si Yizhen's face sank slightly, the dark shadows on his eyes, and the gloomy complexion against his eyes, with a hint of surprise, he slowly walked to the sofa and put the coffee in his hand on the glass coffee table. Opened the laptop and searched for Wen Xinya Ji-qing videos.

When the enlarged face appeared in front of him in the video, his hand holding the mouse tightened suddenly: "It's her!"

Yesterday, the woman who asked her for help!

Because of that woman, last night, he had a rare spring dream. The dream was all about the woman crawling under his feet, using the slightly husky but strangely seductive voice to drive him crazy.

For the first time in his life, he really realized that it was such an ecstasy.

It is ridiculous that I realized all this, and it was actually in a dream.

In the video, the woman has been controlled by the emotional medicine, and her skinny body is not very good, but her body can always emit a kind of eccentric charm.

In a full 30-minute video, she was spoiled by three beasts in various kinky-slutty postures, dirty and disgusting ****, and it was disgusting. For the first time, he felt that there was something between men and women. It's so ugly.

"Yi" shattered, and Si Yizhen suddenly smashed the coffee cup in his hand to the laptop. The screen of the laptop could not withstand such forceful destruction, cracked numerous fine lines, and poured hot coffee on the notebook. The laptop emits a mist of smoke and is then completely reimbursed.

"Jiu Shao, please be angry!" Gu Yuehan knew that Ji Shao was angry, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

For so many years, Jiu Shao lost his temper a few times, but every time it was important. He did not expect that a Wen Xinya one could actually provoke Jiu Shao's outrage.

"Gu Yuehan, if I remember correctly, that room was a private room in Jiayuan." Si Yizhen's voice was cold and cold, and his eyes were staring at Gu Yuehan tightly. He didn't know why he was so angry. It's just that a anger that can't be vented in his heart makes his desires irrational.

"Yes, Jiu Shao ..." Gu Yuehan answered with a bowed head. Neither Nine Young nor him, did not pay attention to or be interested in Wen Xinya. It was easy to explain the photo, which was easy to arrange. I did not expect that Wen Xinya came out under his eyelids. Out of order.

"I asked you to look Wen Xinya, that's what you did? It happened under my eyelids. This is your light? I don't really see Wen Xinya in my eyes, but this does not mean You can neglect my orders. "

The cold voice did not have any emotional ups and downs, but the meaning in the words was scary.

Gu Yuehan knew that he had stepped to the bottom of Jiu Shao. He knelt down on one knee: "This is my fault, and Jiu Shao is asked to punish him."

He tried to try to figure out what Jiu Shao was thinking, thinking that Jiu Shao didn't value warmth and elegance, so he neglected the order of Jiu Shao, which caused today's consequences. Jiu Shao promised in front of Mo Gong's tomb that it would be Wen Xinya Wen Xinya to this point, Jiu Shao also faceless Mo Gong.

He was wrong.

Si also closed his eyes slowly: "Gu Yuehan, you are so disappointed that you go back to Italy!"

Gu Yuehan looked up in horror: "Nine Young ..."

He has been with Jiu Shao for more than ten years, and he did not expect that Jiu Shao would drive him away from him one day.

Si Yizhen cut off what he begged, and said quietly: "When you understand what obedience is, come back to me."

He doesn't need a subordinate to figure out his mind. What he needs is a helper who resolutely obeys his orders. If Gu Yuehan can't understand this truth, he will make this mistake again.

Gu Yuehan knelt on the ground and mixed with coldness. He suddenly thought that his older brother Gu Yuexi had said a word to him: Don't try to figure out his mind, because it is easy to make mistakes.

Unfortunately, he never understood the true meaning of that sentence.

Now that he understood it, but at such a painful price, he slowly lowered his head: "Yes!"

After Gu Yuehan left, Si Yizheng began to contact the major media and asked to stop reporting Wen Xinya scandals. At the same time, he arranged a large number of Internet hackers to perform carpet-like cleaning of major websites, not even personal computers.

He knew that Wen Ya had been prescribed medicine, so he sent someone to investigate the truth of the incident last night,

He moved very quickly, and even arranged to wash the Wen Xinya white matter, until the Wen family came to Miss Wen family, due to injection of high-purity liquid poison / product overdose, causing heart failure and died.

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