Miss Wen Jiajia died of heart failure due to injection of high-purity liquid poison / drug.

When he heard the news, Si Yizhen's mood was calm. It seemed that this woman who had nothing to do with him but had inextricable links with him, ended up in such a bleak end, never in his life, causing Over any stumbling and ripples.

As if that night, her humble gesture, the picture of asking for help at his feet, never left a thick scene in his life, and the moment from the throbbing of the soul was just a temporary illusion.

But he knew that something was always different.

Destiny is sometimes ridiculous, no matter it is the right time, the right place, the wrong person, or the wrong time, the wrong place, or the right person, will only leave the emotion of making people.

Death from an overdose of injection drugs is truly normal for drug users, but he knows that the Wen Xinya drug addiction has been controlled, and she managed to get to where she is today, and it is impossible to seek death by herself road.

So her death was hidden.

"Jiu Shao!" Yue Ze slowly walked into the living room. When he saw Ji Shao sitting on the sofa, he didn't know what he was thinking. Wen Xinya photos of the young lady.

Wen Xinya death, like a small stone thrown into the lake, stirred up a faint ripple, and finally disappeared without trace, no one would care, but Yue Ze knew that Jiu Shao was concerned, Gu Yue Han was assigned to Italy, and Jiu Shao's sudden attention to warmth and elegance, as well as the often unpredictable mood, all showed that Jiu Shao was different from the past.

Si Yi asked quietly, "What is it?"

Obviously, he didn't like to be disturbed too much.

"Henry called over, and the Wen Xinya body was taken away by the second Xu family. He was inconvenient to stop it." Yuze returned to Beijing to be ordered by the nine youths and was responsible for investigating the major families in Beijing, but Gu Yuehan was assigned. In Italy, he had to take over the work before Gu Yuehan.

Si Yi frowned, Dan Xiu's brows, with a hint of unpredictable cold frown: "Follow him!"

Xu Chenyu, the second member of the Xu family, is a proud and weak man in his bones. He has always been Wen Xinya for many years. He is also true to Wen Xinya and is more qualified to deal with Wen Xinya remains.

Si Yizhen said: "Arrange it and bury the Wen Xinya side of Mo Gong!"

He thought that she might hope so!

In this world, there is only Mo Gong who can treat her sincerely.

"Okay, I'll arrange it properly." Fengshui in Huaishan Cemetery is good, and the land price of the cemetery is almost every inch of land, which is several times more expensive than buying a house in the bustling area of ​​the capital. Got it, Jiu Shao arranged this way, it can be considered good intentions.

"How's the situation of the Wen family?" Since the Wen Group was found to be the core of HZ International Alliance's power in Beijing, he sent someone to closely investigate the Wen group, and closely followed the every move of the Wen group. Plan S also quietly began.

Xu Xianghu, who is in charge of this plan, has secretly come to the capital to stand by. Lucifer's internal elites have dispatched most of them. They must be hit in one shot to cut off the roots and not give the H-Z League of Nations any chance to fight back and escape.

"After Wen Ya died, Mr. Wen suffered a stroke, and his legs were bad. Now he is being treated in the hospital. Xia Ruya took 25% of the shares in Mr. Wen's hands and 5% in the hands of Mrs. Wen. With 30% of the shares, with the support of Xiao Jingnan, he became the chairman of the Wen Group. "

"It is rumored that Wen Haowen's death is related to Wen Haowen. Father Wen was so annoyed because he knew about it. Xia Ruya joined the shareholders and fired Wen Haowen, and Ning Shuqian became one of the shareholders of Wen's Group with 10% of the shares of Wen's Group. "

"Xiao Wen and Xiao Wen are actively preparing for the wedding of Xiao Jingnan and Xia Ruya. I heard that the wedding specifications are extremely grand and can be called century weddings. The wedding will be held in the New Century Manor three days later."

"The Wen family has been very lively these past few days." Si Yihuan means murmur, unclear and unpredictable.

Wen Xinya death seems to fulfill the interests of too many people and liberate the greed of too many people.

"Now, the entire circle is looking forward to the century wedding of the two Xiao Wen. The marriage between the two represents not only the conclusion of the two surnames, but also the union of the two interests. Xia Ruya not only represents It is the interest of the Wen family, as well as the interest of the Xia family. "Yue Ze couldn't guess his emotions at this time, and he didn't dare to speculate at will. Gu Yuehan's lesson learned that it was definitely not a wise move to speculate on the number nine.

The Xia family developed rapidly because of the support of the Wen family. Later, because the Gu family withdrew from the business community, the Xia family took advantage of the situation. Now the Xia family has developed to the point where the original Gu family kept pace.

The rise of the Xia family means the decline of the Wen family. Over the years, the Wen family's business has been worse than the day. The Wen family and the Xiao family are married. The Xiao family will sooner or later annex the Wen family. It is the marriage of the two Xiaoxia.

"Help me send a story of" Farmer and Snake "to Mr. Wen, and by the way, send him a copy of the information from the H-Z League of Nations." Si Yijun commanded softly.

I don't know what it feels like in the heart of Mr. Wen? The baby granddaughter who has been raised for decades is simply a wolf-eyed wolf, ungrateful, and bites the master, and the poor woman who has been disappointed by their family relationship, the flesh-and-blood sentiment, can't even beat the naughty belly arrow of a foreign daughter.

Really ridiculous.

Yue Ze was a little surprised. Was Jiu Xiao's move in a Wen Xinya mood for the deceased Miss Wen Jia?

"Notify Xu Xianghu that Plan S will be implemented in three days. Xiao Wen's century wedding will begin on the same day. I will send Xia Ruya and Xiao Jingnan a lifetime unforgettable gift." This gift is for them to see with their own eyes. Everything that I have calculated and operated for many years is ruined in an instant. The so-called rich and rich, the status of power, is just a dream bubble.

The Wen family should have belonged to that woman.

Now that Xia Ruya has stolen something that should not belong to her, it is better to destroy it together and accompany the woman's death.

After Yoshizawa ordered to leave, Si Yizhen turned and went to the study. He was so shiny and black, and wrote on the rice paper. The three willows, Wen, Xiao, and Xia, were thick and thin, cut iron and bones. The words of Shou Shenjun revealed the embarrassment of his colleagues.

In the end, Si Yizhen's strokes turned, a word of "kill", iron blood to kill the cuttings, and sharp edge.

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