Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1732: Falling from the abyss

In the end, the battle between T-K Group and Lanxin Company broke out.

At the same time, because of advertising and promotion violations, and counterfeiting and plagiarizing Lanxin's health care product formula, the people of Country Z also started the T-K Group and entered a large-scale fierce resistance.

The people of Z are completely united.

Unlike the Z-people who were scattered in the sand at the beginning, this country with a large population, strong cohesion, and a huge population system began to block the products that boycotted the T-K Group from various channels.

The conference room was filled with terrible low pressure and shrouded in thick haze. Jos lost the calmness of the past, determined, confident and arrogant, and could not even sit in the boss chair in the conference room.

"Lanxin Company is despicable to the extreme."

In front of Jos's seat, there was also a sales report sent by the marketing department. At the same time, there was a sales report of TK Group a week ago, two sales reports, the same astonishing data, but the content But it is a difference of heaven and cloud and mud.

In just one week, the T-K Group fell from the abyss from the altar.

"Jos, what shall we do now?"

In the meeting room, everyone will look at their wise leaders. Still in this critical moment, he can come up with a plan to save the current situation and let T-K Group survive this huge crisis.

"Step by step, Lanxin pushed us to the edge of the cliff, and now the acquisition plan has failed miserably, and we are all done."

No one expected that the small Lanxin company could give the T-K Group such a fatal blow when the T-K Group was in the limelight.

"The media has rashly reported our advertising and promotion violations, as well as counterfeiting the plagiarism of Lanxin's traditional Chinese medicine and health care products. The sweeping scandal has been spread and reprinted. It is no less than our bombing advertising model."

TK Group is deeply caught in the scandal and has failed. The most troublesome thing is that they will be caught in a lawsuit with Lanxin Company. Regardless of the outcome of this lawsuit, it will have a reputation for the company ’s reputation and product image. The reputation of the company caused a huge crisis, leaving TK Group with a stain that can never be washed away.

T-K Group will completely fall from the altar.

"According to the data transmitted from the headquarters of Country M, the sales of TK Group in all regions of the world have fallen across the board, and the company's stock has also shown a sharp decline. Became a sinner of the TK Group. "

No one had thought that a mere acquisition plan would eventually drag the entire T-K Group into the water, causing the entire group to be caught in the scandal of the lawsuit.

"Is it possible to find out about counterfeiting and plagiarizing Lanxin's TCM health care formulas? Is Lanxin's accusation true?" Joss, who had not spoken, finally spoke.

His voice was pale and powerless.

This is Lanxin's bottom-line salary plan, which completely transformed the T-K Group's hard-won Chinese medicine health care product into a broken copper and iron.

Losing the sharp weapon in their hands, they became powerless and could only be slaughtered by anyone.

No one spoke, there was nothing to say.

"I ask what you say?" Jos roared suddenly, the roaring voice, full of anger, like a beast fighting.

"Joss, this morning, the Chinese medicine master basil who is responsible for the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine health care products is missing. We launched all the contacts in country Z. No one could be found.

The sound of trembling sounded.

You don't need a positive answer to say it all.

Joss' eyes turned black and his body was haggard. If it hadn't been on the conference table, he would have fallen to the ground: "Abominable bastard!"

He yelled out loud.

However, even loud swearing is also a pale and weak vent.

He didn't expect that what caused him to fail was the Chinese medicine health products he was proud of.

Basil, Xia Ruya!

Those who valued him, eventually became a key figure in his defeat.

In the conference room, there was a dip.

Joss commanded weakly: "Find me, even if you dig the ground three feet, find them out for me."

Jos, like a defeated rooster, has completely lost his fighting spirit.

It was not until this moment that he really realized that he had hit Lanxin's calculations and made the product data public and transparent, which is the pit dug by Lanxin for them, waiting for them to jump in, and her goal, Not just a takeover battle, but the entire TK Group.

In the battle for the final victory, it seems that Lanxin Company will be defeated and defeated. In fact, it is to show strength. The higher the T-K Group is held, the worse it will fall.

"By the way, Chu? Why didn't he participate in the reply? Didn't you inform him?"

Jos thinks about Chu Jingnan, the very wise Z-nation, who immediately grasped a life-saving straw and asked aloud. He was in a mess, and urgently needed someone to analyze the situation for him. .

"This morning, news came from the headquarters of Country M. Genesis Investment Corporation officially withdrew from our acquisition plan. Chu booked a plane in the morning and returned to the United States. He is now on the plane."

The acquisition plan completely failed. Although the main reason is still on the T-K Group side, as a facilitator, Chu Jingnan still has to bear one of the responsibilities.

His return to country M will be handled by Genesis.

Joss' eyes were red. He looked down from the blinds in the conference room and watched a group of people from the country Z resisting the acquisition gathered by reporters. Only then did he realize that the T-K Group was powerless.

The Chinese market collapsed across the board.

The other markets of the M country head office also began to shrink.

What caused it all was because of his quick success.

"We lost, we lost completely." Joss sat back in the boss chair suddenly.

However, all of Tang's physiques were deeply trapped in the boss's chair, decadent and depressed, and he was not in the same position as before, sitting solemnly, with majestic and spirited looks.

"Joss, TK Group and Lanxin's lawsuit, who wins or loses, is unknown, even if Lanxin has the exact evidence? The outcome of the lawsuit, sometimes the key to determining the outcome is not evidence. "

The defense of a lawyer is crucial to the operation of the prosecution's evidence.

Moreover, Lanxin Company is just a small company that has not been listed. How can it win the T-K Group if a lawsuit is filed?

"We all underestimate Lanxin Company and underestimate Bella."

Underestimated is the ultimate cause of his failure.

He made a big mistake to underestimate his opponent, so he ended up losing ground.

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