Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1733: Born to rush with women

Sleeping Wen Xinya.

She had a dream, dreaming that Si Yizhen was in power, a noble and glorious life, he was high above him, like a god, and the picture was finally fixed. He was less than fifty years old, sitting alone on his throne, old Died of an attack.

A brilliant life.

Expensive life.

However, it is also a lonely life.

Inexplicably, she burst into tears.

When she woke up, tears soaked her pillow, and she was still immersed in that dream, thinking of seeing the life order [Standing, lonely and old] years ago.

"What's the dream?" Si Yiming's fingertips gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"How long have I slept?" Wenya was sober from the sour mood, snuggled into Si Yi's arms, clutching his clothes tightly with both hands.

Before she remembered, she fell asleep on her way back from the court.

Si Yiming's big palm, stroking her back gently, seemed to be comforting her: "I slept for seven hours and missed lunch. It is now six o'clock in the evening, and dinner will be fine for a while."

She slept heavily, and curled up in his arms, clutching his clothes tightly.

He lay beside her and kept watching her.

I don't know what she dreamed about, the expression on her face keeps changing, joy, sadness, sourness, tears ...

"I have been sleeping for so long." Wen Ya avoided the topic of dreams. Although it was just a dream, she didn't know why, she believed it to be true.

Powerful as a company.

In fact, it is also distressing.

Si Yizhen did not continue to ask her, about Fang Cai's dream: "Are you going to sleep for a while?"

She was so tired because she was too tired.

Wenya shook her head, stretched her arms around his neck, and put her face against his chest, saying, "Si Yizhen, I will always be with you, and I will never make you alone."

In Si Yizhen's eyes, Lanbo rose and hugged her tightly into her arms.


Chu Jingnan stood at the international airport of country M, watching the passengers coming and going, feeling that his life was back to the moment when he first entered the territory of country M six years ago.

At first, he was trapped in the turmoil of Xiao's illegitimate children, and he was driven away from country M. It was very embarrassing.

Today, he assisted T-K Group's acquisition plan failed, and was ordered to return to China. How can it not be the same?

His life seemed to be back to the beginning again.

At the beginning, he was defeated by a woman who made him unforgettable.

-Wen Xinya!

Today, he is also defeated by a woman, a mysterious woman.


He naturally seemed to be violent with women.

Chu Jingnan calmed down his mood, without even returning to his residence, went directly to Genesis M company.

The boss of the Genesis Investment Company looked at the young face he was looking forward to, and shook his head: "Chu, you know, I have always admired your ability to work, but this time the acquisition plan of the TK Group, you It disappoints me. "

Chu Jingnan is an elite rookie on Wall Street and has a strong working ability. Since entering the company, his performance has been excellent. The acquisition plan of TK Group, which is a big case, will be handed to him mainly because he is People in country Z, know more about the situation in country Z, and will be more sure to assist TK Group in completing the acquisition plan.

He gave him the most elite investment team of Genesis Investment Company, but the acquisition plan ended in a fiasco.

Chu Jingnan did not justify anything, but said sincerely: "BOSS, I'm sorry, I have failed your trust, and I will take full responsibility for the failure of this acquisition plan and resign!"

The acquisition plan has failed, and no amount of self-justification is pale. As an outstanding senior investor, there are only successes and failures in the credo of life.

This time the acquisition of T-K Group is destined to become the biggest stain in his life.

With the stain of failure, it will be difficult for him to reach the true peak in this industry in the future.

Although there was too much unwillingness in his heart, but that was the end of the matter, he had to bear the consequences and accept the facts.

BOSS looked at him and said for a long while, "In fact, I know that the main responsibility for the failure of the TK Group's acquisition this time lies with the partner's TK Group. The failure of their internal decision-making has led to the acquisition plan being blocked and cannot be fully launched. Liability Not all of you. "

He has obtained all the information about the acquisition battle between T-K Group and Lanxin Company. The T-K Group was dissatisfied with the high-level decision making, which led to the company's plan, which was the main reason for the acquisition plan.

The Genesis Investment Company has always been steadfast in its efforts to cooperate with the T-K Group without any mistakes in decision-making. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Chu Jingnan.

However, he was out of luck!

Chu Jingnan put his hands on the abdomen with his hands folded. This is a gesture of respect for the boss, but without losing confidence: "BOSS, no matter what the failure, can't hide the fact that it failed."

It took him four years to become a Wall Street elite.

It took two years to fall from heaven.

However, he believes that he will climb up again in less time.

BOSS appreciates Chu Jingnan and regrets: "Genesis Investment Company has always been a cutting-edge investment company on Wall Street. This failure has caused a huge negative impact on the company's reputation and strength. The company decided that you will assume all responsibilities and release you. Employment contract. "

After that, he pushed a document before him.

The young man now has a bright future, and he doesn't want to lose this general, but the situation forces him to do so.

Chu Jingnan took over the contract of termination of employment, took off the pen on his chest, and signed his name with ease: "BOSS, thank you for your promotion and cultivation of me over the years."

Chu Jingnan pushed the contract back to him.

The attitude is calm and chic.

BOSS looked at him and said, "What are your plans for the future?"

Chu Jingnan said indifferently: "After solving the problem of country M, I plan to return to country Z."

Indeed, he intends to return to China for development.

BOSS was surprised: "Chu, do you really decide to give up the contacts and resources you have accumulated in the investment industry for so many years in Country M? It will allow you to quickly return to the peak of your life. After you return to China, Your life will start from scratch. This is not an easy process. "

For his decision, BOSS did not understand.

Chu Jingnan smiled slightly: "Yes, I have decided, there is an old saying in the state of Z that wherever you fall, you have to get up from where."

At the beginning, he spent four years, from a landless wanderer, taking root in Country M and squeezing Wall Street.

Now why can't he spend less time reaching another peak of his life?

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