Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 810: Escape from the wolf's den and enter the tiger's den

Wen's Group is holding a grand product launch sales cocktail, and Warm and Ya also made a public appearance because her grandfather announced in public that the foundation was established in her name, and she got a fire in front of the media and the public, turning her into an instant The protagonist of the conference attracted everyone's attention, and the light was dazzling and dazzling.

But Xia Ruya was not so lucky.

At this time, Xia Ruya, her hair was messy and tangled on her head, because she had not been groomed for seven days, and was constantly tossed by the man in the black T-shirt. At this time, her hairstyle was comparable to a beggar on the roadside, and it was dirty. , Messy and smelly.

The exquisite makeup on the face also faded away, the already sunken cheeks, lined with sunken eye sockets, empty like a soulless doll, dark blue under the eyes, and a wretched white complexion It's almost terrible.

At this time, Xia Ruya, even if standing in front of Wen Xinya, it is estimated that Wen Xinya will not recognize her for a while.

She persuaded the man in the black T-shirt to fight against the water and reached a deal with her. She gave him ten million yuan and he let him go.

The man in the black T-shirt was really excited, and now she took her quietly away. She could finally escape from the terrible magic cave and never have to face those terrible things again.

The black T-shirt man took Xia Ruya to the fourth floor of an abandoned demolition old building, and then the black T-shirt man began to intimidate her more blatantly.

Xia Ruya was struck by lightning. She never thought that she had worked hard to calculate this result!

Fortunately, because of his ten million dollars, he was not so overwhelming as before.

Last night, the man in the black T-shirt drank a lot of alcohol, tossed her most of the night, and hasn't woke up yet, and she is wearing a run-down clothes that can hardly hide her body, and sits against the wall.

It was already the second day. This was the second day that the man in the black T-shirt took her away, but he never mentioned the transaction again, let alone her.

There is also a strong worry in her heart. This black T-shirt man is fierce and irritable. kinky. Evil, is she really right to make a deal with him?

Will it be with the tiger?

Entered the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den?

However, she did not retreat, she could only choose to do so.

She would never give up the money in her hand to Xia's group of wolf-hearted things.

Now, working with this man is the only chance for her to escape from Xia Jia's clutches. She doesn't want to let go, so she wants to bet on it.

Think of it this way.


Xia Ruya was startled and looked subconsciously towards the sound source.

It turned out that the man in the black T-shirt accidentally brushed the bottle on his hand to the ground in his sleep. The bottle immediately fell to the ground and splashed with debris.

She could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, the black T-shirt seemed to be awakened by the sudden sound, and opened his eyes when the body moved.

The hangover's intoxication has not completely passed, he touched the lower body with some hard stuff, and plans to do some artillery today, not only the back but also the front, anyway, he has now taken Xia Ruya to escape Come out, don't listen to the boss anymore, this woman can play as she wants.

Don't think that ten million can threaten him.

He has been mixing for so long that no one has been threatened yet.

Thinking like this, he staggered up from the ground, then stumbled towards Xia Ruya.

Xia Ruya's pupils kept shrinking, and she saw a deep desire for evil in his eyes, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

She suddenly thought that in the hands of the group, the man was Ling. Insult her, play with her ... but at least ... dare not break through the last line of defense, but now ... he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

She had forgotten this, and was still complacent to escape the clutches of Xia's family, but she did not expect that ... she simply left the fire pit and jumped into the sea of ​​fire.

Funny, she didn't see through!

She always sees it this way!

She flinched and shivered, "What do you want to do? Don't ... don't come over!"

The seven-day abduction time made her understand that it was impossible to escape. Her hands and legs were tied tightly. The long-term **** made her blood circulation slow and her hands and feet weak. She has no way to escape her bondage.

But ... I really want to be strong. Fate of violence?

She thought of Ning Yuya. At the birthday party of Zhou Tianyuya, Zhou Tianyu rescued her from the man's hands, but she fell into the hands of that man. She was very scared and tried to save Ning Yuya's. , But she was so scared that she eventually passed out deliberately and later took the opportunity to hide.

She saw Ning Yuya being strong. The whole process of violence.

Listening to her crying, crying, crying and crying, she kept calling her name, hoping she could save her.

But she didn't!

She was afraid that she would fall into such a fate.

However, she did not expect that one day, she would still fall into this field.

It's terrible, it's terrible.

Xia Ruya sharply said, "Don't come over, otherwise you won't get a mess of money."

Who knew the black T-shirt man grinned. kinky. Evil smile: "Don't you say that before, I have a way to make this deal so that both of us can rest assured, how did you go against it?"

Xia Ruya is somewhat unknown.

The man in the black T-shirt crouched in front of her, took out a small knife and cut off the shackles on her body. Looking at her wrists, there were some dark purple skin marks on the skin: "I am really pity for fragrance."

When Xia Ruya was free, she almost wanted to escape subconsciously.

Who knew that the man in the black T-shirt moved faster than her, and suddenly rushed at her: "Hey! I want to escape, no way!"

Xia Ruya screamed: "Ah ... what are you doing, let me go, let me go ..."

She was struggling with her hands and feet free, but the weakness between her hands and feet made her struggle more tickle-like and did not pose any threat to the man.

Began to panic and start to be afraid!

Has completely lost his mind, screaming and screaming insanely: "Asshole, you let go of me, don't you want that ten million?"

The black T-shirt man has torn off the clothes on Xia Ruya's body: "Hey, I just want that 10 million, so I want to do you, do you honest, obedient, well-behaved, cool, I To get the money smoothly! "

He had never believed in Xia Ruya from the beginning. This woman was too cunning, but the ten million temptations were too strong, so he accepted her proposal, but ... he would never follow the card. Manage the cards.

The coolness on her body reminded her of her fate: "You ... if you dare touch me, I won't give you a dime."

The man in the black T-shirt didn't care. He just pulled her to merge his legs and rammed her body: "I never expected that you could send the money to my hands ... as long as I played with you, shoot After your photos and excitement. Love videos, you will obediently give me money, and ... as much as I want. "

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