Xia Ruya's emotions were murky for a while. It turned out ... he kept thinking about this idea, she didn't see through it, she thought she had calculated him, and finally escaped the clutches of Xia's family, but she didn't know that she really entered. Magic cave.

Ten million couldn't satisfy his appetite, so he threatened her with photos and videos.

Money alone can't satisfy him. kinky. Evil desire. Hope, so he wants to be strong. Violent her.

She underestimated the man.

Too confident in myself, thinking that he can stop this man.

She's most proud of counting people's hearts, but she hasn't accounted for this seemingly impulsive and kinky. Evil lecherous man.

The geese were beaten all day long and were finally pecked by the geese.

She finally tasted the feeling of being backstabbed.

Xia Ruya finally reflected on her, yeah ... she used to be a flower in a greenhouse. When she met such a person, she thought that she had good means, but how could she compare with these mixed street stabs.

So she lost to this man.

Therefore, she also lost to Wen Ya, because Wen Ya was once a mixed street.

Xia Ruya's heart was lying on the ground like a dead ash. The man abused and abused her. Every action caused old injuries on the body and the pain of heartbreaking.

But this kind of pain and torture can never compare with the pain and suffering in my heart.

She is too aware of the importance of innocence to women, especially in this seemingly prosperous, dirty and corrupt high society, so she has been operating her pure and camouflage camouflage, and she has also maintained her purity.

At the beginning, she even used her own reputation to prove her innocence, and in the end she still lost her proud and important things.

The black T-shirt man's mouth went to kiss Xia Ruya, the disgusting alcohol smell accompanied by a stench in his mouth, she let the stomach twitch and desperately shook her head, trying to avoid this and the invasion of the mouth .

"Help me ... let me go ... don't do this to me." Xia Ruya made an intermittent and broken voice, feeling that she was hit by a hard object under her, every time with pain, she began to struggle desperately.

Her rebellion angered the black T-shirt man. He grabbed Xia Ruya's hair and it was a slap.

"Ah ... don't do this ... please don't do this ..." There was a burning pain in her cheek, and then a big hand began to walk freely around her, Xia Ruya waved his hand to pat his face ...

The man in the black T-shirt was annoyed by both hands, and he directly restrained her hand and raised it above her head: "Smelly bitch. Son, you are obedient and obedient, and can suffer less, otherwise ... … Don't blame me for not showing pity. "

In the following process, Xia Ruya shouted her voice, she struggled, she cried, she screamed, she screamed, and she cursed completely.

Then, she felt that she was pulling her legs tightly together with all her strength, and she was pulled away so strongly that she forgot that she was struggling.

Just when she thought it was when life hurts.

Her body seemed to be torn, and Shengsheng was pulled apart two times, and then ...

Then she suddenly realized that this is the world's most painful!

At that moment, panic, fear, humiliation, unbearableness, despair, unwillingness, and resentment all kinds of emotions came in the direction of the invasion, and she fell into hell.

She finally lost her most important thing.

She screamed and cried with her neck up: "You, this beast, you are not as good as a dog, you must not die ... you will be revenge, you will go to hell."

She kept cursing like this, cursing ...

Her voice was sore and painful, and she couldn't speak at all. Her strength had been lost because of the struggle. She lay on the ground and suffered such atrocity as a corpse.

She didn't feel it long, and how many times she didn't feel it, she knew ... that she had been tortured to be crazy!

Finally, the man stopped.

He crawled on her, contented. kinky. With a smile: "Haha ... it's a virgin, really TM's cool, I knew it already, I should have done you already."

Then it was a while. kinky. Unspeakable profanity.

Xia Ruya was lying dead on the ground, like a lifeless rag doll.

The man didn't care and walked to the corner to take out a camera: "Hey ... I was struggling to perform just now, I guess the picture is very wonderful, if you don't want me to put it online, you obediently ..."

With this camera, he doesn't have to worry about this woman playing tricks, this woman has a lot of money, these money now belong to him.

Xia Ruya looked at him like a walking dead.

Men are still smug.

Xia Ruya moved her body, and her large, hollow eyes reflected the man's bright body. The previous picture was staged in her mind, and her eyes flashed the color of madness ...

But he didn't notice it, and was somewhat proud: "We'll continue to play for a while. Now that we've played, we have to do enough!"

He decided not to let Xia Ruya for the time being, and let's get tired of it first.

Anyway, he has Xia Ruya's video in his hands, and he is not afraid of her tricks.

Xia Ruya slowly sat up from the ground, unconsciously reached out and grabbed the ground, and then touched a hard object with her fingers. She held it directly in her hand without realizing what she was holding ...

Then, she didn't know where she had strength and courage. She rushed forward and hit the back of the man in the black T-shirt.

A "crisp" sounded crisply, and Xia Ruya was shocked. The wine bottle she was holding in her hand was just smashed. The bottle broke and the black T-shirt male head broke.

The body of the black T-shirt man sitting on the chair fell to the ground, looking at Xia Ruya incredibly: "You ... you ..."

Xia Ruya squatted down on the ground, stretched out her skinny hand, and fiercely grabbed the camera he held in his hand: "You have to pay for what you do."

The black T-shirt man desperately wanted to get up from the ground.

Xia Ruya lifted the chair around her, her face sinking like water, like a dead silence, and smashed towards the black T-shirt man.

The man in the black T-shirt looked at him in horror. He had never seen one person, used violence against another person, and could still maintain such a calm expression, as if there were no mood swings, as if it were a dark death, as if his life was just an ant. Can't stir her half emotion.

This woman is really terrible!

It's too hard.

This was his last consciousness.

"Hahahaha ..." Xia Ruya looked at the man lying on the ground in a pool of blood, and laughed wildly, and she felt a sense of revenge.

She slowly picked up the rags on the ground and washed her body with mineralized water. Obviously, she could do such a noble act.

Until the blood on her body and the residue of the man were cleaned, she picked up the clothes belonging to her on the ground and put it on her body. The worn-out clothes could not cover her body. She was rather disgusted and provoked the man to aside. The coat is over his body.

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