Reborn as a Pea Shooter

102, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

"... Eureka? Sof?" He paused, his mouth corner raised, "Or Elena... Meyer?"

Ming Fei was shocked when he heard this series of names. These were all the superiors in Palant, and the biggest common point was that they were all absolutely loyal to Vanla.

Was he hinting at something?

Ming Fei couldn't move, but his mind was turning quickly. He had invaded the intelligent brain before, and the knowledge he plundered was not much, only involving some low-level political orders, and he had not explored the confidential documents they wanted to capture.

However, Vanla plundered much more information than him, and it was unknown whether he got the information he wanted.

The two could not communicate now, and Ming Fei could only watch.

The stranger kept staring at Vanla, and he seemed to want to stimulate Vanla with the names he spit out one after another from his mouth. Even if Vanla's expression changed a little, it would be enough.

Unfortunately, Fanla's expression remained unchanged. He was still the same as he was at the beginning. He was imprisoned, but he was calm as if he was at home.

The stranger walked closer and finally stopped talking. He looked at Fanla in silence. The two were of similar height and momentum. They stood opposite each other, with a clear distinction.

The stranger snorted coldly, breaking the stalemate. He moved slightly closer and said in a very low voice that only the two of them could hear: "You are still so confident. Isn't it enough to lose because of this ridiculous confidence?"

Ming Fei couldn't hear what he said clearly, but at this moment, he saw Fanla's pupils, which had always been calm, shrink, and the disguised red eyes were even about to reveal the deep blue.

Ming Fei looked at Fanla's expression, and his heart ached. He couldn't speak or even inexplicably. Obviously, his thoughts and feelings were not connected, but at this moment, he seemed to feel Fanla's heartbeat-he was greatly shocked.

Everything was fleeting, and when he came back to his senses, it was like rewinding, returning to the previous scene.

The stranger's expression was hidden behind the strange mask, only the corner of his mouth was raised with a hint of sarcasm, and Fanla... had no expression at all.

After that, there was no word.

The stranger walked back to the high seat and whispered a few words.

Then, Ming Fei felt that his body had regained control, but it was locked tightly and imprisoned in a semicircular glass cover.

Then, the pressure increased sharply. There was nothing, but it was like being pressed by a mountain. Even if he could control his body, he couldn't move at all.

The body was imprisoned, but it couldn't stop the mind. In an instant, Ming Fei's thoughts had extended out.

But... after touching the transparent glass cover, it was quickly bounced back. There was actually a thought barrier.

This time, he had no choice.

Then the thoughts couldn't get out, but the eyes could look out through the transparent glass cover.

Not far away, he saw Fanla was also locked in the same transparent cover. Because of Ming Fei's safety, he didn't resist at all and surrendered.

Ming Fei stared blankly, as if sensing something, Vanla turned her head slightly and looked at him.

Strange face, strange red eyes, but Ming Fei felt the tenderness and determination in those eyes.

In an instant, all the depression was swept away, just a look, he firmly believed that they would definitely escape and return to Palant!

Then, a hard object pressed against his waist, a stabbing pain, and consciousness began to blur.

Before he fainted, he vaguely heard the stranger order: "Remove his disguise..."

Remove the disguise? ! Ming Fei was anxious, but he couldn't care so much, his consciousness disappeared, and he fell into a deep sleep.


"Master... Master, wake up, Master." The crisp child's voice sounded in his ears, and Ming Fei vaguely felt someone pushing him gently.

After a brief confusion, the memory before the coma was instantly replayed, and he immediately woke up, opened his eyes, and sat up suddenly.

"Ouch, ouch..." A soft hum sounded in his ears.

Ming Fei turned his head and saw the fat little branch rolling on the ground because of his sudden rise. The sound was naturally made by it.

Ming Fei grabbed the little branch and pressed him in his arms, and then he looked around.

It was not in a closed space, but in a wilderness. He seemed to have slept on the grass before. The sky was high, but it was gray, as if it was going to rain and covered by dark clouds.

The breeze blew across the green grass, bringing a cool breeze and making low sounds in the vast space.

Ming Fei stared blankly, unable to come back to his senses. This scene was not uncommon in his previous life. The sky, the earth, the grass and the breeze were originally very normal, but in this galaxy, it was very rare...

He held the little branch, stood up, and looked blankly into the distance. The green grass was endless.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A strange voice sounded.

Ming Fei looked in the direction of the sound and suddenly found a figure in front of his left.

Not far away, the man was wearing a white robe, flowing naturally, with long black and gray hair loosely scattered behind him, hanging straight down on the grass.

He turned his head and looked at Ming Fei.

White skin, red eyes, a very flamboyant face, but it could not hide the vicissitudes and fatigue.

Is it a dark elf? Ming Fei did not know him.

The man stepped forward and said to Ming Fei: "You can call me Angry. Don't worry, it's safe here."

Ming Fei frowned: "You saved me?"

The man nodded.

Ming Fei paused, but still asked: "Have you... seen the person with me?"

The man looked at him, raised his left hand, and a transparent bubble slowly appeared. Ming Fei was puzzled, but his eyes widened instantly.

In the bubble, a person was suspended in the air, with silver hair and blue eyes, and a delicate face as quiet as if he was asleep.

It's Vanla!

Ming Fei ran over anxiously. The bubble seemed invisible but blocked him out. He turned his head and asked Angry: "What did you do to him?"

Ming Fei's tone was not good. To be honest, he didn't have a good impression of Angry. It seemed that he was saved by him, but Angry was obviously a dark elf, and it was hard to say what conspiracy he had.

And now, Vanla was controlled by him. Ming Fei would never believe that he had no purpose.

Angry was not angry at Ming Fei's impoliteness, but just said calmly: "He's fine, but he can't wake up for the time being."

Ming Fei calmed down and looked at him vigilantly: "What is your purpose?"

The dark elf who had been calm all the time, complex emotions flashed in his red eyes. He looked at Ming Fei and said in a voice that was almost a sigh: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I don't know you."

Angry glanced at the floating Vanla, and then looked at Ming Fei: "If possible, can you sit down and talk with me?"

He said it very politely, but Ming Fei was very upset in his heart. He had no choice at all. Vanla was controlled, and he didn't want to sit down and talk.

Seeing Ming Fei's vigilance, Angry smiled bitterly: "I won't hurt you."

Ming Fei said indifferently: "Just say whatever you want." As soon as he finished speaking, he hugged the small branch and sat directly on the grass.

Angry was stunned. He didn't expect him to sit directly on the ground, but then he smiled slightly and sat on the grass like him, brushing his robe.

Ming Fei rested his chin on the round head of the small branch and stared at Angry.

Angry smiled slightly and began to speak in a slow but steady tone.

The long-forgotten past, like an old scroll, slowly unfolded, lingering with dust representing the rings of the year, revealing all the secrets hidden for a long time.

Angry lived for too long, so long that he himself had forgotten his age.

It was just that at that time, there was no war as chaotic as it is now.

Plants and zombies living on the same planet lived in harmony. Although they were of different races, they lived in peace.

Zombies are carnivores and are not interested in plants, while plants enjoy the gifts of nature and live a simple and happy life.

The quiet was broken one morning when a seed fell from the sky and sank silently into the soil, bringing about earth-shaking changes.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】

The seeds took root and sprouted in just a few months, flourished and grew into a towering tree.

The innocent plants and simple zombies were curious about this anomaly, but had no sense of crisis.

And this giant tree did not belong to this unknown star. It came from a distant galaxy, spanning countless light years, from an unimaginable distance.

It carries the continuation of a race called elves.

Their prosperous galaxy civilization was destroyed by the natural demise of the main star, and was instantly wiped out. The civilization that had been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years was vulnerable to the destruction of the main star.

The only thing that escaped was the seed representing life.

After hundreds of years of exile, the seeds of the Tree of Life finally took root on this low-level planet.

And the elves sleeping in it also revived.

This group of elves with the memory of civilization gradually came out of the pain of losing their homeland, saw the planet they were on clearly, and tried to make the civilization of the elves rise again.

It was too easy for the intelligent and powerful elves to recapture the simple natives - plants and zombies.

However, in just a few months, they have become the new masters of this unnamed star.

And named the planet Palant.

Decades of infrastructure construction, with advanced technology and concepts, brought prosperity to a blank planet effortlessly.

However, after stabilization, restless factors began to beat.

The high-level elves had differences in thought.

The elves headed by the research institute firmly believed that technology should be vigorously developed to greatly enhance the power of the elves from various angles. Because they had experienced the destruction of a galaxy, which almost completely destroyed the civilization of the elves, the fear in their hearts has never disappeared. It even became more and more intense. In order not to encounter the extinction of stars again, they worked hard and devoted themselves to research and experiments.

With continuous failures, they became more and more unscrupulous. After many cruel experiments using simple plants and zombies, another group of elves headed by elementalists were completely angered.

The elves, led by elementalists, admire the beauty of nature and are keen on the various elements that exist in the world. They are fascinated by this and have become extremely tolerant.

They love simple plants and zombies, get along with them, and never distinguish between races.

However, it is this kind of people-friendly behavior that makes the research institutes uncomfortable. They think that they are not enterprising and are self-degrading. Being close to lower creatures will only reduce their own strength and add to the burden.

The differences continued to expand. After a large-scale experiment failed and a large number of plants and zombies died, the contradiction between the two factions became completely intense.

However, the elves of the research institute mastered most of the academic and technological knowledge. Although their individual combat capabilities may be insufficient, they have the support of numbers and technology. In addition, they are ruthless and do whatever it takes. They are much more efficient than the elemental elves who have many concerns.

After the contradictions could not be reconciled, the elves of the research institute finally decided to give up their stubborn and self-degrading compatriots.

An inhumane massacre unfolded quietly in the bright morning.

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