Reborn as a Pea Shooter

103, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

Even if they are of the same race, the hatred established under the constant intensification of contradictions is still very terrifying.

On the eve of the complete break-up, the elves of the elemental school had already had a premonition. Although they could not defeat the power of the elves of the research institute, and had always opposed their brutal research on life forms.

But in fact, they did not sit and wait for death. They also experienced the disaster of star destruction and faced the pain of almost extinction. They endured no less than the elves of the research institute.

They are equal, so they also have ideas in their hearts and are afraid, but the actions they take are completely opposite to those of the elves of the research institute.

The elves of the research institute are selfish and have never looked down on the native plants and zombies. They ruthlessly treat them as experimental subjects.

But the elves of the elemental school, because of their long-term contact with plants and zombies, love them because of their simplicity. In the end, they consider plants and zombies as their own race in their survival plan.

Not to use them for experiments, but to save all the life forms on this planet.

The Tree of Life cannot make space jumps again after it has taken root and sprouted. Therefore, if a star is destroyed again, a larger spaceship is needed to continue life, carrying elves, plants and zombies. Taking everyone away and continuing the shared civilization in another galaxy is the ideal of the elemental elves.

However, there is not much time to wait for the completion of the "Life" spaceship. The elves of the institute have already launched a war and carried out inhumane cleansing of alien species.

After three days and three nights of fighting to the death, the blood of the elves, plants and corpses of zombies spread across half of the planet. However, sacrifice also brought respite.

The unfinished "Life" broke out of the ground.

The unprecedented huge spaceship was like a giant dragon sleeping in the ground, leaping up, without showing its teeth and claws, it had already shocked the elves of the institute.

The elemental elves who survived by chance took away all the zombies and a large part of the elves, and flew away on an unprecedented giant ship.

On the surface, they left with unlimited scenery, but their hearts were completely confused.

Even the simple-minded plants and zombies were silent, lying on the portholes, looking at the extremely beautiful blue planet from a height they had never imagined.

The war between the same race came to an end.

Although they failed to kill them all, the result had greatly satisfied the elves of the research institute. There were no more doubts and hypocritical faces. They could concentrate on research and fight for eternal life.

The situation of the escaped elemental elves was not optimistic.

The "Life" was not completely completed, and the energy consumed by the reluctant flight was incalculable.

Although the disabling of the combat system saved a lot of resources, it was difficult to fly and could not identify the direction due to the imperfection of the star navigation map, which was extremely dangerous in the universe.

You know, in the vast universe, in addition to countless planets, there are more undetectable voids.

There is no planet, and the empty void, no matter how many years it travels, it may be standing still.

However, energy is limited, and the huge size of the "Life" is already very strenuous just to maintain navigation.

If nothing unexpected happens, they can only fly for a month, and then... they will most likely wander in the void forever, waiting for death.

Just when they were desperate and saw no hope, a miracle happened.

A yellow dot suddenly appeared on a blank star map.

The elves who had been watching exclaimed. In the void of space, just one coordinate was enough to determine the direction!

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An emergency meeting was held. After a brief and quick discussion, everyone decided to take a gamble no matter what. Even if the yellow dot was hell, it was better than waiting to die in the void.

After the budget estimate, the energy was just enough to support the spacecraft to fly to the destination.

Everything seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand. Although it felt a little weird, the elves had no choice but to follow the control to the unknown.

After twenty days of sailing, the elves were ecstatic when they saw this unknown galaxy. As long as they could land and there were planets, the technology and seeds carried by the Life were enough to mine any planet and make it habitable. This is also the main reason why the Life is so huge.

The Life landed safely, and the moment the hatch was opened, everyone was reborn.

This galaxy is very strange. Although there is a young and energetic star, all the planets in the galaxy are shrouded by a strange unknown substance, which is in a dark state all year round and never sees the sun.

This is very fatal to the elves and plants who like the sun.

But there is no choice. The environment is in front of us. Either adapt or be eliminated.

At this time, the zombies who like darkness adapt quickly.

Faced with the spiritless elves and wilted plants, the zombies bravely came out and tried their best in the initial planet mining.

It is precisely because of this that the elves and plants have a chance to breathe.

After several years of evolution, most elves have adapted, but the plants have suffered much more. After countless deaths, strange mutations have occurred, giving rise to many mushrooms that naturally prefer darkness...

However, planetary development is not easy. Even though they are well prepared, many high-end technologies cannot be used due to the decline of the elves, and the zombies almost rely on the power of their hands to transform.

Such hardship, even the tenacious zombies, many of them cannot bear it and die one after another.

Although they do not have to adapt to the environment, the number of zombies who died in order to save their companions is beyond imagination.

When the elves cheered up and completely took over the transformation of the planet, the zombies also experienced cruel elimination, and their vitality became stronger and their strength became much stronger.

However, due to many unknown reasons, the genes of this race were indelibly traumatized. ——They will never be able to evolve again.

Because of their efforts, the elves finally named this new galaxy as Zanmubo.

If everything ends here, then it seems that there will be no later stories.

While the people of the Zanmubo galaxy were working hard to transform, develop and upgrade, the Palant galaxy was also not idle.

Without opposition, their research went more smoothly, and they really got the expected breakthrough.

In a fusion experiment, they found that Palant's plants could merge with the Tree of Life, replenish the energy lost by the Tree of Life, and even show signs of cultivating a stronger force!

This discovery made them ecstatic.

Although the lifespan of elves is long, they will eventually die. The Tree of Life has lost its ability to reproduce due to previous consumption. If this continues, the race will be exterminated.

Only when new life is born can the race continue!

But immediately, another problem arose.

Because after the war with the elemental elves, most of the plants were taken away, and the number left was very small. Originally, the elves didn't care. Their xenophobic thinking made them never look down on plants and zombies. It didn't matter whether they stayed or not.

But... it's different now!

They need plants, and maybe even zombies. Since plants can be fused with the Tree of Life, then zombies may also be possible!

They need these life forms to strengthen the Tree of Life and continue their race.

Therefore, a new round of conspiracy was born.

With the highly developed technology, the elves of Palant can easily detect the location of Zanmubo.

The invasion war kicked off without any controversy.

Zanmubo, who wanted to hide his hatred and start a new life, could not live in peace.

Fortunately, this strange galaxy also made the invading Palant suffer a lot, and the Zanmubo people who had adapted to this unique environment used their own advantages and cleverly defended and counterattacked to achieve a delicate balance.

Moreover, in this constant battle, the elves and plants have evolved significantly. At this time, they finally realized that there is a strong and kind life in this galaxy that protects them.

Give them a long life and constant genetic evolution. After the plants can transform into elves, the continuation of their lives is even maintained!

Because of its help, the Zanmubo people even have the hope of turning defeat into victory.

After all, the elves of Palant will die one less, and they will all end in the end.

However, this process is too long. The elves of Palant have captured a large number of plants and quickly merged with the Tree of Life. After it regains its reproductive ability, the elves of Palant are looking forward to it, waiting for a new life!

However... after the tree of life spread the seeds of life and successfully cultivated them, they were completely disappointed.

What was born... was not an elf, but... a plant.

This huge blow almost drove the elves of the institute crazy.

They didn't know what went wrong, and even killed all the newly born plants in a frenzy.

But... the second batch of life seeds were still plants.

At this time, the revenge from Zanmu Bo became more and more fierce, and the Palant elves, who had lost a lot of energy, suffered the consequences.

After retreating step by step, they finally calmed down and stopped madly killing the new plants. Instead, they began to change their attitude. They adopted plants and cultivated and educated them. After the first batch of plants evolved into elves, they finally caught their breath.

Although they were hybrids, they were strong enough to resist the revenge from Zanmu Bo.

The battle line was stretched and deadlocked, and Palant, which had fallen into a trough, gradually recovered. After the new elves joined, the ancient elves of the institute finally changed their bad attitude, established a regime, and tried their best to develop Palant.

However, due to the long-lasting war, the cause of which could no longer be determined, the two star systems of Palant and Zanmuber became complete enemies.

In pursuit of their own justice, the war never stopped.

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