Reborn as a Pea Shooter

104, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

The continuation of a thousand years, the hatred deep in the bone marrow, and the war that has long been unable to distinguish right from wrong have been continuing.

At this point, Anger's voice finally stopped, and Ming Fei was stunned.

After a long silence, Anger looked at Vanla who had been in a deep sleep, and then said to Ming Fei: "Until the appearance of the natural elves, the ancient elves of the institute finally saw hope. These are elves born directly from the Tree of Life. They are their true tribesmen and descendants. Therefore, the status of natural elves is lofty. They are the pride of heaven at birth and attract much attention. Their upbringing since childhood has made their sense of hierarchy particularly serious. Newborn elves and plants are just their slaves..."

He paused slightly, looked at Ming Fei with a curled mouth and said sarcastically, "Natural elves have never looked down on newborn elves, not to mention that he is an emperor. Why do you think he can approach you?"

In the last sentence, his voice was very low, and it was somewhat meaningful.

Sighing, Angry said again: "Ming Fei, I have told you everything. The purpose is very simple. I hope you can stay. Zanmu Bo is far more suitable for you than Palant."

Ming Fei suddenly came back to his senses. He squinted his eyes and looked at Angry. His brown eyes were clear and his voice was crisp: "I don't know you at all, why should I believe you?"

Angry raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not continue to speak.

Ming Fei looked straight at him, his voice steady: "I was born in Palant and grew up in Palant. My home, my friends and everything are there. Why should I doubt my home because of a few words from you?"

Angry smiled and said; "Indeed, I have no evidence except telling you this past, but Ming Fei, I have no malice."

Ming Fei curled his lips and didn't take it seriously. He was not a three-year-old child. How could he believe a history that might be completely fictitious? No malice? The provocation in the previous words should not be too obvious!

He didn't say anything, but his expression was not concealed. Angry knew it very well. He kept smiling and said to Ming Fei: "It's okay. To show my sincerity, I will send you back to Palant."

After a brief moment of daze, Ming Fei looked at him warily: "Don't you want me to stay?" He changed his mind so quickly, there must be something fishy.

Angry said: "I do hope you can stay, but I'm not in a hurry. I have told you the facts. The Palant you have been exposed to is only a small part. To be honest, I will send you back, and it is also for you to judge whether what I said is right or wrong."

Ming Fei kept his face unchanged, but he couldn't help but waver slightly in his heart. He heard what Angry said. Regardless of whether it was true or not, he was listening to it as a script. The history recorded in the history books is all fabricated, how can you believe it if it is spoken?

The reason is actually very simple. Angerui is from Zanmubo, so what he said is naturally biased towards his own planet, and the so-called justice is all on his side.

If the person who said this was from Palant, it would probably be a different scene.

Even if it is the same thing, as long as the words are evasive, it means something completely different. It is too frivolous to believe it just by listening.

Regardless of whether the previous old things are true or false, Angerui did what he said.

It was not until Ming Fei got on a small travel spaceship and successfully took off that he really realized that he had left this desolate planet.

At the beginning, Ming Fei suspected that Angerui had other intentions, such as tricking them onto the spaceship and chasing and destroying them from behind. But later he felt that Angerui would not go to such lengths and wanted to destroy them, and there were too many opportunities.

Afterwards, Ming Fei was worried that he would be discovered by Zanmubo's patrol ship, which would be troublesome. But in fact, Angerui was very thoughtful. Although the speed of this small travel spaceship was average, it had all the necessary documents and would not be exposed in any scan, so it would not be suspected at all.

Such convenience made Ming Fei almost have a crooked mind. You know, the biggest reason why he and Vanla had not returned to Palant was that they wanted to explore the contents of the secret letter. If there was this travel spaceship, wouldn't it be much more convenient to act.

Although Vanla was still in a coma, Ming Fei was really eager to move. It would be a pity to let such a great opportunity go.

Unfortunately, when he made up his mind to do something, he found that Angerui was not a fool.

The route of this spaceship was forcibly locked, and it could only fly fixedly, and no manual operation could be performed. Even if Ming Fei used his thoughts to invade the intelligent brain, he only got a mandatory protection message: if it was forcibly invaded, the intelligent brain would start self-destruction.

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Don't even think about doing bad things, just "bang" - everyone will die together.

His little thoughts were suppressed, Fanla was still unconscious, and even Xiaozhizhi fainted when he was talking to Angerui just now. Mingfei didn't dare to wake them up rashly, and could only watch.

Xiaozhizhi seemed to be sleeping soundly, lying on his back, and almost bubbling.

Fanla's movements have not changed, and he has been in the same state since he was placed on the bed. Mingfei couldn't help but look at him several times.

The more he looked at her, the more he couldn't take his eyes off her. He didn't know if it was because the lover's eyes were full of beauty or what was going on. In short, he thought this person was very beautiful from any angle, and the more he looked at her, the more he liked her, and finally he started to smile happily.

Mingfei has never really been in love. The ridiculous marriage in his previous life made him become the groom without even seeing clearly what his fiancée looked like.

But deep down in my heart, I still have some expectations. Wanting a beautiful, gentle, considerate wife is every man’s dream.

Mingfei couldn't help but set the standard in her heart on Fanla. Beauty was indeed so beautiful that there was nothing to say. Gentleness... He thought about it and found that Fanla was quite gentle towards him, although it seemed a little different from the tenderness of a woman... But, well, it still met the standards.

As for being considerate, Mingfei is even more proud of it. When two people are connected, let alone being considerate, they are simply connected!

After doing this calculation, he suddenly realized that it was no wonder he liked Fanla. This person simply fit his positioning of a wife!

Wife... Wife... Ahem, Ming Fei was imagining it, and he blushed unconsciously, so he smiled even more stupidly.

Fortunately, there was no one else sober in this spaceship, so it didn't matter no matter how silly he smiled.

And his endless speculation finally came to a complete stop when he saw Van La's eyelashes twitching slightly.

Are you about to wake up?

Mingfei tried hard to correct his facial expression so that his emotions would not be so obvious. His eyelashes, as light as the thin wings of a butterfly, trembled slightly. Then, blue eyes that seemed to hold thousands of stars slowly appeared. In an instant, Mingfei heard The sound of my own heartbeat speeding up.

There was no brief moment of confusion. The moment he opened his eyes, Van La's thoughts had surrounded the entire spacecraft. Within a few seconds, he had a general understanding of the current situation.

He looked at Ming Fei and smiled slightly. His voice was a little hoarse due to sleepiness, but it made his voice even sexier: "Little Pea."

Mingfei nodded, because he was sober and happy in his heart, smiling brightly: "How do you feel?"

Van La kept smiling, and the doting in her eyes was undisguised: "I'm a little tired."

Mingfei was stunned. After such a long period of contact with Fanla, he had a good idea. He was a typical person who reported good things but not bad things, and was very good at holding on. It was really not easy to hear the word tired from his mouth. But it was precisely because this was not easy that made Mingfei a little nervous. He said anxiously: "Then take a rest for a while, don't worry..."

Fanla looked at him straightly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "...I'm hungry."

Mingfei didn't know what to do now. Are you hungry? What to eat? Is there anything available to eat? To be honest, he has never seen Van La eating. He seems to prefer drinks? But there is nowhere to drink on this poor spaceship.

He straightened up and said to Van La, "Just wait, I'll go look for him."

Before he could leave, his arm was grabbed. Before he could react, his body had already moved down due to routine, and then, his lips were tightly blocked.

Mingfei's eyes widened, and he narrowed his eyes slightly while enjoying being bitten and grinded. He loosened his teeth and felt waves of tremors running from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. He tried to respond to Van La's strong request and get more. So much pleasure…

Mingfei was able to respond from the beginning to being fascinated later on. Even though Fanla kept telling him to breathe, his brain was so hot that he kept shouting, and he was so confused that he couldn't understand at all...

There is no other way, Fanla can only regret letting him go, lest he suffocate himself to death...

After the kiss ended, Mingfei felt dizzy, but Fanla still had more to say.

After Ming Fei came back to his senses, the two of them started talking seriously.

Mingfei simply told Vanla what happened when he met Angre.

After listening to it with a calm expression, Van La pondered for a moment and said, "These past events are too long ago. I only have a vague idea that the elves are of the same race. I don't know the rest."

Mingfei thought for a moment and didn't say what Angre said later. There was no need for the two of them to get in trouble.

After that, he asked Valla again: "Shall we go back to Palant?" He did not explain clearly, but Valla could understand whether there was a consultation to obtain a secret message, and whether he would let go of the exploration of Zan's tomb. Chance.

"Go back to Palant, there's no point anymore."

Mingfei was startled and didn't ask any more questions. He instinctively didn't want to get involved in too many political issues.

The destination of this travel ship is a territory that belongs to neither Palant nor Zan Tomb.

After arriving at the destination, without waiting long, a warship belonging to Palant slowly appeared, entered the interior, and walked out of the small spaceship, only three people came to greet it.

After all, Van La's departure is a first-class secret.

Mingfei moved his eyes away from Elena and saw a tall, strange man with a serious face next to her. Then, his eyes were taken away by a third person.

The young man with black hair and red eyes was staring at him. Before Ming Fei could say "Xiao Fan", his whole body was pulled by a strong force.

Then there was heat on his lips. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the angry-looking young man in front of him in surprise, even ignoring the stinging pain on his lips.

However, in just a short moment, Van La leaned forward and did not see what he did, but the black mist suddenly rose, and the young man was gone. With a clang, what fell to the ground was a beautiful and dazzling ruby.

Mingfei hurried forward and picked up the ruby ​​​​distressedly. He turned to look at Fanla and said angrily: "What is this for?"

Fan La raised her eyebrows, leaned against his ear, and said in a low voice: "It doesn't feel good to be jealous of yourself."

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