This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

Ming Fei was dumbfounded, and after he caught a glimpse of Elena's ambiguous smile, a stream of heat rushed up from the bottom to the top, and in an instant it was steaming hot, even the tips of his ears were red.

He looked at the culprit, hesitating to say something, but felt that nothing he said was right, and finally he could only stare at Fanla fiercely.

At this moment, Vanla was extremely thick-skinned in front of his own people. He looked at Mingfei and whispered, "Look, I like you so much."

Mingfei couldn't help shaking, and Elena couldn't help shaking, but in the end, it was the old man Meyer who walked over calmly, took the ruby ​​from Mingfei's hand, and looked at Elena: "Let's go."

Elena exaggeratedly exclaimed, turned around and said in a low voice: "This old man is really extraordinary when it comes to love..."

Vanla raised his eyebrows, and Elena walked out in a hurry before Meyer.

Only Vanla and Mingfei were left in the room.

Mingfei was still in chaos.

What did what just happened mean? Mingfei thought about it, and after using his unusually developed brain to make rich associations, he determined that Vanla had acknowledged their relationship in front of others!

When he thought of this, Mingfei felt even hotter. Before, the two of them had been in a state of no one. Although they had accepted each other in their hearts, they had never shown it in front of others.

And Vanla showed it without any scruples. It was obvious from the looks of Elena and Mayer that they knew it well.

Mingfei felt a little embarrassed after being exposed like this...

But then, he thought, what's there to be embarrassed about? Vanla was frank, wouldn't it be unmanly for him to complain?

As a real man, Mingfei straightened his chest, looked up at Vanla firmly, and said solemnly: "Don't worry..."

Vanla smiled and waited for him to continue.

"I will definitely be responsible for you!"

Vanla's smile was a little stiff.

Mingfei, who said this, was frank. He was much shorter than Vanla and had to look up at him, but he tried to be full of momentum. He patted Vanla's shoulder and said more solemnly: "I know your intentions. As a man, I will definitely not let you down!" Wow, I am a real man, too manly, no explanation, Mingfei was overjoyed.

After a short silence, Vanla stroked his forehead and was deeply thankful that Elena and Mayer had gone out tactfully, otherwise they would have laughed at him for the rest of his life...

Looking down at the boy with bright eyes, Vanla really wanted to see what was going on in his head... Mingfei was still making a declaration of a real man, and after thinking for a long time, Vanla decided to let this restless mouth do something else.

She put her arm around him, lowered her head slightly, and kissed him.

The unfinished words were held in her throat and turned into a short moan. The soft touch on her lips made Vanla, who wanted to peck lightly, deepen the kiss.

Mingfei's round eyes narrowed unconsciously, and Vanla saw his half-submissive and half-enjoyed expression, and his azure blue pupils shrank, and the color was as deep as the sea.

The many times of practice before were not exaggerated, at least Mingfei didn't suffocate to death this time.

However, because it lasted longer, by the time it was over, most of the clothes had been taken off without anyone noticing, revealing fair skin, which was slender but extra attractive.

Fanla's eyes were fiery, and he finally couldn't help it. He lowered his head and pecked at her slender collarbone. After feeling the delicate touch, he couldn't help but probe down.

An unusual tingling feeling came over Mingfei, and he realized that something was wrong. After being touched somewhere on his chest, he was hit by an electric current directly in his brain. The strange feeling that he couldn't describe almost made his legs weak.

At this time, a sharp alarm of Ding-- made the two people who caused the fire wake up instantly.

Mingfei pushed Fanla away and pulled up his clothes.

Fanla's expression did not change, but his deep blue pupils betrayed his emotions--far from being as calm as he seemed on the surface.

Raising his left wrist in annoyance, Fanla said in a low and hoarse voice: "I'll be there in a while."

After that, he carefully arranged Ming Fei's clothes, and his voice was very low, as if he was trying to calm himself down: "You take a rest first, I'll go out."

Ming Fei nodded, feeling a little embarrassed, and said loudly: "I'm fine!" After that, he was scared by himself again, the voice was too loud.

Fanla didn't care. He pushed aside the flaxen short hair scattered on Ming Fei's forehead, gently kissed him, and said in a lower voice: "Come back and continue."

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Because of this sentence, Ming Fei didn't move after Fanla walked for nearly three minutes.

The body didn't move, but it couldn't stop the infinite roar in his heart... continue... continue... continue... continue... continue... continue...

Ming Fei came back to his senses and looked around and was surprised to find that he didn't know when he was no longer in the original hall, but in a gorgeous bedroom.

Why is it a bedroom? Because there is a huge bed in the middle that cannot be ignored.

The whole color scheme is a bright blue and white, the same color scheme as the dress that Vanla often wears.

After so long, Ming Fei also knew that the most noble colors in Palant were blue and white, and Vanla, as the only light elf, was shrouded in light, adding a lot of sacredness to this already clean color.

Needless to say, this place must be Vanla's bedroom.

Because there was only one big bed, Ming Fei thought that he couldn't always stand there stupidly, so he sat on the edge of the bed. As soon as his butt touched the bed, he couldn't help but want to lie on it. It was so soft and comfortable...

It's too comfortable to roll around on such a big bed...

It's better to do it than to think about it. Anyway, there was no one around. Ming Fei laughed and made a beautiful pounce, falling on the big bed in a classic dog-eating-shit posture. It was really soft to the extreme.

Not only soft, but also elastic, as light as sleeping on a cloud.

After half a day, Fanla didn't come back. Mingfei rolled around. The bed was really big. He consumed a lot of energy. In addition to the fatigue of many days, he was now safe and relaxed. Mingfei fell asleep just like that.

Under the streamlined porthole, in the huge control room.

Fanla looked unhappy. Elena hurriedly explained: "It's my fault... Mayer took my communicator."

Mayer coughed and said shamelessly: "My communicator is broken."

Elena was angry and glared at him: "You obviously want to frame me."

Mayer turned his head away and pretended not to hear.

Fanla felt powerless and could only say: "Connect to the intelligent brain and share information."

Twenty minutes later, countless political affairs that had been accumulated were handled.

Fanla took off the light shield, rubbed his temples, and walked down the platform.

Only then did Mayer say: "There are two things that need your attention."

Fanla looked at him and motioned him to continue.

Meyer paused before saying, "Siens entered the Senate and was promoted to a cabinet elder."

Fanla narrowed his eyes suddenly and asked in a deep voice, "What about the second thing?"

Meyer said, "Avriel is back, with Seans."

The azure pupils suddenly contracted, and Vanla looked at Meyer.

Meyer repeated in a low voice, "It's the real Avriel..."

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