This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Ming Fei watched quietly.

It was not what he expected at all. There was no foreign invasion and no bloody battle. The cabin was as calm as it could be.

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After passing through several cabins, Ming Fei found where Vanla was.

The protective shield was several times larger than the previous one, but with the previous experience, it only took a little time and energy, and Ming Fei still broke through.

The hall was decorated in Sarsa style, with a wide and vast circular dome, and a variety of patterns were pieced together with colorful five-color crystals, which were gorgeous and stylish.

The whole hall was bright and warm, the carpet was soft and heavy, the color of the tables and chairs complemented the dome, and there were several huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall, from which you could see the shining starry sky outside, beautiful and dreamy.

And the people standing inside the hall were like walking out of ancient oil paintings, with gorgeous and complicated clothes and elegant and leisurely postures. Conversation in low voices.

Very harmonious and peaceful.

Ming Fei's sight has always been on Vanla.

Since Zanmu Bo and his party, he has been with Vanla almost every day. When he is with him, Vanla's clothes are simple and generous, especially the military uniforms that are convenient for movement. Ming Fei always envies his slender and straight long legs. He is simply born to be envied.

But at this moment, he is wearing a pure white robe with gold lines, a deep blue gem pendant, and a delicate ornament with a faint blue luster on his chest. It is not a pearl gem, but a Podocarpus wood marrow worth enough to buy a barren planet.

Even among a group of elves known for their beauty, he is still so conspicuous that he even has to cover up the brilliance of the five-colored gems on the round dome.

On one side are Vanla, Elena, Meyer, and several elves he doesn't know. On the other side... there are also two acquaintances.

The purple hair was scattered behind him, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling. It was Seans who had not been seen for a long time.

The woman next to him was so beautiful that people could not take their eyes away. Her face looked very much like Avery, but the calmness of her expression and a certain settled emotion, as well as the enchanting and plump figure, were impossible for Avery to have.

Ming Fei watched silently, and he couldn't tell what he was feeling.

After the two sides met, the banquet began. "Avery" was always beside Fanla, and her slender arm gently held Fanla's arm, with a natural and familiar posture.

The two were of similar stature, standing together, and they were so well matched that there was no flaw.

Fanla turned his face slightly, and looked at Avery with a doting and tolerant look, and the softness in his azure eyes was like the ocean in spring, calm and warm.

Avery was calm and dignified, and every expression was just right, but when he looked at Fanla, even the calm eyes could not hide the fascination.

There were people around joking around, Avri was a little shy, and Vanla smiled but said nothing.

Avri leaned close to Vanla and said something, Vanla smiled slightly and kissed her forehead...

Seeing this, Ming Fei stopped watching.

He returned to the bedroom with ease. The whole process consumed a lot of his mental energy. He was a little tired and his head couldn't move much.

He just lay flat on the bed without saying a word.

The small branch was connected to his mental energy just now. What he saw, the small branch naturally saw too.

The small branch didn't quite understand what happened, but it clearly felt that the air pressure in the room was a little low, and Ming Fei's mood... was not very good.

The small branch hesitated for a long time, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Just as he was hesitating about what to do, Ming Fei suddenly turned over, held it in his arms, and said casually: "Too tired, let's go to sleep."

The tone was no different from usual, just a little tired. The little branch exercised his brain and thought for a long time as never before, but he couldn't think of anything. Finally, the owner's arms were really warm, and he went to sleep soon.

Ming Fei closed his eyes, and couldn't tell what he felt in his heart, as if he was a little annoyed. Yes, he thought that something happened to Fanla, and he hurried to help, but it turned out that Fanla was having fun.

It seemed a little disappointed. In fact, he didn't know Fanla as well as he thought...Fanla lived in a completely different circle from him. When the two were in the same room, there seemed to be no barriers, but when they appeared in the crowd at the same time, they found that they were so unfamiliar with each other.

Holding the little branch, it was warm and comfortable, but his head was a mess.

I thought a lot, but in the end, a sentence suddenly appeared in my mind.

He remembered what Angri said to him when they were on the deserted planet. The natural elves of Palant were very arrogant and always looked down on plants. Vanla was the best among the natural elves and the only emperor. Why did he like you?

Yes... why?

Ming Fei fell asleep drowsily and had a dream. He dreamed that he was a very small pea seedling, and there was an even smaller pea seedling following behind him. The feet seemed to be inflexible and limped after him.

Ming Fei seemed to be angry, but he couldn't remember why he was angry. The little pea seedling caught up with him anxiously and comforted him clumsily.

Ming Fei felt sorry for him. Seeing him like that, he calmed down a lot. At this time, a little pea seedling on the other side snorted coldly: I told you not to meddle in other people's business.

Ming Fei was not convinced and glared at the pea seedling that was talking. The pea seedling turned its head away with a hum and didn't hesitate to look at him.

Ming Fei seemed to know his temper and knew that he was worried about him, so he didn't say anything in the end.

He couldn't tell whether it was a dream or something else. When Ming Fei woke up, he realized that one of the two pea seedlings was Huang Mao and the other was Xia Zuo.

Thinking of these two people, he felt a warm current in his heart. He missed them...

When he woke up the next day, Ming Fei told the little branch not to tell anyone what they had done before, as it was a little secret between the two of them. When the little branch heard the little secret, his eyes lit up immediately, and he raised his hands and feet to show that he would never reveal a single bit.

Ming Fei was amused by it and gave him a slap. At this time, the door opened and Fanla came.

He changed into his usual clothes, with a slender figure, especially a pair of long legs that were straight, and the long silver hair that was casually scattered behind him, which made his eyebrows and eyes more delicate and beautiful.

Vanla was in a good mood. When he came in and saw each person with a branch, he asked, "What are you playing?"

Ming Fei was stunned for a few seconds, and then replied, "Nothing, the little branch is too lazy to die and stays in bed."

Vanla was really in a good mood. Usually he would directly threaten the little branch, but this time he was kind enough to push it aside, then came to Ming Fei and whispered, "Do you miss me?"

Ming Fei's ears were a little itchy, so he lowered his head and didn't say anything.

Vanla thought he was embarrassed, but didn't care. He hugged him, sighed and said softly, "I really can't leave, and I don't dare to let you go out. This is just a patrol ship, it's not that safe."

Ming Fei listened, but didn't respond. Instead, he changed the subject. He looked up and asked Vanla, "When can we reach Palant?"

"We will enter the curved advance at night. You can sleep for three days and arrive when you wake up."

Ming Fei nodded.

Just as Fanla was about to say something else, the communicator on his wrist lit up. He apologized to Mingfei, "I have to go out first."

Mingfei said, "Go ahead."

Fanla lifted his face and looked at his lips. He stared at them for a while, but didn't kiss him in the end. Instead, he leaned against Mingfei's forehead and whispered, "Don't be angry. I'll have time when we get back to Palant."

Mingfei hummed and didn't move.

"Have a good sleep. When we get to Palant, your friends will come to pick you up."

Hearing this, Mingfei knew that he would meet Huangmao and the others, and he was finally happy. He finally smiled.

Fanla stared at him with burning eyes. After a long time, he couldn't help it. He lowered his head and pecked his lips gently before leaving.

After that, until he entered the life support cabin, Fanla did not appear.

In fact, if Ming Fei wants to stay awake during the warp thrust, it is not impossible. By the same token, as long as he can catch up with the speed of the warp thrust that exceeds the speed of light and adapt to the distorted space, staying awake is not a problem.

Even those with high physical fitness and thinking can move freely during the warp thrust.

However, Ming Fei is not interested in this. What should he do if he stays awake for three whole days? It is better to sleep and save trouble.

There are three specially prepared life support capsules in the room, probably one for Fanla, one for Ming Fei, and one for Xiaozhizhi.

After placing Xiaozhizhi, Ming Fei also lay down in it.

He and the life support capsule are quite predestined... He slept in it several times, but he really didn't sleep well once. I don't know what will happen this time.

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