Chapter 107

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

When Ming Fei woke up again, the spaceship had arrived at its destination, Palant's capital star - Saint Erfuga.

Coming out of the life support cabin, the door opened, and Ming Fei was a little disappointed to see the person coming. It was not Vanla, but it was not a stranger either. It was Meyer, who he had only met once.

Meyer only explained briefly that Vanla couldn't leave, so he specifically asked him to pick him up.

Ming Fei nodded and followed Meyer.

At this time, Ming Fei didn't know Meyer's identity, but he was with Vanla and was so valued. After comparing it with Elena, he basically knew it in his heart.

The first time he really walked out of this room, there were many elf soldiers standing in the corridor, each standing straight, saluting Meyer one by one.

Meyer just nodded slightly, and the two walked side by side beside Ming Fei.

After crossing the corridor and turning another corner, the two stopped in front of a high-speed aircraft.

Meyer stopped and said to Ming Fei: "The flight route has been set. It will go directly to the main city of Saint Erfuga. Someone will come to pick you up at that time."

Ming Fei frowned, and there was something he had been holding back for a long time but didn't ask. Finally, he thanked Meyer and got on the aircraft holding the small branch.

The interior of the aircraft was gorgeous. Ming Fei's most impressive experience of riding this thing was when he was with Seans.

The aircraft that Seans was proud of seemed incomparable to the azure aircraft in front of him.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

However, no matter how gorgeous and exquisite it was, Ming Fei didn't have much interest in appreciating it. There were only two seats inside the aircraft. Ming Fei settled the small branch before sitting in it.

No operation was required, and the intelligent brain communicated with him. After Ming Fei confirmed, the aircraft started to operate by itself.

The aircraft glided away at a high speed, leaving traces of stars in a graceful posture.

Meyer watched until it was out of sight, then he whispered to himself: "This is the first time that someone else has ridden the Silver Charm."

Originally, Ming Fei was in a bad mood, but after the aircraft entered the atmosphere of Saint Erfuga, he couldn't help but want to marvel.

This planet... surprised him too much.

I thought that Saint Erfuga would be a gem planet like Sarsa, but in fact, there was no jewel here.

The whole planet was covered with rich green, and this green was deep and shallow, rippling like flowing water, and the color also flowed with the flow, blooming with an incomparable luster of life.

Ming Fei stared blankly, completely shocked by this unspeakable beauty.

The aircraft was still moving, and the closer it got, the more flamboyant the restrained beauty became.

I never thought that there could be so much green, and just one color could have so many changes.

As it drove slowly, it was like driving into a huge embrace of cool dreams, which made people unnaturally feel yearning.

Ming Fei marveled at the mystery, his eyes did not blink, because this green, which was either rich or light, unconsciously aroused his thoughts, and he explored it one step ahead of his body.

Then, he was wrapped in it.

A strange feeling arose, and after realizing the thoughts in his heart, Ming Fei himself was shocked. He had a feeling that this planet was a living body. A huge, loving, but declining great life.

This idea was a bit absurd, Ming Fei laughed at himself, but his nerves were tense the next moment.

He heard a life, slowly and harmoniously, whispering: "Child, you are back."

It was just a voice, just a sentence, Ming Fei's brain didn't even react to what she said, but tears couldn't stop flowing. Inexplicably touched, the softest string in the heart was touched, and then surrounded by overwhelming emotions.

When he came to his senses, it was the little branch that pushed him: "Master, master, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

Looking at the little branch's anxious eyes, Ming Fei reached out to wipe away his tears and comforted him: "It's okay, maybe I'm a little tired."

The little branch frowned, not understanding, could it be that when tired, it would shed tears?

Ming Fei returned to normal and casually asked the little branch: "Just now, did you hear any sound?"

The little branch said: "No, the sound insulation effect of this aircraft is too good, I can't hear anything..."

Ming Fei nodded and said nothing.

After passing through the clouds and ending the straight dive, it finally landed on the planet.

Unlike the view from a distance, after landing on the ground, it was discovered that these greens were not as dense as imagined, but the appearance of being connected into pieces still made people unable to ignore.

The air on the ground was very fresh, and it was like breaking into a green forest, which made people feel refreshed.

Ming Fei is now more sensitive than before. He clearly feels that these green colors, deep or light, have the effect of refreshing and calming the mind. They linger on the surface of the entire planet and are very suitable for human habitation. Moreover, the ingredients in them are of great benefit to plants.

The place where the aircraft landed was very empty, and there was no one around. There was only one road in front of Ming Fei. He made the small branch turn into a branch and then put it in his pocket.

He walked straight over and soon came to a white building complex.

He walked through the corridor and entered the hall, and suddenly the view was open.

And as soon as he appeared, before he had time to take a look, he heard a 'Ouch' sound. The whole person was almost thrown to the ground.

Mingfei was caught off guard, and when he finally regained consciousness, he realized that the boy who was rushing toward him was a boy slightly taller than him. His body was soft and he could hold him in his arms.

In addition to calling his name, Mingfei noticed at a glance that the young man had short golden hair. It was really golden... so bright that he didn't dare to look directly at it...

"Mingfei...Mingfei...ah ah, you are finally back..." It was not a whimpering cry, but a direct cry.

This voice was so familiar that as soon as Mingfei heard it, his heart felt so weak that his eyes couldn't help but heat up.


As soon as he called out this name, Huang Mao cried harder.

He must not move and let Huang Mao hold him. After a long time, the blue-haired boy next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore and forcefully pulled Huang Mao away. His face was cold, but the emotion in his eyes could not be concealed. He kept looking at it. Mingfei, after feeling Mingfei's eyes falling on him, he suddenly turned his head away.

Ming Fei had never seen Xia Zuo's elf appearance before, so he whispered, "I've made you worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Zuo's body visibly stiffened, but Ming Fei's response was still a cold snort, but the ice between his eyebrows had melted a lot.

Huang Mao was still mumbling ghostly howls. Ming Fei's coaxing for a long time had no effect, but in a blink of an eye he saw two people standing aside.

They were two elf boys, slightly taller and with narrow eyes, looking at him with smiles. The one who is slightly shorter, has round eyes, is pretty and cute, and his expression when looking at Ming Fei cannot be concealed, and his big round eyes are full of tears.

These two people were strangers, but their auras were too familiar. Mingfei grinned brightly at them: "Colin, Dana, I'm back!"

The three of them hugged each other, and even the steady Colin couldn't hide his joy. He patted Mingfei hard several times in excitement. Mingfei's body hurt, but his heart was extremely warm.

Just today, he discovered that he already has so many friends, family, and sincere feelings!

There were four people in total. Mingfei was hugged by the yellow bear and passionately embraced by Colin Dana. The only thing left behind was Xia Zuo's children's shoes.

Although his face is full of disdain for their affectionate behavior, the unwillingness on his disdainful face is also very obvious. However, asking him to do such an unreserved thing is really a test of the bottom line of life. Therefore, he can only look towards the other side. The three of them cast vicious glances, and upon analysis, it was probably envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Mingfei was in an extremely good mood, and he was already familiar with Xia Zuo's temper. After he and Colin Dana separated, he walked towards Xia Zuo, stretched out his hands, and made a gesture of hugging.

Not surprisingly, Xia Zuo raised his chin and turned his head, looking down at him from the corner of his eye.

Ming Feiqi ignored Dafa and went directly over to give him a big hug.

Xia Zuo's body was as stiff as a stone, but he had no intention of pushing Ming Fei away. He even quietly put his hand around Ming Fei's waist and tightened it unconsciously.

Mingfei was a little dissatisfied because everyone was taller than him! It was not popular to compare heights when we were peas, but now, they are all in human form, so why is he the shortest! !

However, these thoughts were immediately forced out of Xia Zuo's mind as he pinched his hand tighter and tighter. Feeling his nervousness, Mingfei sighed and said softly: "Xiao Zuo, I'm fine." After calling out this title, Mingfei was stunned. He just called it unconsciously...

Xia Zuo was startled for a moment, then relaxed his body, and his pleasure level improved significantly...

So after being separated for so long, he finally said his first words to Mingfei: "If something happens to you, I will definitely kill you."

What he said... really made Mingfei dumbfounded.

The excitement was over, and Huang Mao had finally had enough of howling... Colin proposed to help Ming Fei get clean, and Xia Zuo did it without any surprise, and the group headed towards the hotel.

As a typical rich second generation, Xia Zuo's choice of place was bound to be blinding.

Looking at the menu will definitely make your mouth water.

With such a wealthy person, Huang Mao and Dana displayed their image as foodies, and the whole page of Perak Bala's ordering was done with just a wave of their hand.

The waiter just smiled at their actions. Xia Zuo, who was always good-looking, didn't say anything. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was probably extremely happy in his heart.

Colin and Mingfei were chatting. Colin, who was always attentive, briefly mentioned what happened after they came to St. Alfalfa, but he didn't ask Mingfei anything about what happened these days.

Xia Zuo also listened and would add a few words casually to supplement Colin. It's a rare harmony.

The dishes came out very quickly, and in a short time the table was filled. Each dish was exquisite and delicate, making my mouth water just looking at it.

Not to mention that Huang Mao's eyes were already shining, even Ming Fei felt very hungry.

Colin smiled and said, "Let's eat first."

Mingfei nodded, quickly picked up a snack that looked like a small sun, and took a bite.

Colin ate little, and Xia Zuo only drank water. However, although he remained silent, he was awkwardly attentive, always intentionally or unintentionally bringing Mingfei's obviously preferred food to him...

The location they chose was on the second floor. Looking from the middle, they could just see the lobby on the first floor.

Just as he was enjoying his meal, there was a commotion at the door. Mingfei subconsciously followed it, but suddenly lost his appetite.

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