Reborn as a Pea Shooter

$110, welcoming banquet

Chapter 108

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

The people who came were a man and a woman, the man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, and the picture effect was very good when they walked together.

Ming Fei could see it, and others could see it naturally. The yellow-haired man was the first to exclaim: "Avry..." As soon as he finished speaking, he frowned again and didn't continue.

Ming Fei could understand his feelings. This woman had nothing in common with Avry except that her face was exactly the same as Avry.

And because of the scene he saw on the spaceship that day, Ming Fei instinctively didn't have a good impression of her.

At this time, Colin also glanced at it, and he whispered: "It's the newly appointed Vice President of the Senate Seans and the real His Highness Avry." He emphasized the word "real" and deepened his tone.

Xia Zuo didn't even raise his eyebrows, and quietly drank the light pink liquid in the cup, but didn't question Colin's words.

Obviously, he also knew something.

However, Huangmao has never been sensitive to these things. When he heard Colin's half-sentence, he became very curious and didn't care about eating. He looked at Colin with his big eyes blinking.

Ming Fei was also a little curious and looked at Colin unconsciously.

Colin continued: "This matter can be considered a secret in Sarsa, but it is not a secret in Saint Erfuga. His Highness Avery and His Majesty originally had the same godfather and have always been brothers and sisters. However, many years ago, due to some accidents, His Highness Avery disappeared and was never found again."

Huangmao couldn't help asking: "Who is the princess?" The princess he mentioned was naturally the Avery they were familiar with.

"The current princess was originally a natural elf that His Majesty rescued in the Battle of Fandora. Because her appearance was exactly the same as His Highness Avery, His Majesty took her in, raised her personally, and respected her as the princess of the empire, and has always been pampered in the palm of his hand."

This is a well-known fact. The only princess of the empire is very pampered.

But I didn't expect that the princess was a substitute? So now the real owner is back? Why do I feel awkward when I think about it.

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The yellow-haired man said worriedly: "What should I do with Avery?"

Ming Fei was also worried. Think about Avery's temper... and look at Avery now, it is obviously not on the same level, don't let her be cannon fodder too miserably.

So, he had a worse impression of Avery in front of him. But he had a small clue in his heart, maybe he misunderstood Fanla a little? If they are siblings, they haven't seen each other for many years, and they finally found each other. It seems that there is nothing wrong with spending more time with each other... Is he narrow-minded? Bah... He is not! !

Thinking about his messy emotions in the past few days, he suddenly looked down on her. After a calculation, he turned around and asked directly, what is it is what it is! He is afraid of nothing.

While they were chatting, Seans took Avri to the second floor. The second floor was very large, but there were only three tables, and at the moment, only Ming Fei and his group were occupied. So, it was hard not to see Seans and his group as soon as they came up.

Especially Seans, his eyes lit up after seeing Ming Fei.

After letting Avri take a seat, Seans walked towards them.

As they got closer, Huangmao could see clearly, blinked and said, "You are... you are..." He said for a long time, but didn't say the name. He didn't pay attention to remember when Colin said it just now, but he didn't expect this face to be so familiar. Of course, when he and Ming Fei were surrounded by reporters, it was Seans who came forward to help them out, but after that, Seans never appeared in front of Huangmao again, so it was normal for Huangmao not to remember.

Seans was generous and introduced himself directly: "I am Seans."

Based on his identity, Xia Zuo stood up politely and performed standard etiquette, Colin did the same, and Dana, who was a little slower, also stood up. Huangmao then remembered that this was not an elf without a name, but now he is the vice president of the Senate, and his status is not ordinary.

"No need to be polite." Seans waved his hand, and then looked at Mingfei: "Little Mingfei, long time no see." The familiarity in his tone was not concealed.

Mingfei was slightly startled, and then smiled at him: "Yes, Your Highness Seans."

Adding the honorific, Seans frowned slightly: "Just call me Seans."

Mingfei smiled but didn't agree. However, Seans didn't have much time to chat here. He asked Avri to come out, and it was not good to leave her alone there.

So he didn't say much, and had to leave.

Avri sat there quietly from beginning to end, without any impatience, and her good self-cultivation made people unable to find any problems.

The two tables were still very far apart, especially facing different perspectives, so after Seans left, Ming Fei took the initiative to explain how he met Seans.

Colin and Dana didn't react much, but Xia Zuo frowned slightly.

He thought more than others. Seans has always been an important member of the Senate, and the Senate has always been on the same level as the emperor in Palant. The members of the Senate are all noble and regard themselves as gods. But how could such an elf appear in Sarsa for no reason and save Ming Fei so coincidentally?

Even if he was saved by accident, how could Ming Fei, an ordinary pea seedling, be remembered by such a big shot? All these things made Xia Zuo think too much.

Under the persistence of the yellow-haired boy and Xia Zuo's determination not to take away the food, the yellow-haired boy could only eat as much as he could, and he had to eat all the food on the table before he was willing to leave.

Fearing that he would feel uncomfortable, Ming Fei had no choice but to help him eat. Well... mainly because these things were really delicious...

He came much earlier than Seans, but he happened to be with them when he left. This credit must be attributed to the yellow-haired classmate.

After leaving the door, Seans directly arranged for Avri to get on the aircraft, and then turned to look at Ming Fei: "Little Mingfei, shall I take you back?"

Before Ming Fei could speak, Xia Zuo stood up and said: "No need, we are together."

Seans was unyielding and said, "You five people, one aircraft will be very crowded, I just happened to be on the way."

Xia Zuo ignored him, on the way, why didn't you want to take one of the four of them, but Mingfei?

Xia Zuo didn't allow it, and Seans didn't give up. The group actually stood still on the road.

Ming Fei had a headache. Although he was also dissatisfied, please, he just met up with his friends, so he naturally wanted to be with them. He was not that familiar with Seans...

But the situation was pressing. Seans, the great fairy, and Xia Zuo, the little fairy, if they quarreled, it would be fatal.

He had to compromise and comfort Xia Zuo, "We live in the dormitory, right? It's okay. I'll go with Seans and find you when I get back to the dormitory."

Ming Fei, the person involved, had spoken, so it was meaningless for Xia Zuo to stop him. However, he was a little upset because of Ming Fei's words, but after hearing that he would find him immediately, he calmed down, snorted coldly, turned around and left!

Seans's aircraft was a two-seater. He arranged for Ming Fei to sit on the right side before he got on. Then he ran away quickly.

Recalling the first time he took an aircraft, he was surprised by the speed, but now he is not affected by it at all, Ming Fei felt a little emotional.

Along the way, Ming Fei thought Seans would say something, but in fact he just chatted a few words about the customs and customs of Saint Erfuga, without missing a word.

Ming Fei also relaxed, and when he was about to reach the dormitory of the water system, the vigilance on his face had disappeared.

Seans was quite funny and his words were interesting, so it was inevitable that he would make him want to laugh.

The aircraft stopped at the door of the dormitory. Seans got off first and then opened the door on Ming Fei's side. Ming Fei was about to say thank you, but who knew that he was actually hugged by Seans.

Ming Fei was shocked: "What... what is this for?"

Seans said calmly: "Didn't I hug you like this before?"

Ming Fei was stunned, and suddenly remembered that he was indeed hugged by Seans like this when he was a pea seedling, but now he is in human form!

"It's different. At that time, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Seans glanced at him ambiguously: "What's the difference? At that time, you hugged me very tightly."

After hearing this, Ming Fei was angry. Just as he was about to roar, he caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of his eye, and all the words were suddenly speechless.

Fan La, who was looking at them straight in front of them with a cold face, was looking at them directly.

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