This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

Mingfei was stunned for only a second and immediately broke free. Seans didn't stop him and put him down gently.

Fanla watched silently.

Mingfei lowered his head, not knowing what to say, let alone when Fanla came? How long have you been waiting? And what he just said to Seans, did Vanla hear it? After thinking about it, my head is a bit big.

Looking at Seans again, he naturally saw Van La. He just raised his eyebrows, made a brief salute and said, "Your Majesty is here too?" His tone was careless and could only be said to be polite.

Fanla glanced at him lightly and did not respond.

Siens curled up his lips and smiled mockingly. He turned to Mingfei and said, "I'll come back to you another day."

Mingfei's mind was in a mess and he didn't pay attention to what Seans said. He just nodded in response, wishing that Seans would disappear immediately in front of his eyes.

It's just that his appearance has a different meaning in Van La's eyes.

Seans smiled with his eyes bent, carefully leaned over, and helped Mingfei straighten out the wrinkled hem of his clothes before turning around and leaving. But when he left, he didn't even look at Van La.

So, only Mingfei and Fanla were left.

Fanla kept a cold face and said nothing, and Mingfei lowered his head and didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, he felt that his mentality was not right. Why was he feeling guilty and nervous? To be honest, he and Seans had nothing to do, so why did he act like he was a thief?

Thinking of this, Mingfei suddenly felt confident again.

His momentum returned, and he raised his head to look at Van La, but as soon as he met Van La's gaze, his soaring momentum dropped a lot... Thinking about it, it didn't seem to be the case, so he He spoke tactfully: "Although it was just a misunderstanding just now, if you think about it, if it was Seans holding you in front of me today, I wouldn't be too happy..."

As soon as he said these words, he was stunned, and he immediately imagined the image of Seans holding Van La in his mind... With a pop, he couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

As soon as he smiled, he felt it was very inappropriate and looked at Fanla eagerly.

Seeing him like this... Van La's originally cold face finally relaxed, and he sighed helplessly and said, "Come in."

Mingfei hummed silently in his heart, but followed him into the house honestly.

As soon as I entered, I was surprised by the furnishings in this room. The difference between the Imperial Star and the Administrative Star was immediately apparent. Sarsha Military Academy is the highest school in Sarsha after all, but the student dormitories cannot be said to be so good. gorgeous.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

But in front of me, the dormitory of St. Albuquerque College is a bit too luxurious.

Although Mingfei is an Earthling and has a good tolerance for wooden furniture that is scattered all over the place, he does as the Romans do. From the perspective of the plants in Palant, this house is really luxurious and gorgeous beyond words.

From the bed to the tables and chairs, everything is made of wood with a faint blue color. A layman can feel that the energy emitted by these woods is absolutely beneficial to them.

Don’t think too much, if you are short of money, just one piece will be enough to last you half a lifetime...

The Imperial Capital Star was indeed prosperous, and Ming Fei couldn't help but sigh.

He was looking here and there like a country bumpkin, but before he could get enough of it, Fanla was already standing in front of him, blocking his sight.

Mingfei looked up at him and blinked...

Fanla's face was expressionless, but he raised his hand and quickly unbuttoned all the buttons of Mingfei's coat. Mingfei was a little dumbfounded. What was this? Why did he take off his clothes?

Before he could say anything, Fan La's coat was pulled open with a loud clatter.

Fortunately, he still had a tunic underneath, so he was not naked, but he was a little confused about Van La's actions.

Fanla didn't mean to explain. He held Mingfei's clothes in his hand, and then a burst of white light ignited.

As soon as Mingfei shouted: "My clothes..." the clothes turned into ashes.

What, what are you doing... taking clothes to vent your anger?

Mingfei's head ached a little, but when he saw Van Ra's appearance, he suddenly remembered that Seans helped him tidy up his clothes before leaving. No, even though he vaguely knew that Van Ra was jealous, was it necessary to be so childish?

Being a little confused by Fan La, Ming Fei felt a little unhappy. Please, he hasn't calmed down yet. Although the incident on the spaceship may have been a misunderstanding, he had been depressed for how many days... and even if he is his sister, he must never leave her. Will you accompany me? Do you really think he has no temper at all?

Thinking like this, my temper got angry.

Just when he was about to have an attack, Fan La reached out and hugged him tightly, resting his chin on his neck, blowing hot air and said the second sentence tonight: "You are not allowed to interact with him in the future."

These words... are really childish. Thinking about Fan La's usual calm, steady, elegant and decent posture, coupled with these words, Ming Fei felt a little soft-hearted after hearing this. He smelled the familiar fragrance on Fan La's body. Qingxiang whispered: "It's just acquaintance, you think too much."

After a short while, the muffled voice came again: "He said he would come back to you, and you agreed."

Mingfei was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to realize that feelings were just what Xiens said at the end.

Ming Fei laughed: "It's just polite words, don't take them seriously." In fact, he really wanted to say, Your Majesty, why are you so stingy... But he didn't dare to say it directly, for fear of getting angry again... ahem... …

Hearing his denial, Fanla's mood finally improved, and then she couldn't help but kiss his neck and said in a low voice: "I miss you."

This low voice was like a feather scratching Ming Fei's heart, and he was itchy immediately... But then he thought again, what was he thinking about? If he really missed her, why didn't he see her for so many days? It would be better if he didn't mention it, but he got a little angry when he mentioned it.

So, he hummed and said: "I haven't seen her for so many days, what good words can you say now."

Fanla said: "I really can't leave." Ming Fei got even angrier when he heard him say this. Of course he couldn't leave, he was busy eating, drinking and having fun with others! Just when he was about to get angry, he was stunned by Fanla's next words.

Fanla said, "I sent you a message, but you didn't reply."

Ming Fei took a long time to react before he finally remembered that when they were on the spaceship, Fanla had given him a communicator, saying that he should contact him if he had anything to do. Ming Fei was so angry that he didn't even think about it... So, Fanla wasn't indifferent to him as he imagined?

He wanted to take out the communicator right now to take a good look, but Fanla didn't let him go, and the kisses were getting hotter and hotter.

Ming Fei was tickled by him. He squinted his eyes and hummed a few times, which made Fanla move faster.

After cleaning his clothes in two or three strokes, Fanla put him on the bed. He wanted to take it slowly, but the more he looked at her, the more he couldn't help himself. He lowered his head for a lingering kiss, which was even more passionate.

Ming Fei had been dazed by the service for a long time, and only retreated after Fanla came in, shouting "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." Fanla couldn't go in or out, so he could only freeze his movements and lean over to comfort him carefully.

After a while, the body that had tasted the sweetness slowly adapted, and the following lingering love was needless to say.

After tossing until late at night, Ming Fei was tired and dizzy, but Fanla was energetic. He carried him to the bathroom to take a shower. After washing, he touched her again, and couldn't help but rush into that warm and tight place again with the previous lubrication.

There was no foothold in the water, Ming Fei was supported by Fanla, his legs tightly clamped Fanla's waist, his neck raised, with a burst of water, but he squinted his eyes and enjoyed it very much. If he saw that look, he would probably beat himself to death first...

Coming out of the bathroom, the two were refreshed and leaned on the bed.

Ming Fei found a comfortable position and was about to fall asleep in a daze, but he heard Fanla talking to him.

He barely made himself clear-headed and heard Fanla's voice. It turned out that he was explaining to him what had happened in the past few days.

It was a bit unexpected, but he was really tired and didn't listen so carefully, but he also understood the general idea. He felt much more at ease.

Without waiting for him to ask, Vanla took the initiative to tell him, which made him feel very comfortable.

There were problems within Palant. Before Vanla ascended the throne, the so-called emperor was just a puppet of the Senate, which was something that the elves of the early generation knew very well.

The Senate has existed since Palant, and the elders among them have a long life span that is almost as long as Palant.

However, the elf elders rarely show up, and political affairs are mostly delegated to the three deputy speakers, which has always been quite harmonious.

Until Vanla ascended the throne, the imperial regime had a conflict with him. If the elders had come forward to suppress Vanla, he would not have been able to control the current power, but it was also an accident. For three hundred years, the elders were silent and no one could contact them.

Without the suppression from above, the three deputy speakers first had internal conflicts. Of course, it is impossible to say that there was no deliberate provocation by Vanla.

In short, after a hundred years of struggle, the so-called puppet kingship finally regained sovereignty, and Vanla controlled 60% of the administrative decision-making power.

However, during the days when Vanla left Palant, the sleeping elder elves woke up one after another, and started the power struggle with lightning speed. First, they laid off the deputy speaker controlled by Vanla, and cancelled the specifications of the three deputy speakers since ancient times, and directly appointed Seans as the first deputy speaker, with direct power.

This sudden emergence of a dark horse made the entire political circle of Palant excited.

The subsequent series of actions caught people off guard. Vanla had already known it when he was in Zanmubo, because he and Xiaofan had a spiritual connection, and Mayer had already conveyed many things to him through Xiaofan.

The reason why he has not returned for a long time is that he is waiting for an opportunity and the secret letter.

If the secret letter is really a letter from the people in the Senate to contact Zanmubo, then this is a huge handle, so Vanla is obsessed with staying in the wasteland to explore.

It was not until he met with Meyer and the others that Vanla really started to fight back. Although he was on the spaceship, he really worked day and night without sleep... There was no blood, but he was struggling to compete.

Later, Seans and Avri appeared, so Vanla mobilized 12 tenths of his energy to deal with them.

After hearing the last part, Ming Fei was about to meet Zhou Gong, but he vaguely heard Vanla say Avri was fake... He was confused for a long time, who was the fake one? He didn't figure it out, but fell asleep completely.

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