Reborn as a Pea Shooter

112, Latest Update

This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

The next day, Mingfei woke up and touched around him. It was empty. It seemed that Fanla had left long ago.

Considering what he said last night and knowing that he was very busy recently, Mingfei didn't think much about it. He just lay on the bed and stretched before slowly getting up to wash up and tidy up.

After breakfast, he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly rummaged through the boxes. Xiao Zhi, who had just woken up, asked in a daze: "What is the master looking for?"

Mingfei didn't look back, and just told him to let him eat by himself, while he was still tossing around.

After searching for a long time, he still couldn't find what he was looking for. Mingfei was a little frustrated. He sat on the edge of the bed and glanced at him. He happened to see Xiao Zhi holding up his fat paws to pinch this bright yellow snack and stuff it into his mouth. And on the fat arm, A blue bracelet is hanging on it.

Mingfei squinted his eyes and leaned over. Xiao Zhi filled his mouth with a big mouthful before saying inarticulately: "Master, you want to eat too? This is delicious." As he said this, his hands kept pouring it into his mouth. He gave it to his mouth without any intention of sharing it with the 'master'...

Mingfei ignored its little move and grabbed the blue bracelet directly.

And Xiao Zhi instantly breathed a sigh of relief: "Ah, you want this, tell me earlier, I thought you also wanted to eat yellow cakes..." After saying that, he realized that there was a tendency to expose his little thoughts, so he quickly added , "Ahem... Of course, if the master wants to eat, I will let... give it to the master..."

Mingfei slapped him on the head: "Eat it honestly, there are still two boxes in the crisper."

Xiaozhi's eyes were bright and he was just about to growl, but Mingfei finally found what he wanted and went back to bed with a smile on his face.

This blue bracelet was the communicator that Van La left for him when he was in the spaceship. He didn't pay attention at the time and threw it around casually. The small branch probably looked good and he put it away.

The function of a communicator is similar to that of a mobile phone on Earth, except that its functions are more powerful. It can accommodate text, voice, and video stereoscopic imaging, and even has some personal protection functions.

The communicator was always on, but because it was not set, it was in silent mode, which was why Mingfei never noticed it.

When I opened it now, the aqua blue screen clearly displayed that there were twenty-nine unread messages...

Originally, when Fan La said that he had sent him a message, he thought he had only sent one message, but he did not expect that there were so many.

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Then he clicked on the information. It was all in text and he could understand it. If Van La had time to send voice or video messages, he would have come over to see him directly.

Mingfei opened the messages one by one. The senders were all "unknown", but only Fanla knew about this communicator. There was no need to think about it. This "unknown" must be Fanla.

In fact, the content of the messages is very simple. Although there are so many messages, most of them are three-character sutras such as 'Little Wandou', 'Xiao Mingfei' and 'What are you doing?'.

And the interval is not short. It can be seen that he sends a message whenever he has free time... Thinking of that state, Ming Fei involuntarily raised the corner of his mouth.

Although it was such a simple and even completely meaningless message, Mingfei couldn't help but giggle. He was so stupid that even the twigs were muttering silently - Master, what's wrong?

So, the whole morning, Mingfei held the communicator and had fun.

After all the fun, he actually discovered something. For example, the first message was a casual greeting, but after receiving no reply for three messages, Vanla became obviously a little anxious, and then the time period was empty for a long time. Then the next morning, there were several more greetings, but no reply was received. In reply, Vanla finally sent a different "Still sleeping?"

Before replying to this message, Fanla seemed to have concluded that Mingfei was sleeping, and there was no message all afternoon... and then there was no message at night, because Fanla would still come back to the house at night, but Mingfei didn't wake up. Left again.

Mingfei relied on these clues to make his own speculations and he was extremely happy.

It wasn't until the afternoon when the yellow hair came that he stopped.

Huang Mao complained that the courses at St. Alfalfa Military Academy were cumbersome and lengthy. One class lasted two hours, which was almost exhausting. At the same time, he was still envious that Mingfei didn't have to go to class for the time being.

Then I started to worry again, fearing that if Mingfei went to class at that time, he would not be able to keep up with the progress.

Looking at the golden boy in front of him, although he looked very different from the pea, Mingfei didn't feel any sense of disobedience at all, as if he had always known that Huang Mao was like this. Both the appearance and the interior are simple enough to be seen at a glance.

They chatted for a long time, and Xia Zuo also came over. Unlike Huang Mao, who was careless, he was actually a very careful person.

Although you can't say it with your words, your actions always make you feel warm. He threw a package to Mingfei and sat aside minding his own business. Mingfei opened it and saw that there was a neat set of auxiliary skill books inside, as well as some notebooks. He flipped through it and found that it was handwritten!

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be some insights into auxiliary skills. This... is really rare.

Huang Mao naturally saw it too. He first looked at Xia Zuo in surprise, and then said happily to Ming Fei: "It's good now. You don't have to worry about not being able to keep up with the lecturer's progress!"

Mingfei naturally knew how precious these things were, so he said to Xia Zuo: "Thank you."

Xia Zuo turned his head and snorted before saying: "It's just some outdated stuff, I don't have room to put it anywhere." These words, coupled with the faint blush on his fair and tender face, really...a little bit of credibility. nothing.

Ming Fei smiled and said nothing, even Huang Mao smiled, and even boldly said to Xia Zuo: "Xia Zuo, do you have the outdated shield wall skill book there? If there is no place to put it, I have a lot of space. of!"

As soon as he said this, Xia Zuo was stunned for a moment, and then became angry: "Huang Mao, you kid, you are looking for death!"

Huang Mao laughed and ran around Mingfei.

Ming Fei was fooled by him, but it was a pity for Xia Zuo. He obviously wanted to get involved, but he relied on his status and couldn't do anything.

The room was very lively for a while.

After a while, a lazy voice sounded: "Hey, I'm happy."

The voice was both familiar and unfamiliar. Mingfei turned around and saw the long-haired elf leaning by the door. He was very gorgeous and had a pair of peach blossom eyes that were tilted sideways like a seductive one. At this time, he was looking at He is looking at classmate Xia Zuo who is angry and has nowhere to vent his anger.

Mingfei thought for a long time and finally remembered that this seemed to be Xia Zuo's brother, named Eureka.

Seeing outsiders, Huang Mao stopped making trouble and calmed down.

Eureka looked away from Xia Zuo, glanced at the pile of skill books and notebooks, and finally looked at Mingfei and said, "For these, my lovely brother..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Zuo interrupted him fiercely: "Eureka!"

Eureka's peach blossom eyes were wide and she smiled and did not continue, but she did not forget to correct Xia Zuo: "I want to call you brother."

Xia Zuo pursed his lips and remained silent. Eulika looked at him and said, "Don't forget what you promised me?"

Xia Zuo paused, ignored Youlica, and just said to Mingfei, "I'm leaving first." Then he followed Youlica away.

Mingfei was a little confused by these two brothers.

Huang Mao came over at this time and said: "Don't worry, although Eureka looks evil, she is actually a very good person. Thanks to his care in St. Alfalfa."

Hearing Huang Mao say this, Ming Fei felt relieved.

After a while, Huang Mao's communicator flashed. After he clicked on it and looked at it, he immediately said to Mingfei: "Come on, the snacks made by Salil are the best in Palant. Come and try them with me." "

Salil is an adult elf who takes care of Min Lan's daily life. She has always been very fond of Huang Mao and the others, especially because Huang Mao is a foodie and she also likes cooking. People will be very happy when Huang Mao keeps bragging about her. Therefore, she also treats Huang Mao very well.

So Mingfei followed Huang Mao to their living room, met Min Lan and Caroline, and tasted the Salil brand love snacks that she had heard about for a long time. It was indeed delicious.

We played until it was almost dark in the afternoon, and Mingfei returned to the dormitory.

When he arrived at the door, he saw a figure. Mingfei felt happy, thinking it was Fan La. He walked over quickly, but heard another voice: "I'm back."

As he got closer, reflected in the light, his face seemed to be smiling but not smiling. It turned out to be Sean.

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