Reborn as a Pea Shooter

113, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Ming Fei looked at the visitor vigilantly and greeted him in a neither loud nor soft voice: "Xiens."

Xiens was not aware of his defense at all, looked at the door, and spread his hands and said: "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

Ming Fei wanted to say "no" decisively. But considering that this person is not so easy to deal with, if they were to stalemate outside and were seen by someone with ulterior motives, it would be a lot of trouble.

So he turned around and opened the door, and the two walked into the house.

Xiens looked at it with interest, first a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then returned to normal. His eyes fell on the wooden table in front of the left, and he stretched out his fingers to twist a strand of hair.

Ming Fei looked over, reflecting the sunlight, the silver hair was shining.

Xiens smiled and said: "In one night, you are back to normal?"

He said it obscurely, but Ming Fei understood that Xiens saw that Fanla had spent the night here, and knew that he no longer doubted Fanla.

"There was no contradiction."

"Oh?" Seans raised his eyebrows, suddenly moved closer, and lowered his voice and said: "Are you sure?"

Ming Fei didn't like his tone, and his attitude was a bit unfriendly, so he directly distanced himself: "What's the matter?"

To be honest, he couldn't understand Seans. The first encounter was very strange, and Seans' appearances afterwards were always very "coincidental". Ming Fei was kind to him at first, but after returning from Zanmubo, he always felt that he was weird. What was weird about him?

Ming Fei thought about it, and suddenly a strange thought flashed through his mind, an inexplicable sense of familiarity. But thinking about it again, he couldn't figure anything out.

Seans sat on the wooden chair and said, "I know you have a lot of doubts, and I can answer them one by one."

Ming Fei came back to his senses, looked at him, and asked vigilantly, "What is the price?"

Seans narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile, "You are not yet an adult, so you don't need to be so smart."

Ming Fei didn't say anything, Seans spread his hands and said, "There is no price, and I won't force you. The decision is in your hands."

After that, Ming Fei actually asked very few questions, but Seans said a lot.

"Are you approaching me with a purpose?"

"Of course, I have lived in Saint Erfuga for a long time, and I won't go to Sarsa for no reason." He said with a bit of annoyance, "You know, the two planets are very far apart."

Ming Fei frowned and asked again, "Is it because of Vanla?"

Seans paused for a moment, suddenly smiled and said, "I know what you want to ask, I will tell you everything directly."

Then, without allowing Ming Fei to refuse, Seans told some past events in a slow tone.

Ming Fei listened, in fact, he had already heard a version from Vanla. About the past of Vanla, Seans and Avri.

Seans talked about his childhood. Before he met Vanla, his childhood was peaceful and happy. Godfather Salvador was a very gentle man. Although in the powerful San Erfuga and Palant, where force is advocated, Salvador was a civilian elf who had never been on the battlefield. The treatment was imaginable.

But even so, Seans got everything he deserved from Salvador.

And then, Vanla appeared, a lonely and rejected but unique light elf. Salvador adopted him and gave him and Seans equal love.

Vanla's life has changed dramatically as he described before.

He hid his eccentricity, restrained his strength, and grew up rapidly with the same care. He even made friends.

The five teenagers at that time were simple and would do anything for a so-called adventure.

It was Elena who first started it. She was fiery and wanted to go to the battlefield. Avri was the first person she instigated. Vanla and Meyer refused, but they would never let the two girls take risks. So, even if Seans had been opposing, it had no effect.

Five teenagers who grew up in the academy rushed into the battlefield of light and darkness, facing blood and brutality and creatures addicted to darkness for the first time.

The final outcome was obvious.

Avri died, and after learning of their actions, Salvador rushed to the battlefield, wielding an attack spell that had never been used, protecting the remaining four teenagers under his feathers.

When the reinforcements arrived, Salvador leaned on his staff with one hand, stood forever, and closed his eyes forever.

A low-level elf sacrificed his life to save his child.

When Seans said this, his voice was very calm, as if he was narrating something that had nothing to do with him, but Ming Fei sensitively felt that the anger hidden under this calmness was unimaginable.

The death of Avri and Salvador made Seans leave Vanla completely. He had opposed and refused, but Vanla and the others insisted on their own way and eventually made a big mistake.

Then there was a long silence.

When Seans was able to smile again, he looked at Ming Fei and said, "Okay, let's talk now." After a pause, he added, "About you."

Ming Fei's thoughts were still flying around. What Seans said was true. He had heard Vanla say it, but Vanla ignored a lot about that mistake. And Seans just completed it.

Hearing Seans' voice, Ming Fei looked at him and asked, "What?"

"About you, yes, I approached you because of Vanla. Because I know that as long as he sees you, he will never leave you."

Mingfei didn't understand what he meant, so Siens continued: "In the past, everyone thought that Valla loved Avri deeply, and his violent behavior was also due to Avri's death. But in fact, it was not... …”

Seans approached Mingfei, his purple eyes flashing with strange light. He lowered his voice, like some kind of deep instrument slowly playing in his ears. Mingfei heard him say: "Vara...he loves you..."

"...I love you who is exactly the same as you."

Mingfei suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Seans took a step back and looked at him as if he were seeing him for the first time: "The unique flaxen hair color, brown pupils, and thin but gentle lips... Ordinary but long-term gaze makes people unable to take their eyes away. His appearance..." He exclaimed: "Xiao Mingfei, you look so much like him."

Mingfei looked at him and asked in a voice so calm that there was no wave: "Who?"

Siens softened his tone: "My godfather, our godfather—El Salvador."

There was no blood on Mingfei's face, and he looked as pale as if he was lifeless.

He stood there in a daze, the chill arising from the soles of his feet making him shiver, but he did not realize when Seans left.

A ridiculous farce was playing out in his mind, and he was actually the only protagonist in it, a clown who made people laugh.

He moved his gaze slightly and saw the light purple communicator that Seans left on the table, with a sentence floating on it: "Believe it? Don't believe it? If you want to see the truth, you are welcome to come to me."

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