Reborn as a Pea Shooter

114, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Seans walked for a long time, and Ming Fei changed from standing to sitting. It was dark soon, and the room seemed extra empty.

He kept replaying Seans' words in his mind, word by word, breaking them apart and putting them together again. For a moment, he felt that he could not understand what Seans meant at all.

He kept guiding his thoughts to the good side, but it had no effect, and was only occupied by more negative emotions.

Seans did it on purpose, which was obvious. He had no good intentions, which was also obvious.

But the truth is not always good, and it is not only friends who will tell you the truth.

If everything is false, a piercing pain came over and took away the strength of his limbs. At that moment, he even wanted to curl up to resist the pain.

He was very conflicted. On the one hand, he was extremely eager for Fanla to come, and on the other hand, he was terrified that Fanla would come.

He wanted to question desperately, but was afraid of getting an ambiguous answer. But what if, what if there is a one in ten thousand chance of success?

Ming Fei huddled in the chair, but he felt like he was suspended in the air, empty and without touching the ground. He didn't want to be hung in pain, but he didn't want to cut the rope and fall off the cliff.

For a moment, he even thought madly that as long as Fanla came over, as long as Fanla said he had never lied to him, he would be willing to believe him, believe him completely, without any doubt, and put all doubts out of his mind.

But the next moment, reason and self-esteem awakened, and he felt that he was already a farce, why bother to make himself more ridiculous?


Silently let this name linger on his lips, but he couldn't shout it out anyway, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

Trying to empty his mind, Ming Fei stayed in the corner motionlessly. Until a glimmer of light flashed in the dark night, followed by a short ring tone, he moved and moved his eyes to the communicator.

After hesitating for a while, Ming Fei took the communicator and clicked it. It was a video message.

With dazzling short golden hair and a bright smile, he looked like a young man radiating endless brilliance. His brain seemed to have crashed. When he slowly resumed working, Ming Fei realized that it was Huang Mao.

Huang Mao was already talking to himself. Ming Fei stared at him blankly. After listening for a long time, he knew that it was just Huang Mao's usual chat.

Because it was a one-sided video message, Ming Fei only needed to listen and watch.

After it ended, there was an abrupt silence.

Ming Fei stroked the communicator, swiped the selection key, and saw a series of messages, including Huang Mao, Xia Zuo, and Colin.

Huang Mao routinely reported his itinerary, focusing on describing how delicious the afternoon dessert was.

Xia Zuo just pretended to ask casually, can you understand?

Colin sent his class schedule.


The last one was from Seans. Ming Fei didn't want to see this message, because it was like a thorn. Every time Ming Fei comforted himself not to believe Seans, this message reminded him all the time, look, he has evidence, he is inviting you to see it in person.

It's meaningless!

Ming Fei quickly skipped this message, repeatedly looked at the previous message, and then silently said to himself in his heart, calm down, don't go to Seans, there is no evidence, and there is no need for any evidence. What you see with your own eyes may be false, which will only make you fall to the bottom of the cliff.

Then, he turned on all the lights in the room, moved to the bed, nestled in the quilt, and replied to them one by one. At this time, his brain seemed to be divided into two halves, calm reason and madness were fighting. But he knew that reason would definitely win everything.

After sending all the messages, he placed the communicator and huddled in the quilt. His heart was much calmer. He was not alone, at least he was no longer alone in this strange world.

No matter whether Seans said it was true or false, no matter what Fanla thought, as long as everything returned to the beginning, it would be fine. This is not escaping, this is the best solution.

Whoever leaves the other can still live well, he understands this truth better than anyone else.

Finally, at three o'clock in the morning, Ming Fei closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Then, even he himself did not expect that this sleep would last for a day and a night.

When he opened his eyes again, his whole body seemed to be soaked in water, and his pajamas and quilt were wet with sweat.

This dream was too long.

After a long period of swaying, his confused eyes gradually became clear, no longer hesitant, and more determined.

He got out of bed, took a shower, changed his clothes neatly, and faced the mirror. He looked at the very familiar reflection in the mirror, moved his eyes away without emotion, and locked the communicator lying flat on the table.

Ming Fei did not even hesitate for a moment, and quickly turned out the message from Seans, then clicked on the reply, tapped the screen, and typed a line of words: Where can I find you?

There was almost no interval of a second, which made people suspect that Seans had been holding the communicator. Ming Fei had already received a reply: Wait a minute, I will pick you up right away.

Ming Fei tightly grasped the communicator, his finger joints turned white due to the force, but there was no tremor.

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Seans came faster than he expected. When he saw Ming Fei dressed so neatly, he was surprised for a moment, but then he politely invited Ming Fei.

Ming Fei glanced at him and got on the aircraft without any expression.

The journey was not as far as imagined, but it was impossible to estimate. After all, the speed of the aircraft was beyond imagination. Although Ming Fei would not be as dizzy as the first time, it was not easy to identify the direction without leaving any trace. Using the sense of thought would alarm Seans. Vision alone would not have any effect.

So Ming Fei simply did not think about anything and just waited quietly.

The aircraft flew into a huge building complex, as if it was in an empty space. But after getting off the aircraft, Seans suddenly covered Ming Fei with a huge cloak, covering his entire body.

Seans blinked and said, "Necessary protection is not just to cover the surface."

Ming Fei immediately felt that this cloak had a sense of thought protection layer, or to put it more wonderfully, it was an excellent weapon for camouflage. It was not a common sense of blocking thoughts, but more of simulating another sense of thought, so that people would have no doubt about it.

Ming Fei followed closely behind Seans, and after passing through a corridor, he walked in through a remote small door. He did not meet no one in the process. On the contrary, he met many patrolling soldiers, but no one stopped him.

After entering the cabin, Seans stood up and said calmly: "We are here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ming Fei looked up.

After seeing everything clearly, his pupils shrank, and a strong sense of dizziness came over him, and he almost couldn't stand steadily.

Everything here is white, like a laboratory, empty and huge, with countless transparent light shields densely arranged, and each light shield has a vague shadow, some of which cannot be distinguished, while others are clearly visible, without exception. All have short flaxen hair and light brown pupils.

Seans' voice seemed to ring in his mind: he was thinking about resurrecting Salvador all the time.

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