Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

With a burst of noise, someone walked in from the main entrance. Seans quickly pulled Ming Fei to the side, then waved his right hand and propped up a protective shield to cover the two of them.

But the vision was not restricted at all.

So Ming Fei didn't even need to turn his head to face the person who was coming.

Two teams of soldiers in dark blue uniforms stood neatly on both sides. There was only one person in the middle. He was tall and wore a two-piece military uniform. The delicate lines made his long legs look particularly slender. The luxurious and dazzling ornaments on his top could not cover his more dazzling face at all.

The long silver hair was tied up and quietly scattered on the blue cloak, shining like the brilliant Milky Way in the night sky.

Ming Fei's sight was slow and burning, but deep in his heart he didn't want to really look at him, didn't want to see his eyes. I just hope that the blue eyes are still as gentle as in my mind.

But Seans didn't allow it. Feeling his retreat, he forcefully lifted his chin and forced him to look at him.

The ice-blue eyes were strange and distant, but the enthusiasm immersed in them was like a volcano in the deep sea, erupting with unimaginable heat.

After just one look, Ming Fei quickly closed his eyes. He let his heart silently recite Fanla's name, and at the same time refused to believe that the man in front of him was the Fanla he knew.

But he had to believe it.

Seans had been watching him silently, and Ming Fei's expression fell into his eyes without a trace. When he closed his eyes and his lips were bitten with blood marks because of nervousness or fear, he curled his lips, and a smile quickly disappeared from his ears.

Then he patted Ming Fei, and once again felt the boy's stiff body that was tense to the point of collapse with pleasure. Close to his ear, Seans said calmly in a suppressed voice: "Look, he is busy with this day and night."

"And you are just a pastime."

Leaving in a daze, Seans led him to a place that he could not tell clearly. He just felt empty in his heart. He thought he was mentally prepared and had thought of many lines to convince himself, but after seeing it in person. The impact was still beyond imagination. The wall built before was so vulnerable in front of this storm that it instantly became a broken wall and rubble.

This is far from the end. After Ming Fei's mind recovered slightly, he found that he and Seans were in an unusually warm place together. The furnishings are the unique style of Sarsa, luxurious and gorgeous to the extreme, which is rare in Saint Erfuga.

Seans handed him a cup of hot milk tea and whispered: "Drink it and take a rest."

Ming Fei took it, the aroma of milk tea came to his nose, and the warm color was even more heartwarming.

Ming Fei did not respond, and Seans did not mind. He lowered his voice, looked at him, and said slowly: "There is one thing I have been hesitant to tell you. I thought you would not believe it before, but now it may be time to let you know."

Ming Fei looked up at him.

Seans looked reluctant, but continued: "It is undeniable that I have always cared about you, in fact, it is also selfish, because you really look like Salvador, and he is my godfather who raised me. Facing your face, I can't help but care."

Hearing Salvador's name, Ming Fei seemed to be frightened, and his body trembled unconsciously.

Seans held his hand, as if to give him strength: "So, I couldn't stand it after I learned about Vanla's intention and wanted to intervene."

"He wanted to revive Salvador, which is an extremely absurd thing, but sometimes people's hearts are like this, always thinking that there is a glimmer of hope and don't want to give up. I also miss the Godfather very much, but..." At this point, his voice was a little choked, "I am still sober and know that this is impossible."

Seans seemed to recall something, and rarely lowered his eyes, no longer aggressive.

But Ming Fei stared at him, his face was still fragile and almost collapsed, but in his light brown eyes, a trace of imperceptible emotions flashed by.

Seans continued: "The reason why I want you to see Vanla's purpose is because it is related to your safety. Although I don't know much, one thing is certain, the resurrection technique requires a body, and the Godfather's body has long been lost, so you are very likely to..."

He didn't finish, and he didn't need to finish. Ming Fei's expression, which had been slightly warming up, turned pale again. Not just a recreational product or a substitute, it turns out he is also a sacrifice...

He was so cold in his heart that streams of ice water flowed through his body like replacing blood.

Siens stared at him and said the last sentence: "For your safety, I hope you can come with me."

After a long silence, Seans gave him enough time to think. He was not in a hurry and firmly believed that Ming Fei would give a satisfactory answer.

Sure enough, when the heat of the milk tea was exhausted and turned cold, Ming Fei, who had not spoken and seemed to have aphasia, finally opened his mouth and almost uttered a word with his breath:


Saint Erfuga.

Palante Supreme Research Institute.

The dome like the sky, the pure white laboratory, various instruments flashing different colors, running at high speed under the operation of hundreds of people.

The whole scene was busy but orderly. In a semicircular building at the top, there was only one person sitting steadily on a high-back chair, with silver hair scattered and his head covered by a shield, revealing only the lines below his nose.

When Elena walked in, she only looked up and took over the work.

This has been seven days of sleepless nights, but no one dared to slack off, as any mistake would ruin all the previous work.

In a short while, Mayer also walked in. The two looked at each other for a while, without speaking, and only buried their heads in countless data and files in their hands.

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After about three hours, when Elena brushed her hair by her ear to one side, she happened to look at Vanla from the side, but unexpectedly found that he had actually disconnected from the intelligent brain.

And Mayer also felt that the two of them looked at him at the same time.

Vanla walked down, frowned slightly and said: "The plan that the Senate is brewing is very crazy."

Irina was about to speak, but Vanla quickly changed the subject and looked at her and said: "It has been confirmed that the secret letter was passed to Zanmubo by Seans."

Irina was slightly startled and asked in disbelief: "Seans? He should hate Zanmubo."

There was an indelible fatigue between Vanla's eyebrows and eyes, and he did not repeat it again. Instead, he looked at Mayer and said: "The information will be passed to you in a while."

After a moment of slight shock, Mayer immediately responded: "Okay."

Vanla instructed some more things, looked at the time and said: "I'll leave for a while." But he stopped suddenly before he walked out of the door.

He looked at Mayer, and a dangerous light shot out from his blue eyes: "Immediately check the surveillance level 2 that Sophie District has been using recently."

Mayer frowned slightly and immediately called up the corresponding data, but the next scene made his pupils shrink.

Sophie District has been using No. 2 recently, which is Ming Fei's residence. It is clearly the highest SS surveillance level, but now it has been downgraded to the lowest C level without any signs. How is this possible!

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