Reborn as a Pea Shooter

116, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Elena also knew about it, she flashed over and said hurriedly: "Hurry up and raise the surveillance level."

Meyer did not move.

Vanla's face was as gloomy as water, and he stopped Elena's action: "It's useless. The Senate has the highest choice, and it's just a piece of cake to control the intelligence system."

Elena was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted: "Is it Seans?" Then she wondered, "Why did he approach Mingfei?"

At this moment, he still had the leisure to pay attention to an ordinary pea boy. What was Seans thinking? They had already deciphered his secret letter with Zanmu Bo, and as long as they invaded the center of the Senate, all his plans would be over, but at this time, he still had the leisure to wander around?

The reason why Mingfei was given such a high surveillance level was, on the one hand, not to distract Vanla, and on the other hand, not to use him to contain Vanla.

But Seans lowered the level at all costs and tried his best to get close to Mingfei. Is it really just to attack Vanla? This is not like his style.

Vanla rubbed his eyebrows and whispered: "I'll go and take a look. The rest of the analysis work will be handed over to 'Laite'. I will be back in two hours."

'Laite' is Vanla's exclusive intelligent brain and the wisdom center of the entire Palant. But without the control of the master, his efficiency is only half of the usual. This is why Vanla is connected to it day and night.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

Turning away, Vanla went straight to the Sophie area and has been using No. 2 recently.

He agreed to leave with Seans, but Mingfei proposed that he wanted to go back and pack up some things.

Although Seans wanted to say that you don't have to pack anything and everything will be prepared for you, seeing Mingfei's lost look, he still didn't say it, but whispered: "Wait a minute, I'll go with you."

Mingfei nodded.

It didn't take too long. When Seans came over again, Mingfei still maintained that sitting posture and didn't move at all.

Frowning slightly, Seans said, "Let's go."

Ming Fei suddenly woke up, his body was stiff and sore because of the fixed posture, but he didn't even frown, and the expression on his face seemed to be calm after the collapse, as if he was paralyzed by himself.

Sometimes you have to admit that coincidences always exist in reality.

When Vanla was near Sophie District, he realized that there was no breath of Ming Fei in it. But he still walked over. And when he arrived at the door, Ming Fei happened to come back.

Walked down from the aircraft, with Seans.

Even Seans was surprised. He didn't expect it to be so coincidental, but then he felt that even the gods were helping him. It would be ridiculous not to seize such an opportunity.

Ming Fei was completely stunned. He was not mentally prepared at all. He didn't know how to face Vanla at this time.

Vanla was still wearing the two-piece military uniform. When Ming Fei thought of the scene he saw in the pale laboratory, he even felt nauseous.

Although his expression was not cold and numb, until now, when he saw Fanla's beautiful and gentle blue eyes, he felt that everything was like an illusion, which would break without being poked.

How similar these opposing scenes were. It seemed that not long ago, when he was secretly angry with Fanla, this scene happened. He came back with Seans and was bumped into by Fanla.

Then, well, he and Fanla reconciled.

But now?

After a short silence, Fanla spoke first. He looked directly at Mingfei and whispered, "Mingfei, come here."

Seans looked at him leisurely. Mingfei seemed not to hear it. Instead, he turned around, raised his head slightly, and said to Seans, "Wait for me."

Seans smiled at him.

Mingfei also smiled back, but he didn't notice that Fanla was instantly stiff when he saw this scene.

Except for the first glance, Ming Fei never looked at Fan La again, as if the person standing there was not a person, but just a mass of air, the same air everywhere in Saint Erfuga.

But in fact, only he knew that the closer he was to Fan La, the more clearly he could feel his breath. After many times of perfect harmony and spiritual fusion, he was extremely familiar with Fan La, which was beyond his imagination. He tried his best to restrain his body's instincts, so that he could pretend to pass by him inadvertently.

"Ming Fei." Fan La held his wrist.

Ming Fei had no choice but to stop, lowered his head and was silent for a while before looking up at him, as calm as an ancient deep pool: "Let go."

Fan La frowned slightly, because he was facing the light, except for the shadow of his eyelashes on his eyelids, his whole face was revealed, which made people see clearly, even some subtle emotions that might be overlooked at ordinary times were clearly visible. For example, the anxiety that flashed across his eyes, and the faint fatigue under his eyes...

Ming Fei closed his eyes and suppressed the emotions that surged up. He said again: "Please let go."

Fan La let him go, and after he turned around and went into the house mercilessly, his empty fingers curled up slightly, as if something was really lost.

Siens had been watching coldly. When only he and Fan La were left, he slightly raised his mouth and said: "Fan La, I knew him earlier than you, I am more familiar with him than you, and I am more suitable for him than you...."

Fanla looked at him with a cold expression, and his eyes fell on his face, trying to see through his thoughts from every detail and every expression.

After that, Fanla stared at him straight, and suddenly sneered: "He is Ming Fei."

Throwing down this sentence, he turned around and pushed the door open.

Seans's perfect expression instantly broke.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Ming Fei's body instantly tensed up, and he was indifferent even when he heard the sound of the door closing. Because as long as he walked in, the whole room would be full of his breath.

Fanla asked: "Where are you going?"

Ming Fei did not stop packing clothes, and said without raising his head: "Leave here, with Seans."

There was a long silence, except for the sound of clothes and sundries being sorted, there was no other sound.

After a long time, Fanla walked behind him, held his hand, and said in an unprecedented tone: "Ming Fei, stop making trouble, okay?"

Ming Fei lowered his head, and there was no way to move even a cell in his body. I don't know if it was because of the familiar warmth in his hand, or the tone of voice that sounded almost like begging from Vanla's mouth.

In short, no matter what it was, he felt a tremor that rushed from the soles of his feet to his heart, and then was completely stopped and blocked outside.

He pushed Vanla's hand away and said in an extremely calm voice: "Your Majesty, we are not suitable. Although we only realized it now, it is not too late."

Vanla's pupils shrank because of this strange honorific, but then he closed his eyes again and said in a softer voice: "I don't know what Seans said to you, but I have been really busy these days, busy dealing with the Senate, busy with this country and the regime belonging to the people of the whole country... I didn't ignore you. If you want to know, I can tell you everything. As long as..."

He paused and said, "Give me time."

Ming Fei had his back to him. When he heard what he said, an unknown anger rushed up. He never felt ignored and never wanted to interfere with his work. He even knew clearly the source of this anger, because Vanla was humble.

It's not necessary... it's totally unnecessary.

He didn't want to say any more, and was afraid that if he said any more, he would lose control of his emotions.

Ming Fei quickened his pace. In fact, there were not many things to pack, and it would only take a few minutes.

When he picked up the package and was about to walk out the door, Fanla spoke again: "If you can't believe in language, you can directly invade my mind. You can feel it yourself, you can do it."

This sentence was like a high explosive, completely exploding in Ming Fei's heart. What does this mean? It's really unimaginable. Removing the mental barrier and completely opening up to another person is completely exposing oneself. This is more courageous than being naked in front of everyone.

It's not just courage, but also confidence in one's own emotions and unparalleled loyalty.

I can open everything to you, just because it's you.

Ming Fei paused. At that moment, he wanted to turn around and kiss, bite, lick, and entangle with the person behind him... Use unprecedented ways to relieve the enthusiasm in his heart, and use intense actions to express the deepest emotions...

Unfortunately, an old and slow voice kept replaying in his mind. This was like a bucket of cold water poured over his head, extinguishing all his enthusiasm.

Ming Fei calmed down and said in a voice that was unfamiliar to him: "It's not necessary, and I don't want it either."

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