Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

It has been three days since Seans left.

In the past three days, Mingfei didn't deliberately find out where he lived, but he was definitely still in St. Alfalfa. From the initial idleness, after confirming that Mingfei would not leave, Seans was too busy to see anyone.

However, Mingfei was taken care of very well, and his basic necessities, food, clothing, housing, and transportation were all taken care of. Sometimes he would think that this was probably the treatment that Ivory received.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

Both being served and being monitored.

Ming Fei was so happy and lived his life step by step. Apart from being unable to sleep at night, there was nothing wrong with him.

It wasn't until the fourth day that Seans opened the door and walked in. There was a slight smile on his handsome face and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Are you still used to it?"


Seans sat in a chair on the side, and an entourage wisely brought him two cups of steaming milk tea. He picked up the cup and took a sip, feeling unusually satisfied with the heat. So when he looked at Mingfei, he also bent his eyes: "Do you want to go out for a walk?"

Ming Fei was startled for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at him: "Where are you going?"

Sean paused for a moment and said as if he was remembering something: "How about going to Sarsha?"

Upon hearing the words Salsha, Mingfei immediately lowered his head to block his slightly twinkling eyes: "Okay."

Seans sighed, moved closer, and said in a softer voice: "You go over there first, I'll go find you after I'm done with it."

Mingfei nodded and agreed. Seans drank the milk tea in his cup and left.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Mingfei closed his eyes, sighed, curled up in the chair, and buried his head under his knees.

The itinerary was arranged very quickly. In the morning of the next day, someone came to guide Mingfei to Sarsha. Although he has been in Saint Erfuga for so long, he rarely goes out, but it has to be said that he knows this planet more well than his birthplace of Sarsha.

After boarding the aircraft, we directly entered a small business cabin. The appearance is very inconspicuous, but the interior furnishings are as bright and luxurious as ever.

Seans loves Salsha and everything about Salsha.

Mingfei observed the small business cabin calmly. He said it was small, but in fact it was as big as a two-story building. But compared with giant military ships, especially warships above the General, this is absolutely tiny.

There were many elves coming and going in the spaceship, but there were no acquaintances. The elves who served him all stayed in St. Elfuga. After entering the spacecraft, there were corresponding people to help him immediately, but he didn't even bring anything that belonged to him. .

Without questioning or doubting, Mingfei followed quietly into a cabin.

The spacecraft took off, and he looked through the transparent portholes and saw the vibrant Saint-Albuquerque slowly getting smaller in front of his eyes. This green planet was as beautiful and dreamy as it was when he first met.

I silently said 'Goodbye' in my heart. ’ After that, Ming Fei raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The spacecraft traveled for three hours, during which the speed continued to increase. When it reached the critical point of the speed of light, it would proceed in a curved direction. After the system sounded a warning, an attendant came to help him enter the life-sustaining cabin. The independent life support cabin in the cabin is much higher than the ordinary life support cabin in terms of quality and function. Of course, the level of comfort is equally high-end.

Mingfei lay in the life-support cabin. This familiar scene made him sigh a little, but then the anesthetic drug invading his hands and feet made his brain fall asleep, and his eyelids closed, as if he was about to have a sweet dream. As if falling into a deep sleep.

Half an hour later.

Mingfei suddenly opened his eyes. The spacecraft had begun to advance in a curve, and the surroundings were quiet and there was no sound. He put his thoughts out tentatively, and after confirming that there were no conscious creatures around him, he poured in energy and removed all the restraints that locked his limbs.

The heavy lid of the survival capsule slowly rose, Mingfei straightened up and walked out calmly.

It is estimated that only a few people in the entire Palant, including Zan Tomb, could stay awake while advancing in a curved direction. Siens couldn't guess that Mingfei could move freely even if he tried his best. Therefore, in the entire spaceship, no one except Mingfei could stay awake.

Therefore, at this moment, Mingfei felt like he was in a no-man's land. He arrived at the main control room of the spacecraft without any trouble. There is still no one in the main control room, and now the entire spacecraft is controlled by the intelligent brain. is the most vulnerable time.

Although this business cabin is equipped with equipment comparable to that of a general patrol aircraft, Mingfei has hacked into the brain of a main ship-level spaceship - although with the help of Van La - but to be honest, the intelligence in front of him is In front of him, the brain is still on the same level as a mentally retarded person.

With almost no obstruction, Sishen had already invaded Zhibrain, and was immediately recognized as the owner and determined to be the new captain.

This process sounds simple, but in fact, it is unexpected. Because according to Mingfei's age and experience, it is impossible for him to even know what thoughts are, let alone use them skillfully. This is something Xiens could not have imagined.

After so many days, Mingfei has been keeping a low profile. Ever since he landed in San Erfujia, he has never used his thinking ability without authorization. This is also an aspect that has not been noticed by Seans.

Recalling that when Valla asked him to invade his mind when he had been using No. 2 in Sophie District, Mingfei was lying if he wasn't moved. If there was any doubt before, nothing was left at that moment.

At that time, Seans was outside the door. He had been forbearing for so long and had not exposed his telepathic ability, let alone using it rashly at this time.

Moreover, he did not need to invade, and he would choose to believe Vanla.

Thinking of Vanla, his eyes lit up at first, but then dimmed again. Taking a deep breath, Ming Fei drove away the useless thoughts from his mind, and began to focus on combining with the intelligent brain.

The information stored in the intelligent brain was very little. In addition to carrying the basic information of the crew, the only useful thing was the set route.

After carefully checking the locked route, Ming Fei could not help but sneer, as expected.

This was not going to Sarsa at all, but going straight to the imperial capital of Zanmubo!

But it was just right, saving trouble, and he didn't have to think about how to go to Zanmubo.

The intelligent brain stored a detailed nebula map. This spaceship should have made a greeting in advance. When passing the border between Palant and Zanmubo, there was no need to jump out of the curved direction. The entire route was direct. It can be seen that Seans's connection with Zanmubo is definitely not simple.

Ming Fei carefully studied the route. The spaceship went directly to the Emperor's Star of Zanmubo, but he wanted to go to that desolate star. How could he arrive without causing a sensation? This was a problem.

In fact, the simplest thing was to kill all the elves in the entire spaceship cabin while advancing in a curved direction. But... well, Ming Fei could never do this. Moreover, even if he could be ruthless, this merchant ship must have been the target of public criticism. It was supposed to go directly to the Emperor's Star but turned to a desolate star halfway. This was definitely not normal and would only cause big trouble.

So, we had to get out of this spaceship.

Speaking of getting out of the spaceship, Ming Fei had to think of the convenient, practical, familiar and friendly life-support cabin. However, there were many concerns. First of all, when Zanmubo was on the run, he and Vanla did survive by relying on the life-support cabin.

However, at that time, even with Vanla, relying on his energy, the operation of the life-support cabin was extremely slow. Not to mention that Ming Fei was the only one now. If something went wrong, it would not be impossible to drift in outer space forever.

Besides, Vanla has been through many battles, and his intuition about the stars is unmatched. Let alone the energy problem, Ming Fei can't tell the direction in the vast starry sky.

What should we do?

Ming Fei sat in the main seat in the control room, staring at the nebula map, his mind spinning rapidly.

After a few hours of stalemate, a very bold idea slowly formed in his mind.

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