Reborn as a Pea Shooter

20. Chapter 20: Newborn Elves (Part 1)

Mingfei was stunned for a moment and didn't understand the meaning of Sean's words. The words themselves were easy to understand, but he always felt that there was something behind the words and he was implying something. But Mingfei has never seen a few elves at all, let alone gotten close to anyone...

Unable to figure it out, he asked: "What?"

Seans was slightly startled, but immediately returned to his previous smiling demeanor. He blinked and said, "Of course I'm afraid you'll be abducted."

"Uh..." Mingfei was speechless.

Seans reached out and patted Mingfei on the head, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's getting late. You're still busy tomorrow. Go to bed early. We'll see you later."

After saying that, another snap of the fingers summoned 'Phantom'.

Mingfei opened his mouth to continue asking, but who knew that this phantom was worthy of its name? In a flash, Xiens turned into a star in the distance...

Mingfei had no choice but to pack up and go back to the house.

The dormitory was clean and tidy. After a hard day's work, Mingfei washed up a little and fell on the bed. He recalled what Sean had said but was still confused.

After a while, the crystal was beeping and still flashing. Mingfei quickly pressed it open, and a big yellow-haired head flashed out immediately, Mingfei was startled.

Huang Mao's voice came from Jing Yuan: "Ming Fei Ming Fei, have you arrived at the dormitory?"

Mingfei said: "It's here, it's here."

Huang Mao was in chatterbox mode and started chattering non-stop through the communicator. Seeing that he was getting more pitiful and more and more likely to come to the water courtyard to find him, Mingfei quickly stopped: "Stop."

Separated by Jing Yuan but not affected, Huang Mao pretends to be pitiful.

Mingfei said helplessly: "What Xiens said today is right. Go to bed early and go shopping for supplies with your friends in the same department tomorrow. Get in touch with your classmates more and don't be left alone."

Huang Mao nodded.

Mingfei had no choice but to reassure him: "We have a lot of public classes this school year, and we will have classes together then."

Huang Mao lowered his head and said nothing.

Mingfei was a little puzzled and said, "What? Are you tired? Go to bed early."

Huang Mao still lowered his head, but finally spoke, his voice was low but he said clearly: "You... don't be angry with Xia Zuo."

Why did you suddenly turn to this topic? Mingfei was a little confused. He had always known a little about Xia Zuo and them, and Huang Mao had never explained clearly.

"What's wrong? If you know anything, tell me. I can't remember what happened before."

Huang Mao hesitated and said, "Although Xia Zuo hates me, he should care about you very much. Although you never told me, I always feel that the fallout between you two has something to do with me..." He paused. Then he said: "You are in the same department now, and I am not with you anymore. If you go and reconcile with him, he will definitely agree. Besides, Xia Zuo is so powerful now, don't be angry with him anymore."

These words made Mingfei understand a lot. Huang Mao was worried that Xia Zuo was too powerful, and it would be difficult for him and Xia Zuo to fall out... However, it was not as simple as Huang Mao said, as Xia Zuo showed. That gesture of making peace just made me annoyed when I saw him.

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Besides, he obviously doesn't think he has done anything wrong, so why should he humble himself to please others? Not to mention such an arrogant little kid.

But there was no need to worry Huang Mao. He smiled and said, "It's okay. I'll look back at the situation. You don't have to worry about me. Just take care of yourself. Go to bed early."

Hearing that Mingfei responded, Huang Mao was a little relieved but also a little disappointed. But in the end, he just said "good night" and hung up the communication.

After all this tossing, Mingfei couldn't fall asleep for a while. Mingfei kept his eyes open and thought for a long time, but he had no clue. Finally, he simply sat up and picked up the crystal on the bedside table, wanting to read the information inside again. .

The crystal contains a detailed map of Sarsha Military Academy and a simplified map of the entire Sarsha.

At first, Mingfei only thought that Sarsha was a city, but after seeing this map, he was shocked to find that Sarsha was actually a planet.

The main city occupies a full quarter of the planet's surface, while the remaining two-quarters are developed nurseries, and the last quarter is undeveloped territory.

Moreover, the layout of the entire planet is circular, with the main city in the center, and the surrounding nurseries spread out in a circle, surrounding the main city, with undeveloped areas also occupying the large circle on the periphery.

The main city of Sarsha is divided into an outer city and an inner city. The outer city is the base camp of non-combat plants and an economic and trade center, while the inner city is the residence of combat plants and elves, and is also important for maintaining the air defense of the entire planet. base.

Sarsha Military Academy is located on the upper left side of the inner city. It has five main courtyards, arranged in a pentagonal shape. There is a common teaching building complex in the middle, which includes classrooms for major public courses and a huge circular square. The branches of the Tree of Life are enshrined to show the highest respect to Mother Palant.

In Mingfei's eyes, the military academy occupies an extremely large area, but it is only one-tenth of the area of ​​the entire inner city.

The rest are more of the elves' residences and related facilities. They are not described in detail on the map, and Mingfei doesn't know much about them.

He paid more attention to the internal map of Sarsha Military Academy, mainly so that he could know what to buy tomorrow and not waste money.

After pondering for a long time, he didn't even know when he fell asleep.

At dawn, there was a knock on the door. Mingfei got more and more confused in the morning after sleeping late at night. He habitually got out of bed and opened the door. Sunlight poured in. He squinted and said, "Brother Huangmao, do you dare to let me in?" I'll sleep more."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he woke up himself... Huang Mao was no longer next door to him, so he naturally wouldn't come knocking on the door early in the morning. There was a faint feeling of loss in his heart, and his eyes finally focused.

Colin, who was standing outside the door, was a little embarrassed: "Are you still awake?"

Mingfei smiled sheepishly at him and said, "I slept late last night and was still sleepwalking."

Colin smiled heartily and said, "Hurry and pack up and let's set off."

Mingfei nodded and made an appointment with Colin yesterday to go together today. He simply cleaned up and came out. Colin asked him, "Is Huang Mao not here yet?"

Mingfei was startled. Colin didn't know what happened last night. He explained: "We have different things to buy in different departments. It is more convenient for him to be in Jinyuan."

Colin nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

The two studied the map and arrived at their destination in less than five minutes by medium-speed aircraft.

Looking at the list of necessities to be purchased, Mingfei suddenly remembered that Harry Potter also purchased a bunch of things before entering Hogwarts... except that Harry also inherited a large sum of gold coins, which he could spend on whatever he wanted. flower.

And he was miserable. He didn’t have much money and had to work hard to spend it sparingly.

There are some recommended stores on the list. Searching the store name on the map saved in Jingyuan will guide you all the way there.

But Colin said: "We'd better not go to these shops."


Colin said: "These stores can be recommended and they have paid advertising fees. Although the quality of the products there is not good, the relative prices are much more expensive."

Mingfei understood immediately... The wool comes from the sheep, and there are indeed all-pervasive businessmen everywhere.

But how can they find cheap and affordable stores if they are unfamiliar with the place?

Colin answered his doubts: "You can use Jingyuan to search. There will be some kind-hearted seniors who will recommend affordable stores. I checked them all last night, let's go."

Many friends, many paths, this is indeed true. Mingfei was in a good mood to keep up with Colin, but at the same time, he remembered that he should remind Huang Mao. He took out the crystal yuan and was about to contact Huang Mao but stopped.

Let Huang Mao go to the recommended store. Although it is more expensive, it should be much safer and more reliable. There is no need for him to save that little money... If he doesn't get it right and causes unnecessary trouble, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Colin had indeed put in the effort. They went to another street. It was much deserted than the previous one, but there were still people coming and going, and most of the pedestrians had indifferent expressions. Without the expressions of curiosity, it definitely didn't look like it. Their new life.

The guided store was just ahead, and Colin and Mingfei quickened their pace.

Just as he was about to arrive at his destination, Mingfei's eyes were attracted by a huge banner - "A high-speed aircraft that will take you to the stars."

Colin looked at him and said clearly: "This is the latest small aircraft. It can travel around the stars. However, the distance is relatively short and the time is relatively long. Generally speaking, the price/performance ratio is not high. It is a very tasteless luxury product. ”

Mingfei was still staring there. In fact, what really made him unable to take his eyes away was not the flashy aircraft, but another banner posted in that store——

‘Said’s primary aircraft—the first choice mount for seedlings to ascend to the elves! ’

‘Preferential prices bring you noble enjoyment. Syd, you deserve it. ’

When the clerk in the store saw Ming Fei staring inside, he immediately ran out and said with a smile: "Do you want to buy an aircraft? It's the opening day of the college recently, and there are discounts."

When Colin saw this, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Ming Fei and said, "Don't be impulsive. You can't fly an aircraft without being promoted to an elf."

The clerk naturally saw that they were two seedlings that had just entered school, but he still said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the price is favorable now, you can buy it back in advance, it only takes a little time for people with such excellent qualifications to be promoted to elves like you." Question. Besides, the price discount is very strong now, will you regret missing this opportunity?”

Mingfei still stared straight at it, but Colin was a little anxious. In order to increase sales, these clerks would often coax young people who had just entered school, saying that they would sell them aircraft at a low price, but the price was at least 20,000 sanni, which was almost All subsidies for seedlings.

However, this kind of behavior does not violate laws and regulations. After all, it is between you and me. The price is also within the regulations, and there is no malicious increase in price. It's just that his statement that 'you can be promoted to an elf in a little time' is extremely misleading. But for the seedlings who have just entered school, these words are like lifting them up to the sky. There are definitely not a few who pick their pockets because they can't fall down.

Colin said anxiously to Mingfei: "Don't listen to what he said. It is difficult to become an elf. It is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short time."

The clerk's smile was a little stiff, but he didn't expect to meet someone knowledgeable.

Mingfei didn't care at all what they were talking about. He turned to look at Colin and asked one word at a time: "Can we become elves?"

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