Reborn as a Pea Shooter

21. Chapter 21: Newborn Elves (Part 2)

Colin was stunned and said, "You don't know?"

You know what? Mingfei suppressed the surging emotions and asked again: "Didn't it say that elves were born from the tree of life?"

Colin said: "That's right."

Mingfei gritted his teeth: "Then why did the elf become a plant again?"

"Mingfei, you don't even know this, right..." Colin held his forehead, dragged Mingfei and said, "Get out of here first, and I'll tell you slowly."

Mingfei had seen too many tricks played by the aircraft store clerk in his previous life, and was not fooled at all. He was just shocked by the origin of the elves. He followed Colin and left without hesitation, listening to what he said:

"Elves and plants are both born from the tree of life, there is no doubt about it."

Mingfei nodded.

Colin continued: "This does not conflict with whether plants can turn into elves. Although the elves born directly from the Tree of Life are extremely powerful, they are very rare. Only one is born in hundreds of years. But because of the relationship with Zan Due to the battle on Tomb Star and the limited lifespan, the number of elves has been decreasing. Until thousands of years ago, a wise and great elf opened wisdom to the seedlings of the same origin but much lower level, and helped They practice and study their own abilities, so that ordinary plants also have the ability to evolve."

"The elves born from this are named newborn elves. They have the bodies of elves but can also transform into the bodies of plants. The elves have always been more proficient in mastering and utilizing natural elements, but plants are better at physical Entity attack. The existence of new elves allows the advantages of the two races to be combined and complement each other, making them more powerful. For example, if a shooter who can only shoot peas can be promoted to an elf, he will be equipped with powerful weapons when fighting. Elemental attacks can infinitely increase combat power and enhance the chance of survival on the battlefield.”

Mingfei listened carefully, but what he was more concerned about was: "So we can really become elves? Have the same limbs and body?"

Colin said: "It's possible, but it's difficult. Although all seedlings are eager to be promoted to elves, this process..."

Mingfei couldn't listen anymore, he was so happy!

He never thought that the day would come when this short pea body would turn over. He had already had enough of this green body, this small body of big leaves, and the life of jumping around every day!

Arms, thighs, and most importantly, fingers. He missed them so much!

What could be more exciting than making someone who is not a human become a human again? People who have always been human will not understand such complicated emotions!

At this moment, Mingfei felt that there was a bright and bright road in front of him!

Since traveling here, he has never been as excited as he is now. He has always had a somewhat negative and lazy mentality.

But it's different now. Everything has a goal. He wants to become a human again. No matter how hard it is, as long as he can have a human body again, it will be worth it!

Unable to conceal his excitement, he grabbed Colin and asked, "What do I need to do to become an elf?"

Every seedling will dream of becoming an elf in the future. Colin was not surprised by Mingfei's appearance. He explained patiently: "This cannot be done in a short while. Don't listen to their compliments. Promotion. Elf is first related to the qualification level, but of course it is not an absolute relationship. Even with low qualifications, as long as you practice hard and study hard, you can still be promoted, but it will cost more and the chance will be lower. "

Mingfei's eyes dimmed a lot when he first heard that it was related to qualifications. However, his eyes lit up again when he heard that he could be promoted just by redoubling his efforts.

Colin did not continue talking, but changed the topic: "I know how you feel, but this matter cannot be rushed. Let's buy books and supplies first. After school starts, there will be a lecturer who will explain specifically about promotion."

Mingfei also calmed down at this moment, knowing that this matter was not as simple as he thought and needed to be considered in the long run. He finally felt confident and could calm down.

Because Colin prepared very thoroughly in advance, although the things that needed to be prepared on the list were tedious, they came in the same way, and the trip back and forth went very smoothly.

The corresponding books and exercise books for the required public courses such as political history, etiquette, military theory, and tactical practice are fully prepared.

The water school's separate textbooks on the basics of water system and the use of water elements are also available in another store.

There is a long list of books and corresponding workbooks on the list. But there were a lot of very strange things marked at the end. Mingfei glanced at them and was a little dumbfounded. There were gloves, steel tongs, a crusher, bottle sets, and even a furnace...

He pointed to this row and asked Colin: "Why did you buy these things?"

Colin looked at it and said, "Oh, those are for elective courses. Don't buy them now. Wait until you decide what major you want to choose before buying the corresponding necessities."

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Mingfei was a little curious: "What are the elective courses? Are these necessities too weird?"

Colin said: "There are many elective majors. I can't name them all. I only know a few popular ones."

“What are the popular ones?”

"Basically, seedlings will take driving studies as electives, followed by science and engineering, as well as jewelry and energy science, which is popular in Salsha. Of course, there are also some more moderate ones such as element collection and purification chemistry."

Ming Fei felt it was so mysterious that he barely understood it and asked, "What's the point of learning this?"

Colin explained, "We will all fight in the future. More skills mean more chances of survival. These elective majors are basically to assist in fighting. Of course, if you have a high level of professional proficiency, you can even make some auxiliary items to sell, which is also a way to make money."

When Ming Fei heard about making money, his eyes lit up and he immediately asked, "Which ones are the most profitable? Wouldn't it be rich if you learn all of them?"

Colin poured cold water on him, "Palante has laws that stipulate that all People can only choose up to two elective majors, and they cannot change them for life."

"...Why is this? Even this kind of thing is restricted?"

Colin said: "There was no such law a long time ago. Elective majors are just auxiliary professions, but many soldiers are too greedy and choose many majors at the same time. On the one hand, they are for their own use, and on the other hand, they want to make money. In this way, they miss their main job, take a detour, and put the cart before the horse."

Ming Fei was stunned, and immediately figured it out. There are not many combat plants in themselves. If they are distracted by the auxiliary profession, wouldn't it be a loss? What's more, everyone's energy is limited. If you choose too many majors, it is estimated that you will be a jack of all trades but not a master of none.

By then, not only will the combat training be delayed, but there will also be no master-level masters in the auxiliary profession. Isn't this a loss?

Colin's voice continued: "It was only after His Majesty Vanla ascended the throne that he issued the decree limiting everyone to only two elective majors. It was his long-term vision that made the main and auxiliary industries promote each other and complement each other."

Ming Fei could understand the benefits of this regulation, but when he heard Vanla's name... he instinctively felt unhappy. He was the one who introduced the qualification assessment that made people suffer, and now he even interferes with the choice of auxiliary industries...

Although it is the right direction from the overall perspective, it does not affect Ming Fei's impression of this nosy Majesty.

Apart from these useless things, since only two majors can be chosen, how to choose, Ming Fei silently decided that he must look at the "money" anyway!

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