Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and fifteen black mamba

Grab the wind and meet it.

When the pirate flag with colorful pupils and skulls was flying on the top of the Golden Deer, Drake's flagship, which had been idle for more than ten days, woke up in a breath.

The sailors slid like apes on the sails of this huge warship with its foremast missing, hoisted the square sails, the longitudinal sails, set up all the bow sails and sails, and passed the ship sideways between swings. The bow cuts the sea wind obliquely and accelerates slowly.

The sailors galloped across the deck.

In a group of eight, they pushed the twelve-pound guns and the supporting projectiles and ammunition packs out of the forecastle in an orderly and fast manner.

Yacharin leaned out half of his body in the gun bay, and shouted loudly: "The whole ship is full of live ammunition! Both sides are fully loaded! Ready for battle!"

The sailors completed the loading with a level of training that Donna had never seen before, pushed the gun barrel out of the ship's side, and quickly hooked the iron chain that fixed the gun carriage. The chains lay limply on the deck, not straightened.

Because the gun carriage will retreat with the recoil force of the artillery when it is about to be fired, the purpose of the iron chain is only to prevent the gun carriage from flying out, rather than handing over all the recoil force to the battleship.

Lorraine estimated the distance on the bow, and ordered in a loud voice: "full rudder to the left, turn the sail!"

Henna fully turned the steering wheel without saying a word, and Keren led the sailors to push the yard, and made an arc on the stern deck, so that the schooner was always full with the tilt of the ship.

The Golden Deer thus completed its first breakaway wind.

Donna watched all this quietly.

She stood beside Lorraine, with a slender rope tied around her waist, and the other end of the rope was tied to the ferocious crossbow arm of the narwhal. The length of the remaining rope was only one meter.

This is her return to Lorraine for allowing her to "bind herself". However, whether Lorraine trusts her or not is not mentioned for the time being. The crew of the Golden Deer certainly did not let down their vigilance because of her actions.

Noya, that shy Roma girl who blushes when she speaks, and dare not walk ahead alone, sits beside her, playing with the card box on her waist intentionally or unintentionally, with the same eyes dodging, soft voice Whispering.

But Donna would never treat her as the noble young master's personal maid again.

Because not long ago, this "maid" raised her hand and shot a few Tarot sheets, which easily penetrated into the solid oak deck, penetrating half an inch into the wood.

If those Tarot sticks on people... Donna shuddered, and suddenly remembered that out of curiosity, she asked her to do divination at a very close distance.

And Pierce, that child whose age and appearance were far below adult standards, the moment he raised the spear, his childishness disappeared completely.

Donna vaguely saw a small Lorraine holding a gun and aiming at her, without the slightest hesitation in his eyes, that arrogance, that kind of self-confidence... It made one's heart chill.

Now, he is climbing the rigging.

On the rickety sea boat, carrying a spear as tall as a man on his back, and wearing a strange smock made of some kind of creature's skin, this child climbed up to the thirty-meter-high watchtower like a monkey, without any fear the dangers in it.

How could Donna not know that everything she saw before was fake?

Yacharin who is lewd and talkative, Wang Ye who can only cook, Karen the housekeeper who is so tired, Heina who has no ego but only the dead master of the master...

And that Lorraine Drake who seems to be full of aristocratic feelings, who regards sailing as an outing...

Donna raised her head, stared blankly at the colorful-eyed pirate flag fluttering on the top of the mast, and muttered to herself.

"This is a pack of wolves in sheep's clothing...a premeditated invasion."

Lorraine heard her words and turned back with a smile: "Miss Knight, do you understand?"

"You don't have to call me Miss Knight anymore. I have been away from my family for a long time, and I can't be called a knight."

"But you didn't announce your name, I can't call you... hello."

Donna was silent for a while: "Caterina Dibo, I used to be the daughter of Count Estanbar of Barcelona,

Now it's Catalina the Redhead of the Caribbean, a pirate captain who lost his ship. "

"Ms. Dibo." Lorraine bowed slightly and saluted, "I'm glad we got to know each other one step closer. In return... I am indeed interested in Caribbean pirates, but I never thought that you would be one of the pirates." Still such an excellent member.”

Katerina shook her head and laughed twice.

"Golden Hart, Drake, if my guess is correct, your ancestor is Francis, the pioneer of Pirates of the Caribbean. Do you know? All the famous pirates in history regard him as a role model and pursuit, so we are far more than you It's more cultivated to imagine, even if it sounds funny."

"It's actually not funny." Lorraine shrugged, "Europe's maritime powers are all prosperous because of pirates, and most of the nobles are related to pirates. You are also from an orthodox noble family. You should know that we still abide by the tradition of thugs, but we do it better than our ancestors They have far more artifice, for instance, in substituting class and law for the cutlass and musket."

"A peculiar rhetoric." Katerina raised her eyebrows, "It seems that you are not popular in the noble circle."

"That's true when you have no money." Lorraine smiled noncommittally, "The chat is over, our enemy is here."

The sail shadow of the black mamba appeared on the sea level, rising slowly and swiftly.

The Golden Deer completed the second break, full rudder to starboard against the wind, and cut diagonally towards the opponent's port side.

Lorraine saw a waving pirate flag. On the black flag, there was a large group of blood-like bright red stains. In the middle of the stains was a white skull. Two scimitars were lowered and crossed. A black mamba was entrenched On the skeleton, a triangular snake head emerges from the left eye socket, with its head held high, ready to pounce.

Lorraine held back her mouth: "Foremast and mainmast sail, mizzen schooner, standard Barger-type three-masted mixed sailboat, what's her name?"

"The Viper." Katerina did not show the slightest hesitation, "44 meters long, 10 meters wide, made of birch wood, with a crew of 200. She turned out to be a smuggling ship on the African route, and Amy Ferrard captured her." When he was injured by a black mamba snake in the cargo hold, he cut off his left hand in time and survived the injury, which is how he got the name of the black mamba."

Lorraine folded his arms and observed the enemy ship, and said softly, "I'm not interested in knowing the history of Captain Black Mamba's fortune. How's her firepower?"

"There are 10 twelve-pounder guns on each side of the gun bay, and four nine-pounder guns on each side of the main deck. She has specially reinforced the bow and is equipped with two eighteen-pounder medium-range guns, which are the strongest firepower on board. Be careful. "

"Put the heavy cannon on the bow?" Lorraine froze for a moment, "He seems to enjoy the joy of chasing prey."

"No, his tactics are a bit special, mainly because..."

"Wingsail!" Katerina didn't finish her sentence, and Pierce's childish and panicked shout suddenly came from the observation deck, "One o'clock, the distance is 1.5 kilometers! The enemy ship opened the wingsail, and the speed increased sharply, and the relative speed was 16 knots! "

"Bow bombardment! Evasion!"

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