Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and sixteenth fellow

boom! boom!

The gunfire roared, and the water column filled the sky. The Golden Deer swayed and brushed the water column, slowly and firmly executing its own boarding journey.

The first round of shelling from the Viper posed no threat to the Golden Deer.

Although the theoretical range of the medium-range cannon can indeed reach 1500 meters, considering the factors of bumps and waves, the effective range of the ship-mounted long-range cannon is often only within 300 meters, and the stability of the medium-range cannon is weaker than that of the long-range cannon. It is suitable for the range where it exerts its power.

But Lorraine's face was still ashen.

Katerina's reminder, and the Viper's suddenly raised wing sails, these two points are enough for Lorraine to guess the true meaning of Amy Ferrard's so-called special tactics.

It is Gou.

The two sides confronted each other on the sea, and Lorraine had an absolute advantage in firepower, but was at an absolute disadvantage in speed and flexibility.

With the headwind against the tailwind, the cutting speed of the Golden Deer is only about three knots, while the speed of the Viper reaches twelve to thirteen knots.

At the same time, the relatively wide and thick hull could have made the Golden Deer more flexible in turning and evading, which is also a magic weapon for navies of various countries to face pirates and privateers, mainly high-speed ships.

However, the Golden Deer lost its foremast, which affected the center of gravity of the hull. This original advantage was gone. From a control point of view, the Golden Deer could not be controlled better than the fast-moving Viper.

"Come when you want, leave when you want?"

In three minutes, the two sides approached 500 meters, and the Viper's high bow released a second round of shells, which landed around 100 meters away from the Golden Deer, and the blasted sea water washed over the deck like a shower.

The Golden Deer also made a tentative counterattack. The thirteen cannons on the starboard side roared in turn. After a minute, all of them were loaded, and there was another round at a distance of 200 meters.

The Viper turned gracefully in the dense spray, and passed the Golden Deer. The broadside artillery approached and fired continuously. A nine-pound gun hit the Golden Deer's hull, splitting sporadic Sawdust, blasted out into a ball of charred black.

This is also the closest time between the two sides.

The Viper left with one blow, and Lorraine squinted at the sail shadow that was fading away, gritted his teeth and ordered: "Turn around, face the wind, don't let him lead you by the nose..."

The Golden Deer turned its head awkwardly and slid out of a huge arc, leaving crooked waterlines on the sea.

Katerina said suddenly: "Mr. Drake, you have to guard your back."


"The Black Mamba is a band of pirates, not just the Viper."

"How many ships are there?"

"Three, a Baggage, a Brigantine, and a Brig."

"It would be bad if you were flanked..." Lorraine covered her mouth and muttered to herself, then raised her head suddenly, "Pierce! The surrounding sea area, check carefully to see if there are any other shadows of ships!"

"At ten o'clock, a Bugger-type turned around four kilometers away. At nine o'clock, a Brigantine-type ship was twelve kilometers away. It seems that no battle was found here. At six o'clock... at six o'clock, Brigantine was spotted Type a ship, advance quickly with the wind, and it is expected to enter the battlefield in 20 minutes!"

"Luring the enemy, ambush, and watching the wind." Lorraine raised his brows, "Is this how your ship was sunk, Ms. Dibo?"

Katerina's eyes flickered for a moment, as if recalling some painful memories: "Yes, Ferrard's Viper was very fast. That day, he used the Viper to hold us back. We were damaged by the rudder and escaped. To the rocks near Barbados... I couldn't escape if it wasn't for the cover of the crew."

"If a group of pirates can give up their lives to protect you, even if you are not a qualified captain, you are still an excellent leader."

"You don't have to comfort me." Katerina smiled wryly, "One against three, Brig will join the battle in twenty minutes, and Brigantine may also participate in the siege. What are you going to do?"

"You said it was an invasion.

Lorraine smiled and patted the narwhal, "I will let them know why destroyers are called the nemesis of pirates..."



boom! boom! boom! boom!

With continuous cannon fire, fierce battles off the coast of Barbados are in full swing.

However, this battle was very different from the battle that took place in Cantabrian that day.

Because the Black Mambas are a group of pure pirates, including their leader Amy Ferrard, all cadres have no professional background.

Unlike the privateer merchants in Northwest Europe, most of them had military experience, and naturally they designed their tactics without any trace.

This will probably be the template for the opponent Lorraine will face for a long time to come. The pirates in the Caribbean are no better than the privateers in Northwest Europe.

Viper bulged its sails and galloped across the vast sea like a ghost, using rapid turns and their unsophisticated artillery skills to continuously charge like the Golden Deer, getting closer and further away.

On the other side, the Brig had already arrived on the battlefield, cunningly fell to the side, trying not to expose its side to the densely packed gun ports of the Golden Hart.

The Golden Deer's response seemed particularly clumsy.

The high-speed Viper was wandering on the port side, and most of the gunners were concentrated on the port side. The 18-pound flintlock can almost be fired once a minute, but the projectiles that splashed the sky have not left any marks on the Viper so far.

The gunners tried their best to catch this slippery sea loach, but they found nothing. In the interval of shelling, the Viper seized another opportunity and knocked off a long section of wood on the stern terrace with close-in shelling. guardrail.

The lingering Brig is entangled in the right rear, and the Golden Deer can only contain her with twelve-pound guns, two on the main deck and four on the stern.

The narrow shooting angle greatly affected the hit rate of the shooting. In more than ten rounds of shelling, only one shell hit the bow of the Brig-type ship, creating a crescent-like gap, which did not affect the opponent's navigation at all.

Brig accelerated forward again and again, slowed down immediately after firing the cannons, advancing and retreating, like a dexterous mouse playing with a lame old cat, time and time again.

The mouse became more and more courageous, and the forward mutation of the battleship became more and more resolute and deeper.

Yacharin led his gun squad and stood behind the penultimate gunport on the starboard side, squinting his eyes, raising his hands, his raised thumbs lined up with his eyes and the Brig in the distance, and remained motionless.

"I didn't expect that the captain, who seemed to be clean and self-sacrificing, would actually be a fellow man..."

The gunners who were familiar with him immediately knew that he had started to adjust the firing state, and hurriedly responded, "Master Gunner, is this tactic related to picking up girls again?"

"It's inevitable!" Yacharin said devoutly, "Our captain met two noble ladies at the ball, one is beautiful and full of energy, the other is ordinary-looking, and she was born with a friend because of a friend, but The captain just likes that young lady with low self-esteem, and wants to take away her virgin Yanhong."

The gunner looked strange: "Could it be that our captain is blind?"

"What do you know! A beautiful appearance is the same, but a noble soul will make people dream about it!"


"But our captain can't directly attack the lady with low self-esteem. Because people with low self-esteem are often timid, just like our lady fortune-teller, a gentleman who is too enthusiastic will frighten her, and she will run away far away. Don't dare to get close to half a point."

"then what should we do?"

"Pursue the glamorous lady!"

The gunner's eyes sparkled: "A bluff?"

Yacharin nodded triumphantly: "That's it. In front of Miss Self-abased, she pursues the beautiful lady and tries her best. While making Miss Self-abased relax, she fully demonstrates her masculine charm."

"and then?"

"When the inferior lady relaxes her vigilance and gets used to the existence of our captain..."

Yacharin squatted down slowly, picked up the drawstring on the ground, wrapped it around his palm a few times, and slowly stood up again.

He licked his tongue excitedly, his eyes fixed on the gun port.

Through the small gun port, the Brig-type sailed up again, threw a long string of shells, and blasted a continuous spray of water around the Golden Deer.

Yacharin lost his vision, but he knew with certainty that the Brig type was more than 400 meters away from the sea, and it would not take long for the mainsail to be lowered, slowing down and retreating.

He took a deep breath: "As it is now, for half an hour, the gun bay on the starboard side has not fired a single shell. The lady on the opposite side is used to us putting all our attention on her friends. Unsuspecting. At this time, we will find out her route home after the dance, cover her up, stop the carriage, and put it in that romantic carriage..."


Thunder rumbled suddenly, and the fire snake spat out letters.

The red-hot chain ball shot out from the middle of the gun barrel, opened in the air, spun, jumped over the sea surface of more than 400 meters with precision, and wrapped around the Brig-shaped mainmast. The mast snapped in the middle!

The mainmast of the Brig type fell to one side and hit the side with a bang.

The sailors fell into the water screaming, and the cobweb-like sail ropes were pulled across the sea, causing the entire ship to tilt, and it suddenly lost its ability to move.

Yacharin sprinted to the next cannon, shouting as he ran, "Fire! Fire! The sheriff will be on the scene in a moment, and now is the only time to fire!"

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