Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and seventeenth snake operation

With the paralysis of the Brig sailboat, Lorraine grasped the rhythm of the battle for the first time.

He had waited for this opportunity for a long time, so when he saw the mainmast lying down in the distance, he immediately ordered the Golden Deer to turn the rudder and face his side to the target.

The twelve-pounder guns on the main deck and the eighteen-pounder guns in the gun bay roared one after another, spraying the shells on the enemy ship like hitting a fixed target.

The gunners displayed jaw-dropping accuracy and proficiency.

In just three or four minutes, the broadside fired three salvos, and almost all of the shells landed within 100 meters of the enemy ship, and three more shells hit directly.

A shell landed on the bow of the ship, drilled through the gap in the hull, and knocked off half of the bow, and the fire was overwhelming.

A shell landed on the main deck, tearing out a large pit on the main deck, scorching large areas of scorched black, which looked hideous and terrifying.

Another one was falling on the thick angle between the main deck and the ship's ribs, and it was blown out directly, bringing down half of the side guardrail, making the whole ship look even more bleak.

Lorraine pursed her lips and said nothing.

It was only a matter of time before the Brig was sunk.

And as the Brig type fell into a critical situation, not only the Viper's attack became fierce, but even the Brigantine in the distance immediately raised its schooner and swooped towards the battlefield.

This battle has reached an inflection point.

The Black Mamba Pirates have played all their cards, but the situation is good for Lorraine.

Amy Ferrard had thrown the lookout's Brigantine downwind near the main course earlier. Up against the wind, no matter how good the wind suitability of that ship is, it would take at least two hours to cross the distance of more than 20 kilometers to join the battle.

In the past two hours, Lorraine had to face only a fixed target that had lost its ability to evade, and the Viper, a slippery Bagg-type modified ship.

Don't miss this opportunity!

He stretched out his hand to hold a sailor, and ordered in a deep voice: "Tell Yacharin to use the minimum manpower to keep driving the Viper. His priority is to sink the Brig type on the opposite side, the sooner the better!"


"Mr. Drake!" Katerina, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke out again before the sailor set out to deliver the order.

Lorraine looked over curiously: "Does Ms. Dibo have any suggestions?"


Katerina's suggestion is refreshing. She actually proposed to bomb the Brig without sinking it, and at the same time relax the driving of the Viper, giving Amy Ferrard a chance to take over...

Lorraine's eyes brightened as he listened: "You mean..."

"From the Black Mamba's point of view, the Golden Deer is invaluable, and he is not willing to sink the Golden Deer. What's more, getting on board can stop your bombardment and save Brig on the opposite side. So even if you take some risks , Ferrard also has a high-sounding reason to convince the sailors."

"And from your point of view..." Katerina stared at Lorraine with beautiful eyes, "You must admit that it is impossible for your ship to catch up with the Viper, and there is no suitable means for Brigantine who is about to enter the war. "

"Similarly, you can't escape either. Whether it's the agility of the ship or your familiarity with this sea area, you are at an absolute disadvantage. Once a situation of chasing and fleeing is formed, the heavy bow gun of the Viper will let you and your crew paid dearly."

"Your only chance of winning is to catch him. Since you can't catch him, why don't you try to let him take the initiative to catch you?"

Katerina raised her hand, pointing at the Brig ship trapped in the mist.

"You have two hours, you have ready-made bait, and you have a lot of chips in hand. The only question is, are you willing to put these vicious pirates on the deck of the Golden Deer?"

"I hate trouble, but you gave me a trouble idea that I can't refuse..." Lorraine suddenly drew out the knife, and cut off the rope on Katerina's body with a hook, "Noah,

Give her Lady Dipper's short sword back, and borrow her a rapier. When the deck is in chaos, no one can guarantee absolute safety. "


The Golden Deer started a covert adjustment.

The first step of adjustment is self-damage. At the request of Lorraine, Acharin selected a gun port hull on the port side, and blasted it from the inside when the Viper fired, blasting a rather bleak opening.

Thick smoke billowed inside the opening, and the cannons on both sides tilted and overturned, as if they had been hit by a solid shot, causing casualties to the sailors, and the guns misfired.

The snake hunting operation was launched.

Through the hatch connecting the gun cabin and the stern cabin, half of the gunners were drawn out, a total of 60 people, including the entire musketeer team, and 20 brave sailors with good fighting skills. Katarina, the female knight with two swords of the Golden Deer.

But the firepower of the Golden Deer has not weakened significantly.

The gunners on the main deck were transferred to the gun bay, and only 20 people were left on the deck in charge of operating the ship. It seemed that the gun bay suffered heavy losses after a direct hit and urgently needed reinforcements.

Each artillery squad needs to be responsible for three artillery pieces. Facing the Brig type, all ten cannon doors are fully opened, and half of the port and stern cannons continue to fire. As a result, the density of the Golden Deer's artillery fire drops sharply, and the hit rate also drops. To the point of heinous.

Ten minutes, four rounds of shelling, only one shell hit the Brig, ignited the stern sail, and the shells aimed at the Viper scattered aimlessly, and could no longer play the role of driving away.

The Viper seized the gap of the shelling and approached once, and a shotgun was sent to the main deck of the Golden Deer, injuring two sailors, and the wailing sounded earth-shattering.

Lorraine felt that this attempt should make Amy Ferrard make up her mind...

Another 20 minutes, two turns, Pierce shouted loudly from the top of the mast: "Bagger-type assault! No change of direction! Get ready for boarding!"

"Fixed!" Lorraine jumped to the vicinity of the mainmast in a few steps, tightly grasping the cables on the ground, "Lock the steering wheel, lower the sails, and prepare for battle!"


The hull shook violently, the Viper moved up from the side of the Golden Deer, and hit the port side of the Golden Deer heavily with its own side, debris and debris flew around, and the two large ships rubbed against each other.

The black and dirty pirates gathered on the deck of the Viper, and the leader was the third officer whom Lorraine had seen in Bashiba Town.

Under his command, hook cables were thrown out one after another, hooking the deck and side of the Golden Deer.

The sailors of the Golden Deer gave up maneuvering the boat and gathered behind Lorraine one by one, sparsely, with swords in hand, nervously waiting for the battle.

The two big boats began to drift apart, being pushed by the sea waves, and they drifted only a meter away before being caught by the dozens of hooks.

The heavy planks were erected, and a dozen pirates dragged the cables from the high yards, screaming ghostly, and swung through the gap.

Ten people, twenty people, until seventy or eighty people...

The third officer of the Viper boarded the Golden Deer, glanced at Lorraine and the less than twenty sailors behind him, and grinned: "Meet you again, Mr. Captain of Bashiba Town, I don't know your Isabel Is Miss La all right?"

"You'll see her soon." Lorraine licked her lips, raised her long knife high, "Musketeers, kill!"

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