Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and sixty one Hill of Margaux

Guji Guji Guji Guji Guji...

Lorraine didn't know how to describe the sounds he heard, chewing, swallowing, dismantling bones, cutting meat with knives and forks, rubbing porcelain plates, and of course sniffling and faint choking sounds...

All these sounds are mixed together, combined with the maid stepping on the carpet, running back and forth, and finally synthesized the current multi-channel stereo sound effect - Bell eats meat.

Really, this step can be done with a human body, and it has perfectly explained from the scientific level why Homo sapiens was able to win the competition with dolphins and wolves millions of years ago, and became the only ruling class on the earth .

The answer is the desire to live, and a greed strong enough to forget the desire to live.

Lorraine reached for the wine bottle on the table, ready to take a sip of Bordeaux to calm himself down. This action was captured by Bell's peripheral vision. He suddenly raised his head, puffed his cheeks, tore at the steak, and stared viciously at the wine grabber. hand.

There was an embarrassing smell called Hushi in the air.

Lorraine coughed twice, and wrapped her big hands into claws around the wine bottle, neither holding nor not holding.

"Student Drake..." Bell tried hard to swallow the meat in his mouth, cut with a knife and fork, without looking sideways, "What do you want to do?"

"Give you... a drink?"

"But my glass is still full."

"The last order has already been served. I reckon that you may be planning to order some more. Before that, you will need to drink some wine to rinse your mouth."

The knife and fork immediately stopped in place.

Bell's lips trembled, tears filled his eyes, he turned his head and looked at Lorraine affectionately: "Can I order some more?"

"This is my manor..."

"Two filets, three ribs, and two black puddings, don't cut them up, the whole one. Then, what kind of wine is this?"

"The Hill of Margaux is the old wine produced by the Lestonac family..."

"Two more bottles!"

"I really don't know what you've been through..." Lorraine let go of the bottle dumbfoundedly, and waved to Fenlier in the corner of the restaurant, "Go ahead, let the kitchen get the things out as soon as possible according to Mr. Judea's needs." Bring it up."


Drink and eat.

After drinking three bottles of top-quality Bordeaux worth dozens of pounds, he gorged himself on at least ten servings of steak and three thick black puddings. When he was about to die or not, Bell finally regained his senses and stopped eating in time.

The two moved to the study room, holding tea, and began to reminisce about the old days.

"If you want your family to know what happened to you, tell me what you remember before you die."

"What does it mean to tell you everything I remember..." Bell moved his body with great difficulty so that his stomach, which was as hard as iron, could be tilted upwards, making full use of the space in his stomach and intestinal tract, "You have already regarded me as dying Is it gone?"

"It's roughly the same." Lorraine compared the position from the throat to the lower abdomen. "From a physiological point of view, what you stuffed in tonight is enough to block your throat. As long as you have a bad posture when you sleep, you will squeeze it." Squeeze your trachea and strangle yourself in a dream."


"So leave any last words, and I will hand them over to your sister."

"The last words...maybe they are the last words." Bell sighed deeply, "In short,

I'm on the run in fear of crime. "


Lorraine took a sip of tea and sprayed it on the coffee table, soaking half of the tabletop: "What did you say?"

"I absconded in fear of crime. The matter of reselling maritime commuters to you in Southampton was exposed, admiral... No, Shaq Drake is going to hand me over to a court-martial. I received the news in advance and took the opportunity to dock halfway , escaped from the ship."

"Do you think I will believe this kind of statement full of loopholes?"

"Believe it or not, this is the truth." Bell shrugged recklessly.

Lorraine came to his spirits: "Okay, what you said is the truth. Let me ask you, why didn't that Major General Drake hold a court-martial on board? The Lion is the flagship of the squadron and has two command systems. Can't we make up ten Two officers above the school level?"

"I am an old man who has followed Shaq Drake since the Wandering Ship, and I always have a certain influence on the ship. He is afraid that the court on the ship will make a judgment in my favour."

"Then what? He wants to put you to death, but he doesn't know how to keep it a secret?"

"He hid the news to death." Bell took out a dirty trial order from his pocket, "Unfortunately, when cleaning the admiral's cabin, the service found this thing."

Lorraine accepted the trial order suspiciously. It stated Bell's resume, charges, and the basic situation of the case, with Shaq's signature and Drake's stamp underneath, but the jury and court personnel fields were empty. A real petition for trial was issued.

He threw the trial order on the wet coffee table: "There is only Major General Drake's signature on it, and it has not spread, and it can be easily forged."

Bell couldn't help but smiled wryly: "If there is a second person's information on it, isn't it in response to what you just said [he wants to put me to death, but doesn't know how to keep it a secret]?"

"That's it." Lorraine said as a matter of course, "A case of reselling military supplies involving more than forty rifles happened to one of his cronies. It is not a problem at all for his official rank, but if a military court is called, it is enough to get you No matter how you explain this matter, it doesn’t make sense. Although Shaq Drake is old-fashioned and ruthless, he is not a person who does not know how to adapt.”

"You do understand your brother..." Bell seemed to give up arguing, looking up, recalling the past.

"I escaped from the ship in San Salvador and fled all the way to Kingston." He glanced at Lorraine, "Don't ask me why I went to the fleet station to throw myself into the net, just ask me because I have no money. The change on my body is not enough to take the boat back to Europe. It's pretty much the same anywhere in the West Indies."

Lorraine never doubted this.

Lorraine knew Bell's family situation very well, he would not keep too much money on himself, and it was impossible for those fleeing to borrow money from their colleagues on the ship.

As for why you came to Kingston...

The Golden Deer and the Lion met outside Port Royal, so it is very likely that Bell will come to Kingston to join Lorraine.

And the premise of all this is that Bell's absconding in fear of crime is true.

He nodded noncommittally, motioning Bell to continue.

Bell took a small sip of tea: "I was looking for you in Kingston, but I couldn't find you. I found out on the pier that the Drake Chamber of Commerce opened a branch in Kingston, and I found out through the old man who worked in the branch that you bought a branch in Lucy. Manor, I’m here to join you.”

"If you came to Luxi to look for me, how could..." Lorraine froze suddenly in the middle of speaking.

Miss Offee's words suddenly resounded in her mind. She once said: "There is a down-and-out man who claims to be your friend. He hopes to wait for you to come back in the manor, but I kicked him out."

This can't be such a coincidence, can it?

The pleasing desire to explore rose, and Lorraine shook the bell at his hand, asking the maid outside the door to call Miss Offee in.

As soon as Miss Offee entered the door, her eyes collided with Bell who was sitting sprawled on the sofa, and both of them turned dark.

"Hmph!" "Tch!"

Lorraine understood at a glance that the two had a story.

He asked softly: "Opheus, when I was away from the manor, you said that you drove away a down-and-out man who claimed to be my friend..."

"That's the scoundrel, sir!" Miss Offey answered sharply. "Besides, he ate ninety-eight pounds and sixteen shillings for a meal just now. Even if you have a lot of money, you still have to stay away from such so-called friends." , so as not to sit and eat the mountain.”

Lorraine felt the deep hostility from Miss Offee's words, and looked at Bell inquiringly: "Student Judea, why did you provoke my housekeeper?"

"How can a gentleman like me, who is friendly to others, provoke a decent lady casually?"

Miss Offee blushed with anger: "You talk nonsense, shameless villain!"

"Moody, aggressive and savage." Bell put on a disdainful face, "Every time I see you, you cross your arms like this to flaunt your power. What's the matter? Is your constipation still not healed?"

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