Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and sixty-two humble guy

Going back in time to three weeks ago...

Bell spent all the money on his body, and finally came to Lucy, standing in front of the wrought iron gate of Drake Manor.

He reported his family background, claiming to be Lorraine's friend and classmate, and met Lorraine at Lucy Manor for a party.

Although he was dressed a little sloppily, the temperament cultivated by his years of military career and excellent background made the Indian servants who guarded the gate dare not stop him a little bit, and took him straight to the villa of the manor.

At that time, it was the fourth day after Chuck left the manor, and the conspiracy theory in Miss Offie's heart was taking shape, and she was motivated to prove her worth in her new position.

The value of stewardship, of course, requires the establishment of majesty.

The problem is, she's actually not good at these.

Her frank and simple personality made her unable to hide things on her face, and her youthful and self-reliant past made her too strong. The result of the combination of the two is overcorrection, and she mistakenly regards naughty thoughts as an effective way to control her subordinates.

She was teaching two Indian maids, the reason is unknown, the process is unknown, in short, when Bell arrived, she was firing on all cylinders, keeping strangers away.

The Indian servant who led the way didn't dare to go up to touch the head of the new boss, and ran back to his post as soon as he lost Bell.

Bell felt that it was not easy to interrupt the rules of the manor, so he stood in a shaded place and waited quietly.

He waited, waited, waited for a full half an hour, Miss Offee still hadn't finished her lecture, and she didn't seem to notice that there was a white man with a temperament and clothes that was enough to attract people's attention.

Bell began to feel that Miss Offie was trying to make things difficult for him.

After all, in his impression, every English butler is a model of etiquette, listening to all directions, seeing all directions, never showing anger in front of subordinates, let alone neglecting the master's distinguished guests.

In contrast, Miss Offee's performance was too deliberate.

There are only two possibilities for this purpose.

First, this lady is the first time in her life to be a housekeeper. She has neither received relevant training nor seen a real housekeeper before.

it's out of the question!

Second, Lorraine already knew that Bell was coming and didn't want to see him, so he asked his butler to issue an order to evict the guests in such a tactful way.

Almost, definitely!

At this point in the analysis, from a gentleman's point of view, Bell should take the initiative to leave and make an appointment another day.

However, he did not retreat.

Being penniless means that he can't even guarantee his basic life in Luxi. If he goes back to seek relief from Shaq in such a desperate manner, according to Shaq's temper, he may really be thrown into a military court.

He could only take the risk and force Miss Offee to have a face-to-face conversation with him.

Therefore, with the bravery and fearlessness that a Royal Navy should have, Bell directly interrupted this very ceremonial lecture in Xinza's heart.

"Chatter, chatter, are you constipated?"

The dust settled.

Bell and Miss Offee's first meeting ended in a tragic loss for both sides.

Miss Offee failed to establish prestige in front of the Indian servants, but instead gained the insulting nickname of "Ms. Constipation".

Bell was directly thrown out of the manor by Maca and another strong servant,

Miss Offee swears by her reputation that he is definitely not Lorraine's friend.

Quite suddenly, Bell was screwed.

Because of his cheap mouth, he was forced into an existential crisis.

Lucy is a seaside town. There are many ways for an excellent sailor to survive, but there are very few choices when considering the possibility of surviving and meeting Lorraine.

He made the most daring decision in his life. Together with those bankrupt pioneers, he applied to be a farm laborer on the Drake Manor plantation, and then plowed the land for three full weeks, working and eating the black slaves, Almost died suddenly in the village of the plantation.

The story is roughly like this.

Lorraine sat silently between the two people who were burning with dry sticks. Looking to the left, she saw Miss Offie, who was dying of embarrassment, and to the right, Mr. Bell, who was triumphant.

This scene seems familiar...

Lorraine was silent for a long time, and quietly pulled Bell aside: "So, have you taken a fancy to my butler?"

Bell was horrified: "How is it possible! This is all a strategy! A strategy!"

"Knowing that dirty topics are taboo for ladies, the first time you mentioned it, you might want to fight back from the Jedi, but why did you bring it up again in my study? Don't you want to leave an indelible impression on her?"

"God, am I crazy? Even my cook is more gentle than her when she lectures the niggers!"

Lorraine glanced at Miss Offe regretfully: "You know? The Offe in my impression is outspoken and innocent. She lost her parents when she was a young girl, and she took care of the hotel as Port Royal's premier place to live alone. Now she doesn't It’s not what she really is, it’s just that she’s a little insecure and insecure because of being suddenly thrown into an unfamiliar environment.”

Bell looked at Lorraine strangely: "You suddenly told me this..."

"Offie is a good girl. If you really like her, you have to change the way of courtship."

"I said I'm not..."

"Take your time, be calm, feel your heart, and don't be blinded by the hardships you have suffered these days." Lorraine patted Bell's shoulder very well, straightened his waist, and regained his dignity, "Uh, Ophelia , This is Bell Judea, my classmate and friend in the sea school, an outstanding student in the sea school, and one of the top helmsmen in the world."

Miss Offee knew that Lorraine was introducing them to each other, which meant that Lorraine was going to take in this annoying rascal.

She is offended.

But this is Lorraine's manor. The owner of the manor has made a decision. As the housekeeper, he has no position to refuse.

She could only take a deep breath, and bowed in the most perfunctory and hasty way: "Mr. Judea, hello!"

"Please take this as the beginning of reconciliation." Lorraine said to Bell again, "Student Judea, Offie McCarthy, the butler and backbone of Drake Manor, the liaison officer of the Caribbean Branch, a capable Irishman Lady."



"Miss McCarthy, hello."

The two looked at each other stiffly, then turned their heads together: "Hmph!" "Tch!"

Lorraine is still satisfied with the result...

He didn't intend to be a matchmaker in the first place, and it doesn't matter whether the two of them succeed or fail, anyway... don't quarrel as soon as they meet, it's enough to go around shit and shit regardless of the occasion.

He glanced at the messy coffee table: "Two things, Ophelia. Let someone come in and clean up the study. I was a little excited just now after a long absence from my best friend. The second thing is to clean up a room for classmate Judea and come out, he will Stay in the manor temporarily."

"Yes, sir."

Miss Offee reluctantly left the room, and Bell looked at Lorraine in surprise: "Drake, how do you plan to accommodate me? Temporary stay? Are you planning to send me back to Europe in a few days?"

"It's the best way, isn't it? Better than the gallows."

"But I still want to go to sea!"

"Go back to Europe and go to sea..."

"You know that I don't want to go to sea! I want to board the ship. Everything is caused by you now. You have to take responsibility and not let Sir Layton worry about me."

"Sir won't worry about you, a guy who violates the military law." Lorraine sneered, "To be honest, I don't trust you."

Bell lowered his head dejectedly: "I must have accidentally owed you brothers something. The big one won't give me a way out, and the young one won't give me hope... If I go back to Europe like this, I will be a wanted criminal and I can only live in the Black merchants and pirates work for them... My sister, my poor sister must drop out of missionary school, and it is impossible to buy a decent dowry and marry a gentleman..."

"Don't talk about your sister!" Lorraine's head was full of black lines.

Bell raised his eyes pitifully: "Drake, I still remember that when I was in sea school, my sister gave you the scarf she knitted by herself... She was only 12 years old at that time, and she regarded you as her first love. A misunderstanding. But, you have the heart to let her marry a philistine businessman?"

"And my mother, she entertained you at home, did you promise her that you would take care of me? I became a bandit, my sister dropped out of school to marry a businessman, and the only face in the family was ruined. Are you going to take care of me like this?"

"You behaved very humble!" Lorraine gritted his teeth, "The more you do this, the more proof you have a conspiracy!"

"I have a plan in the first place, otherwise why would I come to you?" Bell spread his hands rascally, "I want wealth, fame, and the restoration of family honor. You know this is what I have always pursued. Now? Those who pursue fame The road was blocked by your brother himself, so I can only pursue wealth. And the whole of Northwest Europe knows that the motto of your Drake Chamber of Commerce is [Young people, if you have money, you can do whatever you want]."

"You said it the wrong way!"

"No, it's obvious that your motto was written backwards on purpose. You are on the rise, and I am very optimistic about you."

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