Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and eighty-five DAY two: male and female

Lowland forest area, this is the name of the local people for the small and narrow forest bordering the eastern tidal flat in the large open forest surrounding Leloran.

This narrow forest is only 600-700 meters wide and 300-400 meters deep. The two wings are relatively high.

This is probably the area with the worst view along the tidal flat line. The terrain is basically a huge valley. Whether looking at the sea or the forest, it is easy to be blocked from sight, and it is difficult to feel the magnificence.

But there are unique advantages here.

Because it is connected to the tidal flats, the entire line around the tidal flats is the closest hunting area for shooters and seabirds. The first shooting point can basically be controlled within 50 meters. Not the same.

In hunting, you must first hit the target, and that is called hunting.

In the era of front-mounted rifled rifles, the actual combat distance of line platoon shooting was only 7 to 10 meters, and the range that ordinary shooters could accurately grasp through training was roughly 30 meters.

The theoretical effective range of the gun is longer. The classic British brown bass is about 10 meters, and the latest French Charleville can reach 85 meters.

This is almost the limit of mortals.

The hunter is the king of long guns in this era. The minimum standard for evaluating a hunter in France is to use Charleville to accurately hit a range of 150 meters. The Americans have set a sniper record of 500 meters, but they use Kentucky. It is used as the criterion for judging conventional firepower.

It can be seen that although the first shooting point of 50 meters is far away, it just allows the skilled hunters to show their brilliance. Pelican hunting has more of a taste unique to elite socialization.

Of course, it is impossible for Miss Emily to understand such a noble taste involving professional knowledge.

The four carriages came to a slow stop in an empty tree-lined area. Miss Emily shook her folding fan lightly, and stretched out her embroidered little finger to open a piece of white gauze covering the window.

The sun shone in and reflected on her emerald green flower-woven skirt, reflecting dazzling brilliance.

"It's easy to sun... Miwei, what if my skin is burned by such a poisonous sun?"

The accompanying maid smiled coquettishly, as if a box of delicate ointment appeared from the palm of her hand.

"Miss, madam has already prepared it. This is the most popular pearl cream of the oriental royal family. It was brought by the ocean-going merchants in Boston. I heard that it is mixed with pearl powder and pollen, and blended with colorless and odorless fish oil. It is not only sunscreen , but also nourishes the skin.”

"Oriental royal family!" Miss Emily almost screamed, covering her small mouth, "Is it that group of luxurious nobles who even make their shoes out of gold? What do they use?"

"Yes! Mrs. Leloran was the first to buy it. This small box is worth more than one hundred and sixty pounds, which is too extravagant."

"Mother, long live!"

The two girls laughed and carefully smeared their exposed arms and necks with expensive ointment.

A beautiful face does not need additional protection. In order to cope with this important date, Miss Emily used trendy white lead makeup. Even if the tough protective shell is shot at close range with a musket, it may not be able to penetrate it. It is just sunshine. , nothing more than the case.

Someone knocked lightly on the car door, and Miss Emily sat upright quickly, lifted her veil, put on a dignified smile, and waited for the maid to open the door.

Captain Zirned, who is known as the noble son of Martinique, stood outside the door, with his left hand behind his back and his right hand touching his chest. The sea blue captain's uniform complemented his tall and straight figure, and his spring-like smile shone brighter than the sun. color.

"Miss Emily Prio, your beauty has fascinated the whole world. Please allow me to invite you to get off the car and enjoy the unrivaled skills of our elite fighters from Great France."

"It's a great honor, Mr. Captain." Miss Emily nodded 15 degrees just right, and with her slightly drooping eyelids, she showed long and thick eyelashes in front of Zirned.

"These are the most beautiful eyes in the world, comparable to the clear gems of East Africa."

"You know a lot."

"Sailors, we know everything where French civilization shines."

Zirned stuck out the back of his hand, caught Miss Emily's slender hand, and helped her jump off the carriage.

While the lady was not on her feet, Zirned suddenly flipped his hand, but his fingers touched the lady's, and Miss Emily dodged like a frightened bird.

"Miss, you are..."

Miss Emily smiled slyly, stuck out the tip of her tongue slightly, and tapped her delicate lips.

"No, Mr. Captain. The teacher once told me that the distance between men and women is very far, and you may never be excited about the same thing in your life. But the distance between men and women is very close. Calling names, holding hands, Hugs, kisses, and there's an intimacy between two people."

She raised her hand and shook her fingers like a dance: "I admit that I have no ill feeling towards you, but the same, you haven't attracted me yet."

"Is it abrupt? I apologize." Zirned bowed again, "Please allow me to use today's rich schedule to make up for my mistakes."

"It's time to work."

"On this beautiful coast, we will enjoy a leisurely midsummer afternoon. Sunshine, sea breeze, fresh fruit, fine wine... Lunch is the very famous seabird sandwich at the naval banquet. For this reason, I also brought the most famous Elite shooters."

"They are the pride of the French navy. Under my command, they have defeated countless vicious enemies, and the reputation of the elite is spread throughout the Caribbean ocean!"

Listening to Zirned's passionate speech, to be honest, Miss Emily was a little sleepy...

Those so-called elites who smelt of sweat and other strange smells didn't interest her at all, but fortunately, Zirned holding such a group of soldiers in his hand became interesting in her eyes.

Power is an expensive jewel worn by a man, and both expensive and jewels are Miss Emily's favorite thing.

She especially knows how to deal with such situations.

Thinking of this, Miss Emily opened the folding fan to cover her small mouth, and let out a soft sigh of "ah" in feigned surprise.

"Mr. Captain, are these sailors the best fighters in the world?"

"Of course it is!" Zirned smiled proudly, "Standing on the strong wind and huge waves, rolling on the bumpy deck, as long as we get close to the death distance of 30 meters, my soldiers can use lead bullets to open up the enemy's fire. Skulls. They are the top sharpshooters in the world, and they are invincible on a shaking battleship, not to mention a group of wild birds living on land."

"With such a loyal soldier, you must have a bright future, right?"

"Correct me, it won't happen." Kierned kissed his fingertips, and showed his military rank to Miss Emily, "28-year-old major, with a record of undefeated battles, I am destined to become a general, Morning and evening wear the crown of nobility and stand before the king."

Miss Emily looked forward to it: "I really want to see such a magnificent scene with my own eyes."

"You will see." Zirned took a step forward and put his hand around Miss Emily's waist.

Miss Emily dodged again with a coquettish smile, pointing to the completed shooter platform: "Let's enjoy the hunt, Mr. Captain, Emily is hungry."

"Hunting...hunting..." Zirned laughed awkwardly, "Today's prey is a bit cunning."


With one command, the hunt begins.

The shooters lined up along the tidal flat, each standing up and searching for the prey in front of them.

The white pelican lives close to the sea and does not like the end of the tidal flat that is too dry. The shooting range of more than 50 meters makes every shooter a little uneasy, so that no one fires the most confident first shot.

The bored Miss Emily gradually lost her patience, Zirned saw it, and the expression on her face gradually became cold.

He called the adjutant to his side and said softly: "If you wait any longer, my prey will run away, Second Lieutenant."

"Yes! Sir! I'm going to urge them!"

Rushed, restless, underprepared.

Under more and more urgent pressure, a shooter finally fired the first shot, boom!

The lead bullet flew out, and began to deflect at more than 20 meters, drifting farther and farther, perfectly avoiding the target, and hitting a protruding rock on the tidal flat.

Flocks of birds flew into the air.

The chaotic images of hula-la alarmed the other shooters on standby, and the gunshots rang out one after another. As it should, they failed to hit any targets.

Miss Emily opened her mouth silently, and quickly put on just the right amount of admiration and ignorance, took the initiative to grab Chirned's sleeve, and said timidly: "Mr. Captain, the so strong."

"Wind... ah... this damned wind!" Zierne Defu felt in his heart, "This damned wind is really disturbing, I'm sorry, Miss, the sky is full of wild birds flying around now, in order not to hurt innocent people, we only I can wait patiently for a while."

"You are very kind."

"We are soldiers. If we abandon kindness, are we not different from beasts?"

Zirneder regained his self-confidence all of a sudden, scratched his head, and wanted to make another victory for his face.

"My lady probably doesn't know that shooting at the beach is always full of surprises, just like the current gust of wind. Under such a strong wind, no matter how good a shooter is, he can't hit the target. Wait for the wind, wait for the waves, and overcome everything, that is..."


There was a gunshot in the distance, and a soaring white pelican fell to the ground.

Miss Emily stared blankly, and subconsciously blurted out: "Ah, I got hit..."

Zirned almost turned his back in anger, and took a few breaths before reluctantly continuing the topic.

"There are no absolutes in the world. The momentary luck is amazing, but if luck is mistaken for strength..."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Steady and fast, there were five more gunshots, each of which meant the death of a pelican, and each of which the flock of birds flew apart.

When the gunfire ends, the birds in the sky are gone, and the sky above the tidal flat is full of dangers. Even if it is not the time to hunt, they are willing to go to sea to survive!

Miss Emily tilted her head and looked at the clear sky, and smiled thoughtfully: "Mr. Captain, my mother once said that red wine and bread are the supreme delicacies. Maybe, God just doesn't want us to miss the delicacies..."

"Maybe it's like this..." Zirned gritted his teeth, looking at the invisible source of the sound, "but that kind of food needs external aids, let me think about it, the ?”

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