Reborn As a Pirate

One hundred and eighty-six DAY 2: A little expert in running bases

It's like a farce that makes people laugh and cry.

The target of the action is Li Xu, and the first contact is just around the corner, but at this critical moment, a huge problem that has never been paid attention to before suddenly jumps in front of Lorraine.

That... If the opponent is too stupid to successfully lock them in Pierce's shooting phase, so that the two sides may not be able to meet, is it necessary to continue this scene?

It seems that there are...

Lorraine first ruled out the option of actively colliding, because from the design point of view, they should not know the existence of Zirned.

Immediately afterwards, he went one step further and ruled out the option of arranging for the guards to be caught proactively.

Today's matter is not so critical as to abandon the child to continue the game, and the other party must be in a bad mood now, and the guard who was arrested is likely to suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

As a result, we can only wait, only wait.

All they can take the initiative to do is to remind their opponents, for example, as Hana said, to put on a beacon.

Thousands of miles of blue sky, one pillar upholds the sky, and friends who want to find faults have full confidence in obtaining accurate navigation, and the possibility of going astray is very small.

The question is, where should he go to find cigarettes...

In later generations, the post-90s and post-00s have a unique adolescence trouble that they cannot share with their predecessors, called the living conditions are too superior, and Lorraine is also troubled by this now.

The cooking utensils for camping are very high-grade, and the whole body is made of metal, which is no different from the kitchen cabin of a sea ship. It is not easy to produce open smoke and open flames from the design.

And the fuel brought this time is high-grade smokeless fruit wood, and the spare charcoal fires are all dry and smokeless.

Stuffing the stove with damp firewood was also a whimsical move.

Because the exquisite French-style Chinese food is already on the stove, changing the fuel indiscriminately will affect the quality of the cooking. The hired chef is holding a kitchen knife and staring at it, with a dangerous appearance that if you dare to mess around, I will dare to kill myself.

For the first time, Lorraine deeply felt the unbearable weight of the emperor's golden pole.

"It's really... good fortune tricks people!"

Beep, beep, beep...

A small flame ignited in a corner of the camp. Hana squatted aside and poked the fire boredly. Pierce and his assistant happily carried the branches and leaves.

Those stumps and fallen leaves that have not been dried in advance carry heavy moisture. Once ignited, thick smoke rises, and the billowing smoke column soars into the sky, unsteadily connecting the sky and the earth.

Lorraine, who had exhausted all his tricks, stared blankly at the small fire, and suddenly saw that Acharin was busy picking grapes from the maid's mouth.

He walked up and slapped Yacharin's leg: "Master! Tell me, are we a little too nervous?"

"It has nothing to do with being nervous, right? The look just now is more like stupid."

"You are a noble person now, so it's not good for you to say that."

"No, no, no, I never like to deny myself. The word just now was specifically for you, Captain."

Lorraine suddenly realized: "Have you eaten enough grapes, have you lived enough?"

"I'm sorry, although I don't know what you are struggling with, but there is no doubt that it is all my fault!"

"This is not an example."



The problem is estimated to be solved.

After long-awaited calls, Kierneder and his party, who were highly expected by everyone, finally found the sunny hillside where Lorraine and the others were hiding by following the smoke column.

The atmosphere was anxious and intense.

Lorraine squinted and stood behind the line of guards, watching several carriages driving out of the forest, and two men and two women stepped down from them, surrounded by the crowd.

The leader is a man and a woman. The man is tall and handsome, dressed in the uniform of a major in the navy. The woman has beautiful makeup and a veil, looking curiously at the rear of Lorraine.

Apparently, they were the legendary Zirned and Miss Emily.

Zirned was very angry, he swept across the camp viciously, and suddenly smiled grimly.

"Look at what I found? A group of soldiers, sneaking in the wild forest that no one knows about. The navy's intelligence said that a group of arrogant English pirates had infiltrated Martinique. Could it be you?"

No one answered.

Probably because he mistakenly thought that his accusation had successfully frightened the outing team, his adjutant immediately came out.

"Brave French sailors, defending the people is your bounden duty given by God, I order..."


Before the oath was halfway, Lorraine snapped his fingers lightly, and the dull guards were activated instantly, and 40 short guns were aimed at the heads of the visitors from all directions.

That kind of determination, that kind of numbness, that pair of steady hands without trembling, no one doubts that they will shoot, and no one doubts that with one order, the French sailors will lose their bones.

God... crazy?

On the land of France, a group of thugs are pointing their guns at the French navy. Could it be that that random excuse has actually hit the Lord?


The maid screamed in horror.

Amidst the screams, Miss Emily's mind went blank, and she almost stopped turning completely.

She is just a qualified noble lady.

When he was young, he was enlightened on etiquette by Mr. Renault, and then he grew up under strict control, receiving the training of courtesans, and learning equestrian, social, fashion, and manners and dresses for various occasions.

She lives in an upper class society dominated by men.

In this world of singing and dancing, her destiny should be to publicize her beautiful reputation in the pursuit of gentlemen, experience a few unforgettable loves by the way, and create some beautiful memories.

When she reaches the right age, the family will choose a destination for her, mostly committing herself to power and spending the rest of her life happily and ignorantly.

In any case, she shouldn't have died, let alone being dragged down by an incompetent officer and trapped in the hands of a group of vulgar and evil pirates!

She is beautiful!

What would happen to a woman as beautiful as her if she fell into the hands of pirates?

She didn't know, and didn't dare to think, all she could do was pray in her heart, praying for the mighty power of God to rescue her from this sea of ​​suffering.


That's God! How can the omniscient and omnipotent Lord...

"A group of ignorant soldiers, since they insist on being barbaric, they should honestly put their barbarism on the face. Learn from lions to show their fangs before hunting, instead of learning from jackals, they only know how to grin their teeth and bluff."

"Stupidity is original sin."

In the tense atmosphere, there was an unharmonious sigh resounding from the far side of the grassy slope.

Miss Emily saw a handsome man standing out, dressed in sunshine, walking unhurriedly, passing through the ferocious pirates, and passing through the obstruction of the French sailors without hindrance, and came straight to her. In front of me, very close.

"A beautiful lady..." He covered his mouth, seemingly confused, "It seems that these idiots have more than one crime..."

He murmured in front of Miss Emily, and there was a pleasant scent of green grass, which was completely different from the gaudy perfumes commonly used by noble men, and it was also different from the rude military man next to him who regarded body odor as his style and only had an empty skin. different.

Miss Emily fell easily, instinctively, only this perfect gentleman was left in her eyes.

"Beautiful lady, what is your name?"

"Emily, my name is Emily Prio, my friends like to call me Annie..."

"It turned out to be Ai Ni, the name is as noble as an angel, and the person lives up to the name. I am Siegfried Narlo, nice to meet you."

The gentle Yacharin seemed to be a different person, his tone changed, and even his breath was full of warmth.

He took off the gloves in front of Miss Emily, hooked his fingers, pinched the lady's slender hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it lightly.

"This smelly place is not suitable for you, come with me, rude things should be left to the rude to solve by themselves."

Miss Emily was subconsciously going to follow Acharin, but Kierned looked at him with eyes wide open and gritted her teeth to stop her.



A flash of red light flashed between Zirned and Yacharin, interrupting Zirned's voice and stopping his movements.

Zirned looked in horror, only to see a flying knife wrapped in red velvet pierced deep into the ground not far away.

The flying knife belonged to Henna, more than 20 meters apart, with a dense crowd blocked in the middle, the flying knife accurately passed through the gaps in the crowd, and sent the most intuitive threat at the most appropriate time.

Cold sweat instantly soaked Zirned's back.

Yacharin sighed bored, let go of Miss Emily's hand, and wrapped one arm around her slender waist.

"Go out, and your maid."

"Yes...thank you..."

As soon as the words fell, the sailors split the waves like the Red Sea in front of Moses, leaving a straight passage.

Miss Emily stared at all this, and suddenly realized that the true like this.

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