Reborn As a Pirate

Six hundred and twenty second battle

Body 0622 Battle

10:40 am on July 21, HMS Neptune.

"The front is approaching Xiaogeyan Island, the distance from the island is 5 kilometers, the wind is southwest and south, strong wind, big waves!"

"Enter the upwind line, the speed is 1.5 knots, and the rudder applies to sail through the wind!"

Getting closer and closer to Shog Rock Island, the wind disturbed by the central mountain cut in from both sides of the island, destroying the original high-quality wind cutting angle of the Neptune.

The speed of the ship suddenly dropped, and Amani immediately received a request from the rudder to change direction.

He frowned and thought for a while: "The application is rejected, the front sail is lowered, the mainsail is half lowered, the stern is lowered, and the stern is fully raised. Announce the rudder, stabilize the hull and head west along the island. Steadyness is the key, and there is no need to deliberately Go for speed."


"Look out, is there anything unusual about Wai Rust?"

"The closest distance to the southern coastline of Wai Rust is 18 kilometers, and no abnormalities have been found yet!"

"Continue to monitor."


Near Island's order was issued, and Amani recalled the order just now, confirming that he should not be lacking in stability.

It's just that if there is no lack, there is no lack, and what to do next, he actually has no idea at all.

According to Emmons, the reason why Shaq interrupted the planned visit to Kingston was because he received reliable news that there were pirates who were going to harm Lorraine during the auction of the Sanctuary.

To make Shaq lose his composure like this, it is conceivable that the pirates must be planning a big event.

But where is Lorraine? In what form will the so-called disadvantages unfold?

Neptune is a first-class ship with only seven ships in Great Britain. Now it is sailing in the territorial waters of the United States without any permission. Will it alarm the US Navy? Will there be diplomatic disputes again?

Amani knows nothing.

He gritted his teeth: "Anyway, before breaking away from the cover of the island and completely revealing whereabouts, you have to ask everything you need to ask."

"I'm already the captain! Even if the general's wishes cannot be violated, the subordinates must know what risks they are taking!"

"That's it!"

After making up his mind, Lieutenant Colonel Amani, a competent dogleg, cleared his throat: "Go ask Lieutenant Colonel Raymond and tell him that he will act as the deck commander before approaching the island. I'm going to go..."

"There is no need to delegate command authority." Shaq came behind Amani at some point, stretched out his hand, and gently pressed the lieutenant colonel captain's shoulder.

"Eh? General?" Amani was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized, and quickly said to the messenger, "The order is cancelled, sir, please continue to stand by!"

The orderly beat his chest and stood aside. Amani breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Shaq with a wry smile, and saluted: "Good morning, Your Excellency General!"

"Good morning." Shaq gazed at the Daoxin Mountain not far away, and absently returned a salute, "Lieutenant Colonel Amani, you have grown up very quickly, and you have begun to look like an excellent captain."

"Thank you General for cultivating!"

"I'm just talking about the facts, you don't need to express your gratitude." Shaq raised his finger to the island, "That's Xiaog Rock? The closest rock to Wyrust?"

"Yes, General, we are now 18 kilometers away from Wai Rust, and the east, west, and south sides have been included in the observation range!" Amani held his head high, "However, there are many shelters on the rock island, and the field of vision is limited. I have ordered Neptune to circle the island smoothly. , more information will be forthcoming.”

"Stop circling the island." Shaq's gaze was cruising the island's skyline, "7 degrees east, see that gap? Neptune anchored there. The altitude of that patch is high enough that the island can be well to hide us without blocking the lookout's view."

Amani blinked his eyes: "We...don't enter?"

"There is no smell of gunpowder in the air, and entering the venue now will only cause unnecessary diplomatic disputes." Shaq said, "And we are here to solve the problem. Just scaring the thieves away won't solve any problems, you have to cut their Head, things can be settled once and for all."



Lorraine failed to become the savior of the auction,

Of course, he didn't intend to play this ridiculous role, using his own money to warm up Morgan's wallet.

The auction continued to be deserted. Following the successful sale of the first auction on the 3rd, the auction on the 4th, two auctions on the 5th, one auction on the 6th, and the unsuccessful auctions on the 7th and 8th.

Lot No. 9 created a small climax, and went through seven auctions in total, but the subsequent auctions of No. 10 and No. 11 were unsold, which made people suspect that No. 9 was the moment of reflection in this auction.

The master of ceremonies has completely collapsed, standing alone on the huge stage under everyone's gaze to preside over such an auction that can be called a failure from all angles, his tone was finally defeated by the atmosphere, and he became weak and perfunctory.

At this moment, Lot No. 11 fell to the hammer and failed the auction. The waiter did not rush to remove the lot, but ran up and forced a note into the hand of the master of ceremonies.

The emcee's eyes froze suddenly.

"Lot 10... Lot No. 12, a series of carbon-line line drawings "Towards the Sea", painted by Ibias Renisso, a budding genius painter in France."

Lorraine saw the sweat rolling down his forehead, and the most valuable lot was approaching, but his voice lacked any confidence, but seemed... flustered.

"This... four months ago, Mr. Ibias Renisso received the apocalypse in a dream, slept in a small hotel in Paris for five days and five nights, and completed this set of more than 580 pieces in a sleepwalking state. carbon line map."

"The painting... the painting is in the hands of the trustor. Although it is in Wai Rust, according to the request of the trustor... it will not be displayed before the settlement."

"Next, the line drawing group painting Xianghai, the starting bid is 30,000 pounds, and the price will increase by 3,000 pounds each time. Bidding..."


In front of the master of ceremonies, a uniform yellow light was lit up, and the sudden light dazzled Huamen's eyes, making him even forget the word "begin" for a while.

He knew nothing about all this, neither did he know the background of this unbelievable creation story, nor did he know the charm of the young painter who had never even heard of it.

What is going on?

The master of ceremonies swallowed hard, and looked at Alsace behind the curtain for help.

Alsace nodded lightly.

The master of ceremonies saw that it was natural and expected from his nodding, and the whole person was poured with endless chicken blood.

"30,000 pounds for the line drawing group, No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 9, No. 11, No. 14, No. 19, No. 20, No. 26, No. 29! The second round..."

"The third round, 36,000 pounds..."

"The fourth round..."

"The fifth round..."

"The sixth round..."

With more than 45,000 pounds, the shining group lights covered most of the room at once. The master of ceremonies found a rhythm from this round of dark lights, and his voice once again rose to an octave.

"Oh! What a fierce competition! 45,000 pounds for the line drawing group picture, No. 1, No. 9, No. 14, No. 20, No. 26! The seventh round of bids!"

"48,000...51,000...54,000...57,000...60,000 pounds!"

"Xianghai's 60,000 pounds for the line drawing series has been easily doubled! The next round is the twelfth round..."

"The auction is suspended!" The emcee's voice was almost bel canto, "In the twelfth round, box No. 30 is open for free bidding! In the auction of 3,000 pounds, how much will VIP No. 30 increase?"

"Wait, No. 30, No. 30 has not participated in the previous auctions. Could Xianghai's value be higher?"

"Free bidding has appeared! Box 30 has an additional price of 40,000 pounds! 100,000! The line drawing group painting Xianghai is 100,000 pounds, box 30 is asking for 100,000 pounds! Amazing price! Incomparably amazing price! The thirteenth round..."

"No. 9, No. 21, No. 30, £103,000!!!!"

night scavenger

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