Reborn As a Pirate

Six hundred and twenty third crazy bidding

Text 0623 Crazy bidding

How much is a blueprint worth? This is a difficult answer to find guidance on.

Generally speaking, the design drawing is produced for the ship, and the price of the drawing and the cost of the designer will naturally be included in the cost of the ship. That is to say, it is absolutely impossible to exceed the ex-factory price minus the residual value of raw materials and labor.

And how much is a ship worth?

Taking the Royal Dockyard of Great Britain as an example, after eliminating market interference to the greatest extent, the cost of a Class VI Brig is generally 8,000 to 10,000 pounds, and a Class 5 Galen is 20,000 to 25,000.

Most of the fourth-tier ships were rebuilt and downgraded from the old third-tier ships, and the few newly built ships rarely cost more than 30,000 pounds.

The price of shipbuilding starts to climb from the third level, and the third level is generally no more than 50,000 pounds. The situation of the second level is the same as that of the fourth level. There are almost no new ships, and the cost of a few new ships is not higher than 70,000. The construction cost of the first-class ship is the highest, with an average of 100,000 pounds.

Because of this, Drake Marine Group's second-generation Samurai class costing more than 35,000 pounds, the Valkyrie class costing nearly 80,000 pounds, and the Valkyrie class costing 180,000 pounds are at the same level or even leapfrog. They still cannot be regarded as "good design" despite their dominance at the upper level.

The reason here is simple, they are simply too expensive.

The proportion of a design drawing in a ship's cost will not exceed 10, that is to say, the design drawing of a third-class ship will not exceed 5,000 pounds at most.

But the blueprint of Fury cannot be calculated in this way.

In order to capture the highest possible value, its completeness goes far beyond the requirements of normal ship blueprints.

Maritime Group seldom has more than 100 full design drawings for a standard ship, and about 150 drawings for a custom-made ship.

Mystra, as the first ship of the second generation Samurai, has 427 pictures, and the design of the Lady is based on Valkyrie, with a total of 342 pictures. Due to several changes in design ideas, Valkyrie produced a total of 796 drawings. It is the only design album in Lorraine's hands that is more plentiful than Fury.

The design drawing of Fury cannot be regarded as a simple shipbuilding design drawing at all, it is more like a rookie tutorial on how to build a standard French third-tier battleship.

As long as they have it, any mediocre designer can easily imitate a light, fast, cheap, and stable French warship. If the talent is better, maybe they can use this set of pictures to directly understand the design mysteries of the French warship. , and has since become the world's top ship designer.

Because of this, Lorraine will not be surprised no matter how high the price of this design drawing is finally sold.

Compared to entangled in its price comparison with several third-tier battleships, Lorraine is more curious about how rotten the French navy is, and would allow such a priceless treasure related to the country to flow into the market in such a ridiculous way.

Could it be that the end of Bourbon is coming?

Lorraine suddenly became excited. Because he was obviously more impressed by the glorious French Revolution than the obscure and chaotic War of Independence.

The smoke of the Bastille, the flames of the Paris Commune, the guillotines of Louis XVI and Queen Mary, Robespierre was hung on the cross and flogged his corpse.

Of course, that magnificent history cannot be without the lion of Corsica, the hero king who swept across Europe like a comet, the fierce battle of Trafalgar, Nelson's curtain call and the highlights of his life...

What could Drake have done in that era?

What can you protect? What can be changed? What can be snatched? What can be saved?

Perhaps secretly bought Louis XVI and his deficit queen, like a mischievous imp, basically messed up that great era?

Lorraine couldn't help laughing.

The design of the Fury has risen to 127,000 pounds, the 21st box has been given up, and the 9th and 30th have competed for three rounds.

Lorraine has not turned on a light so far.

He didn't even pay much attention to the progress of the auction, because he believed that whether it was Russia's Dukov or Portugal's Bartolomeo, those who could really determine the ownership of the Fury were all watching in the box.

The hot field is not over yet, and the real auction will start only when the winner is decided between No. 9 and No. 30.

11:14... £133,000.

11:22... £151,000.

11:37...160,000 pounds, abandoned on the 30th!

Immediately after...

"Free bidding!" The master of ceremonies made a hoarse broken voice, "Box 9 is 160,000 pounds, and the first bid for box 16 is free bidding! Free bidding!"

Lorraine sat upright for the first time.

He raised his hand to push away the wine glass on the coffee table, and was sitting on the sofa, staring closely at the emcee in the center of the stage, who lost his composure and caroused.



"Regardless of the number of free offers, turn on the lights."


"Major Harry Sheffield." Lorraine suddenly called Harry's name, and the expressions of Sig and Carmen changed at the same time.

"The preparation of 260,000 pounds is actually not enough..." Carmen bit her lip, "Looks like I spent too much last night..."

"The businessman's unexpectedly cruel." Sig sighed, "Harry, Ryan, whether you threaten or kill, ask the box of the Solomon Chamber of Commerce within 15 minutes. Remember, only 15 minutes .”


Harry and Ryan trotted out, and after a while, the free bidding for box 16 was delivered to the master of ceremonies.

180,000 pounds.

Box No. 16 took 7 minutes to come up with such a reasonable quotation, with an additional price of 20,000 pounds, and the total price was 180,000 pounds.

No. 9, who persisted for more than half an hour, turned on the red light, but at the same time, No. 7, which was Lorraine's box, turned on the yellow light for the first time.

The master of ceremonies' eyes were flickering wildly. He took a deep breath, and just about to continue the fight between Lorraine and No. 16, another light suddenly caught in the corner of his eyes.

Red and yellow, free bidding, it's... No. 2!

The master of ceremonies felt that his nerves were going to break!

As a professional auction master of ceremonies, he has traveled to various high-end auction houses in the world, and has handled thousands of items, but he has never had a crazy bid of more than 100,000, and he has never seen anyone use free bidding at a high price of 180,000. Attack.

Ibias Renisso!

The master of ceremonies remembered the name deeply. He felt the sublimation of his soul and felt that he was witnessing the birth of Da Vinci or Raphael in the new era.

"Free bidding! Room 16 is 180,000 pounds, box 2 applies for free bidding, the auction is suspended!!!!"

Seeger breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's great, it seems that someone bought us enough time..."

"Old Dukov may not do what you want." Lorraine shook his head helplessly, "The 7-minute quotation just now revealed the identity and character of No. 16 Mr. Bartolomeo, and Old Dukov's bid will not be so gentle. , we can’t buy much time.”

"So the price increase of 20,000 pounds is now mild?" Seeger rolled his eyes.

"The combination of hesitating for 7 minutes and raising the price by 20,000 pounds is a gentle expression." Lorraine shrugged, "Of course, the asking price just now may be arranged by Old Dukov's nephew. But that is the worst result. Proof Old Dukov brought too much money, even the starting bid of 160,000 was not enough to make him serious..."

"It's really that bad."

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