“Mom, when I grow up, I must buy more meat tickets to buy pork, and give ten pounds of pork to my uncles for the New Year!”

Zhao Youqing was eating rice in the sweet potato pot at this time, which was saved by his uncles for him to eat, it was so fragrant!

There is also that dish, there is also meat and fried in the dish, and it is extremely satisfying to eat a mouthful full of fragrant.

At this time, Zhao Youqing only had this wish in his heart.

When can he have the ability to send ten pounds of pork to his uncles, this is what he can think of, the best return for his uncles!

“Don’t worry, Youqing, you listen to me this year, and when the New Year is celebrated in the second half of the year, we will send pork to my grandmother and uncles, and send New Year goods…”

Zhao Guoqing looked at his brother and smiled.

In his previous life, because he married his daughter-in-law, his family was not close to his grandmother’s uncle’s family.

So that such a good relative, the grandmother and uncle who were heartbroken with their hearts, broke off their relatives like this and never interacted or moved around.

Looking back in this life, under such difficult conditions, the uncles who were willing to share the white rice in the bowl with their brothers were relatives!

In my previous life, I really blinded my heart with lard and my eyes went blind.

The real one is inseparable from each other, and he has become a big fool.

No wonder death is not blind.

“Haha, okay, I’ll wait for Youqing to have money later, send pork to my uncle, you are separated today, in the future, you brothers and sisters can unite and listen to your mother, who dares not to be filial to your mother, don’t blame your uncle for beating you…”

Liu Zhendian said this, deliberately face-to-face, scaring Zhao Guoqing and Zhao Youqing brothers.

But the two of them smiled with frowns.

Haha, the uncle will scare people, in fact, he is not fierce at all.

Chen Hongmei scrambled a large pot of egg scrambled leeks, although there were more leeks because of fewer eggs, but the leeks fried with the eggs smelled particularly fragrant.

And today I finally don’t have to eat corn paste, I can eat a meal of white noodles.

Although Chen Hongmei is very tired, she still has some expectations in her heart.

Finally a good meal at home!

Mrs. Mei also smelled the smell of eggs, in order to prevent the third daughter-in-law from eating it secretly, she had been guarding the pot of eggs and fried leeks, and when this dish was potted together, she quickly took this pot of vegetables to the main house.

When passing by Zhao Guoqing’s house, he glanced at the table.

That table has pork liver soup, pumpkin fried fried, and even a plate of chili fried meat, so many dishes?

“Losers, waste, and eat meat and pork liver? This is to eat up a year’s worth of pork, and the second family married such a loser girl, it was really bad luck for eight lifetimes…” Mrs

. Mei scolded Liu Zhenfang in her heart.

I just think she really won’t live.

What a waste like this?

She waited to see the joke and see the days when Zhao Guoqing’s family couldn’t open the pot and borrowed rice and oil everywhere.

However, scolding and scolding, Mrs. Mei was still extremely envious of that table of good dishes in her heart.

After all, their family didn’t eat so well for the New Year.

At night, Mrs. Mei was biased, and when she divided the white noodles, Chen Hongmei only divided a few noodles and a large bowl of noodle soup, and the eggs did not catch a little, but only ate some leeks.

But even so, because there is more oil and water when frying eggs, this leek is much more delicious than usual.

Chen Hongmei drank an extra bowl of noodle soup at night.

In the bottom of my heart, I thought of passing by Liu Zhenfang’s house, and the good food and dishes on the table, even just a glance, made people drool.

When will she be able to live such a good life?

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After eating a lot of eggs and white noodles at night, Zhao Fu and his daughter-in-law were talking.

“I said the boss, you said how much private money Liu Zhenfang saved, I estimate that there is at least this number, don’t look at Liu Zhenfang’s usual not gnawing sound, this heart is black enough, actually saved so much, today is meat and white rice, but really hungry…”

Wang Chunhua muttered in front of Zhao Fu.

Also gesturing, the slap is positive and negative, meaning that Liu Zhenfang saved hundreds of yuan, no wonder there is a separation.

“The rabbit’s tail can’t grow, we’ll clean up the Liu Zhenfang and the little rabbit cub when we turn back, so that her family can cry without tears…”

said Zhao Fu hatefully.

Although after the separation, their family also ate white noodles and eggs, but Liu Zhenfang’s family seemed to eat better.

This made Zhao Fu very unhappy in his heart.

Since he was unhappy, he didn’t plan to let the second family have a good life.

Or all of them will be reversed.

But Zhao Fu’s kind of bad is not like Mrs. Mei, it is on the bright side, he is secret, and he will never say it.

Instead, he will encourage others to fan the flames to achieve his own goals.

Zhao Guoqing, who sent away his three uncles, called his younger brother Zhao Youqing into the mountain at night.

On the way, Zhao Guoqing taught his younger brother how to put a clamp and told him that if he wanted to eat white rice and send pork to his uncles, he had to work hard and hard.

“Okay, brother, I’ll listen to you!”

In this house, Zhao Youqing is the most convinced of Zhao Guoqing.

The main thing is that the eldest brother is too powerful, and he is always secretly getting him food these days, so that he has recently felt that his strength seems to have increased, and he is not so hungry.

As long as he can be fed, everything the eldest brother says is right.

Originally, Zhao Guoqing saved dozens of yuan, but this time he divided the family to buy his belongings, almost spent it, and only about five yuan remained.

So this will Zhao Guoqing is also anxious, he has to hurry up with his brother to catch rabbits and pheasants, and find wild Tianma.

However, the place where bamboo sunflower mushrooms grew in Ermei Mountain, Zhao Guoqing did not say.

Just told my brother that when the wild rabbit is caught, the rabbits that can be saved if they are not seriously injured will be kept, and when the time comes, in the back of the kitchen, get a few rabbit dens, and then the family can raise rabbits.

This thing breeds quickly, grows fast, not only can it be sold for money, but it can also eat meat.

For this small family, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat.

“Second brother, when the time comes, you can use bamboo, or stones, pile up more circles, and turn back to raising chickens and rabbits and sheep…” This

is all 80 years, although the rural production is still divided into households, but the production team management is no longer so strict.

Every family started raising chickens, and it was not like they used to have only two or three.

At this time, if you are bold and secretly raised, you can raise seven or eight, or even a dozen, and their family does not have much labor, but they are diligent like the second brother and younger sister and mother.

You can raise some chickens, ducks, rabbits or pigs and sheep.

When these things are scaled, it is much faster than farming and farming.

When the two brothers put the clamps away, it was almost midnight, and they hurried down the mountain and went up the mountain again the next morning to see the beast clamps and traps.

Although the two brothers were a little tired, they were full of energy, and when they walked in the door, they suddenly found a dark man squatting at the door.

When he saw them return, the figure stood up at once.

But it startled the two.


Zhao Guoqing roared all of a sudden.

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