“Brother, it’s me, you guys have finally returned…” Through

the faint moonlight, Zhao Guoqing finally saw the black shadow squatting at the door.

It’s actually the little sister Zhao Dongxue?

It turned out that Zhao Dongxue had been taking care of the female rabbit, and when she fed the rabbit tonight, she found that the rabbit did not eat or drink, and began to desperately pluck the hair on her body.

This frightened Zhao Dongxue, thinking that the rabbit was sick?

But that meeting Zhao Guoqing and Zhao Youqing had already gone out, and others didn’t know what was going on, she was worried in her heart, she was worried that her eldest brother would leave the rabbit to her to take care of.

This is if the rabbit that is hard to heal the injury is raised.

Then there will be no face, and the eldest brother will definitely blame her for not raising rabbits with care.

So this will Zhao Dongxue can’t sleep, just squat at the door and wait for the eldest brother to come back, who knows that it almost scared Zhao Youqing.

When Zhao Guoqing ran to see the rabbit, he found that the female rabbit was locked in a cage, and sure enough, as Zhao Dongxue said, Zhao Guoqing smiled when he plucked the rabbit hair on his body without eating

, drinking.

“Silly girl, you go to sleep, this is the rabbit is going to give birth to a baby rabbit, it is estimated that it will be tomorrow…”

Zhao Dongxue said this Zhao Dongxue was surprised and delighted, but she has been taking care of this female rabbit for many days, and she has been looking forward to this female rabbit giving birth to a little rabbit, but she didn’t expect it to be a matter of these two days?

Such a thing that makes people look forward to and be happy, Zhao Dongxue is reluctant to sleep.

I have always been guarding the little rabbit under this female rabbit, but was yelled at by Zhao Guoqing, saying that I don’t know when, let her not wait, maybe tomorrow afternoon, or go to bed early!

Zhao Dongxue could only go to sleep, but she couldn’t sleep well all night.

Before dawn, Zhao Guoqing called Zhao Youqing up, they first went to see the rabbits, but found that they had already given birth, and there were actually eight little rabbits in this litter.

Those little rabbits are hairless, like little mice, their eyes are not open, their bodies are all pink flesh, and they look a little ugly.

“Brother, you say, can these rabbits live? Eight at once, so many? ”

Yes, can be fed, rabbits are particularly fertile, even a litter in January, in the future, we will catch other injured male rabbits and female rabbits are raised, can be used as breeding rabbits…” Zhao

Guoqing plans to catch live rabbits recently, as long as the injury is not so serious, they will stay and raise.

It is intended to be bred and domesticated in the future.

It’s just that this rabbit is wild, and many rabbits are struggling desperately after being clamped by the beast, and the more they struggle, the more serious the injury, so that these days, except for the female rabbit who got off the rabbit.

Zhao Guoqing hasn’t caught the second one yet, but he is not in a hurry, this matter is in no hurry.

Sure enough, today I was lucky and caught three rabbits, two of which were alive, and Zhao Guoqing asked his second brother to take them back to raise, and the remaining one he planned to sell.

Moreover, he also plans to go into the mountain today to collect bamboo sunflower mushrooms, which are hot, and almost every day or two, you can go into the mountain to harvest a basket full of bamboo sunflower mushrooms.

This thing can also be sold once every three to five.

There are too many poor families, foreign debts, and lack of money.

And after selling this rabbit today, Zhao Guoqing was not willing to buy anything, but with the money from selling rabbits, he went to the village to buy twenty fluffy chickens, and by the way, bought a pound of bran to feed the chickens.

When Zhao Guoqing returned home, his uncle and brother-in-law had already brought bricks to his house and made a kitchen for his home.

Zhao Guoqing specially went to the team to ask for leave, saying that there was no place to cook at home, and he had to take three days off to do the kitchen.

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This will also be the agricultural leisure season, the production team has no work, the captain was also present yesterday, knowing about Zhao Guoqing’s separation, and finally granted leave, but only two days off.

When the twenty chicks were brought back, Liu Zhenfang’s eyes were full of joy.

This is not a chicken, this is the hope after their separation.

She crushed the rice, which she was reluctant to eat at home, then stirred the cooked pumpkin, cooked it with a little bran, and fed it to the chicks.

Liu Zhenfang serves these chickens as hard as raising a baby.

I am afraid that these chicks will break one, after all, the family is poor.

The green bricks that Liu Zhendian got from the Red Star Commune were dragged back and placed in the yard, and they planned to dig the foundation themselves to make a kitchen.

The sturdy green bricks, neatly laid out one by one, made Zhao Gui, who was not very enthusiastic about separating the family.

This will touch the brick, and there will be a rare smile on his face.

This green brick is no wonder so expensive, but it looks neat and strong, compared to the adobe brick blank, it is countless times better.

When making the kitchen, Liu Zhendian and several people have made great efforts to dig the foundation very deep, so that the house will be particularly strong.

The kitchen of the Zhao family is made big, so that in addition to a place to put firewood in winter, you can also clean up and put a table to eat.

You can even sleep alone by huddling against the wall.

Liu Zhenfang who watched this kitchen was full of joy, watching alone, and when avoiding people, he would wipe the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.

This kitchen is really good, more magnificent than the main house, or his own brother-in-law.

It’s just that this will just be a kitchen, I don’t know when I have that blessing, can live in three large tile houses?


Liu Zhenfang laughed and scolded herself in her heart.

Three large tile houses can get a lot of money, brick money alone is hundreds of dollars, and you have to ask the master to do the house work and food money, these are afraid to cost thousands of yuan.

The family has just separated, the poor jingle, and the foreign debt dare to think about this greedily?

What a confusion….

“Uncle, brother-in-law, this wall is not very stable, why is it a little shaky?”

Zhao Guoqing looked at the kitchen with a half-human high wall and asked with some unease.

Because he found that this green brick wall is made of cement and sand, but this cement does not know what is going on, and it looks not very solid?

He pushed hard with his hand, how did he feel that the wall was a little unstable?

“Don’t move, this cement sand dries slowly, you have to wait until tomorrow morning to dry out, this kitchen can be on the beam, don’t worry, the new house will start like this…” Zhao

Guoqing’s uncle Liu Zhencai once helped people make brick houses, and he was a mason.

So Zhao Guoqing’s kitchen was repaired by him.

It’s just that in those years, there were few brick houses, and these masters who built houses were actually members with more flexible brains in rural areas, helping people build houses in their spare time.

Collect some wages or mix a place to eat.

Masons like uncle are relatively reliable, and Zhao Guoqing is not very good at building houses, and he doesn’t care too much at the moment.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that because of his negligence, there were still people who wanted to make trouble, and soon something happened at home.

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