“Is Aunt Huang at home?”

A woman outside looked into the room, still shouting Huang Xiulian.

Huang Xiulian quickly stood up and walked out to take a look.

But I saw that it was a niece surnamed Liu in the village, who took a barrel from her house a few days ago and used it, and today she came to return the barrel.

The two stood there and said a few words, and the man heard that Huang Xiulian’s grandson Zhao Guoqing was coming, and couldn’t help but look into the room a few more times, and couldn’t help but praise.

“Aunt Huang, your grandson is really handsome, not only is he handsome, but his brain is also easy to use, have you heard, Captain Li is married, just today, the daughter-in-law married is called Chen Furong, Chen Furong…”

It turned out that this woman surnamed Liu lived next door to Li Changqing’s house.

Naturally, he knew that he was marrying his daughter-in-law today.

However, because Li Changqing and Chen Furong were arrested in the middle of the night, in order to avoid being gossiped, they immediately took a marriage certificate.

After taking the marriage certificate, Li Changqing’s family did not prepare any bride price, and Chen Furong’s family did not prepare a dowry, so she bought half a kilogram of sugar and scattered it to the villagers, saying that she was married.

The two lived together.

Originally, this is not particularly unusual, after all, this year’s marriage has a lively scene, such as buying some three-turn ringing or setting up a banquet, and there are some simple to put one or two tables, eat some candy The woman brings two beds of luggage quilt and marries over.

But like this daughter-in-law Chen Furong married by Li Changqing.

At first, some people still thought that it was a girl from the commune, and she looked good.

But secretly ask, my God, this is terrible.

This girl originally had a relationship with Zhao Guoqing in the village next door, and when she got married, the woman’s side had to ring thirty-two times three times, and Zhao Guoqing was not used to that rule.

The marriage blew up.

Blew and blew, but Chen Furong did not wait a week to deal with Zhang Guoqing, the son of the branch secretary of the Chaoyang Brigade.

The Zhang family is really at home, still playing furniture at home, preparing a bride price of 32 points in three turns and one ring.

But last night, this Chen Furong and Li Changqing were blocked in bed by Zhang Guoqing, heck, this woman has dealt with three men in less than a month.

No wonder the first Zhao Guoqing family refused to marry her.

Smart person, it turns out that she saw through the true face of her watery Yang?

Gee, such a woman married into the Bayi team, but she can’t let her spoil the atmosphere of the Bayi team, and whoever has a girlfriend in the future must stay away from her.

This woman surnamed Liu pulled Huang Xiulian gossip, praised Zhao Guoqing and praised, saying that he was really prescient, and a woman like Chen Furong could not ask for it even if she was married three times and one ring.

Because of the water-based poplar flower, whether a woman gives birth to a son or a girl, it hurts people, and the family will be scolded by fingers.

What this woman surnamed Liu said was actually very true in the countryside,

because at this time Li Changqing’s widowed mother Yang Shi was sulking at home and called Li Changqing to cry.

“Your unfinished father is gone, it’s not easy for me to be an orphan and widow, I want to marry the captain next door, the Zhao family is a big surname, what will happen to you in the future, there will be someone to help, you can be good, let the captain’s daughter not marry, go and marry a rotten thing in another person…”

Yang was very tall, and Li Changqing’s appearance followed her.

She is a girlfriend who has always liked Zhao Shun, after all, the Zhao family is a big surname, and there are hundreds of people with the surname Zhao in the Chaoyang Brigade next door.

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The key is that Zhao Shun has been the captain for many years, and the original old secretary has not been in good health and has not done anything, basically his captain has grasped it with one hand.

And Zhao Shun’s girlfriend is sensible and capable, and she is not bad-looking.

Which is like this Chen Furong, the pointed chin looks like a fox spirit, a water-based poplar unruly woman, that is the root of the chaos, such a woman who knows if the child born in the future is a wild species?

“Mom, you are quiet, in that case, if I don’t marry her, do you want me to go to jail?” Fleur has already passed the door, I asked her to be filial to you in the future, give you a big grandson as soon as possible, a family and a beautiful one, won’t this day be more beautiful?

Li Changqing lowered his voice and explained to his mother.

At that time, if Chen Furong took a bite back, he would be sent to prison as a rogue.

Not to mention the position of his captain, it is he who cannot come out without ten years and eight years.

In this case, the best outcome is that he marries Chen Furong, although outsiders will gossip and gossip, but at least he is fine, and when this wave of limelight passes, he and Chen Furong are thinking of a way.

Let her go back to work in the commune.

At that time, Chen Furong’s salary of twenty or thirty yuan a month is better than anything.

“Then such a woman enters the door, you also have to press a little can’t get used to her, when you enter the door of the Li family, you have to guard the way of the woman, don’t go back and forth with this eyebrow today, tomorrow with that, you, you have to guard the point, such a woman can no longer be corrupted by her Li family’s door style…”

This Yang family also mentioned the door style.

In fact, what kind of style is there in his family?

When Li Changqing’s father was alive, he liked to mess with flowers and grass, and the Yang family hated the most in his life were those water-based poplar flowers and women who did not abide by women’s ways to seduce men.

There is nothing big in this rural area, and when it is dark at home, ordinary people are reluctant to even light kerosene lamps, which is the little thing in the bed of men and women.

But in every village, there are always some bachelors or men who like to mess with flowers.

Those people all stared at the beautiful daughter-in-law in the village, and if the girl’s daughter-in-law’s belt was loosened, the men would be like flies, and they would be reluctant to move away.

When the word spreads, the woman becomes the laughing stock of the entire village.

This Chen Furong is quite beautiful, and young, her son is busy with work, and he is busy day and night, and after marrying such a water-based Yanghua, Yang feels that he has a great responsibility and must set rules for his daughter-in-law.

He also had to educate her well for his son.

So this lunch, Yang led Chen Furong to cook.

Chen Furong just entered this house, took a look at Yang, and knew that she was giving herself a horse.

However, in the countryside, a new daughter-in-law has just entered the door, and if she is not familiar with life, she can only follow her mother-in-law, and if she really quarrels, the people in this village will definitely speak to her mother-in-law.

Who will turn to a new daughter-in-law to themselves?

What’s more, she can only endure this situation for a month and a half temporarily, and when she is familiar with the situation here, she will definitely take action to rectify this mother-in-law.

Looking at the old woman is not particularly shrewd.

One day can’t bear to suppress his own appearance, Chen Furong feels that if she moves her eyes in the future, she will definitely be able to clean up this mother-in-law.

After all, the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law were originally either the east wind overwhelming the west wind, or the west wind overwhelming the east wind.

Of course, the most crucial person among them is Li Changqing.

Chen Furong felt that she wanted to encircle her own man, but the more she thought about it, the more something happened.

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