Li Changqing was originally only the acting captain, and he had just been the captain for less than two months.

Under normal circumstances, there is no major problem after working for three months, and this captain naturally continues to do it.

But he married Chen Furong.

In fact, there is no problem in marrying Chen Furong, the problem is that she is blocked in bed in that situation.

This, Li Changqing is not married, but he has a partner who has been walking around for three years, and when his father died, there were still people from the Zhao family.

This means that the Zhao family still admits this marriage on the face, saying that the two will get married after the three-year filial piety period expires.

Every New Year’s holiday, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, this Li Changqing also has to give gifts to Zhao Shun’s house.

Whether it is the Chaoyang Brigade or the Bayi Team, they all know that Li Changqing is Zhao Shun’s son-in-law.

And Chen Furong’s identity is even more speechless, she is Zhang Guoqing’s daughter-in-law who has not passed the door.

The Zhang family beat the furniture with great fanfare, and asked people everywhere to buy three turns and one ring, ready to marry their son, ready to marry this Chen Furong.

Who knew that these two people rolled together and were blocked, although one of them said that they did not marry the other and did not marry, but in the countryside, in the eyes of others, this is messing around and stealing people.

Those ordinary people fancy these reputations, but more important than the red book, after all, marriage to receive a red book, this is what has become popular over the years.

Many years ago, the two got married, that is, the New Year and the festival walked, choose a good day and the two into a small family as in-laws, the neighbors to testify, hold a wedding ceremony and become a couple.

Some people even muttered that they were stealing people, one carrying his own man, the other carrying his own woman, secretly staying together.

He was also caught, blah,

Now don’t mess it up, if everyone is an ordinary person, this Li Changqing can be regarded as the captain of the Eighth First Team.

If such a person is still a captain, how will others think of the Bayi team when he goes out?

Is there no one in a village?

Get such a shameful person out as a captain?

Therefore, this Li Changqing married Chen Furong on the front foot, and the secretary of the back foot brigade asked him to write a material to explain the matter clearly, and temporarily asked him not to be the acting captain of this group.

Chen Furong and Li Changqing.

Or after Zhao Guoqing returned from his grandmother’s house, he heard some rumors again.

And most of these rumors are true, because these were what Zhao Guoqing heard people muttering in the brigade office, and at that time, whether it was Zhao Shun or Zhang Jun, they pretended not to hear it.

It is estimated that they are also uncomfortable in their hearts.

Zhao Shun’s daughter-in-law is Li Changqing’s daughter-in-law who did not pass the door, and he did this to hit Zhao Shun’s face.

Zhang Jun is not to mention, Li Changqing is equivalent to putting a green hat on Zhang Guoqing, but his family is still playing furniture.

Originally, after this incident, Zhang Guoqing said that the furniture at home did not need to be beaten, but his father Zhang Jun sighed and let him continue to hit the furniture, saying that he was preparing the thirty-two legs of the family.

In the future, I will marry a daughter-in-law to Zhang Guoqing to live.

Zhao Shun and Zhang Junjia looked at Zhao Guoqing at this time with some emotion, and always felt that they seemed to have the same illness, after all, the three families were almost blind.

No, it should be Zhao Guoqing who is the smartest.

Only he took the initiative and refused to marry Chen Furong, no matter how angry the family was and how outsiders talked about it.

He is all stubborn to the end, and if he says he will not marry, he will not marry.

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Think about it, Zhao Guoqing is really prescient and a rare smart person.

Therefore, when Zhao Shun and Zhang Jun heard Zhao Guoqing talk about the future situation, they were very serious.

But deep down, I was surprised.

“Your brother-in-law said that this year, maybe our Chaoyang Brigade will be packed to the household? But this winter at the latest? That’s just half a year…” Zhao

Shun’s face was full of doubts, but he didn’t completely disbelieve it in his heart, after all, Zhao Guoqing’s brother-in-law was said to have some skills.

He had seen the outside world, and he was more capable of seeing farther than they were.

“Well, my brother-in-law said, in the future, whoever raises chickens and ducks in this village, and engages in some side business, the state will encourage it in the future, and the outside world will also shift from a planned economy to a market economy, and the state will not let people go without food, and the days will definitely pass as well as possible…” In the

autumn of this year, in fact, the Chaoyang Brigade ended the collective contracting system and became a contracted household.

At that time, you didn’t need a meal ticket to eat out, and you didn’t need an industrial ticket to buy something.

The state also encouraged farmers to develop side businesses and do small businesses, and people with flexible brains at that time slowly got better.

“That is, loosen a little, loosen a little more, let everyone have more time to do their work, right?”

Zhang Jun thought about it, in fact, there were rumors inside, which were a bit similar to what Zhao Guoqing’s brother-in-law said.

But a little more planned.

They are saying that in the future, their production brigades will become villages, the state will give land to them, and every family will have land and land.

“That’s pretty much what it means, well, my brother-in-law said, he is just guessing, you can just listen to it, don’t take it too seriously…” Zhao

Guoqing used the name of his brother-in-law to say what he knew.

But it’s not so obvious, Zhao Shun and Zhang Jun are smart people, as long as they dial it, they know what to do in the future?

Sure enough, after Zhao Shun and Zhang Jun looked at each other, they seemed to have a count in their hearts, if this was the case, those food stamps and industrial stamps in the future would not be so important.

Moreover, in the future, there is no need to be so strict with the people of the production team.

Even if anyone has more chickens and ducks, they turn a blind eye and pretend not to see it.

When the team works, you don’t have to be so rigid, as long as it’s not too busy, you can take leave if you have something.

“Okay, thank you for our brother-in-law, you have time to walk around more, take leave if you don’t have time, we have a lot of production team, not worse than you!”

Zhao Shun got the news he wanted to know.

In front of Zhang Jun, he very cheerfully gave Zhao Guoqing a promise.

Don’t underestimate this promise, Zhao Guoqing can rely on this excuse, take leave if there is nothing to do, and use the time to work to do other personal things.

The money earned is definitely better than in the production team.

At that time, in case there is not enough food, just spend more money to buy some in the production team, this is not a problem, the problem is that you can give yourself more free time.

You can do more private work.

“Captain, then thank you, don’t worry, my brother-in-law has something good over there, I will be the first to tell you…”

Zhao Guoqing happily agreed, giving people a little thought, and it will be easy to do things in the future.

Sure enough, everyone was happy.

When Zhao Guoqing went back, he saw the girl waving like him.

“Big brother, I’m going to pull the weeds later, can you help me send these two rabbits to Sister Liu’s side?”

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