On the way, passing the entrance of the village, I accidentally saw a vegetable vendor driving a tricycle buying cheap vegetables grown by home from several farmers.

Such a scene is very common in Jinlong Village, where villagers have no money or effort to rent a car and bring their own vegetables to the county seat to sell.

Vegetables can only be sold to vegetable sellers at a low price, although the price is relatively low, but it is convenient and fast.

He only glanced at it and continued to walk towards Niutou Mountain.

At this time, someone in the rear recognized him, hurriedly ran over, and stopped him.

"Little brother, you wait! I have something important to tell you!

An uncle trotted desperately and finally caught up with Lin Jue, his body blocking him, panting and talking at the same time.

"Little brother, do you remember me? I bought watermelon radishes from you last time! The uncle smiled enthusiastically.

He was so happy to find Lin Jue.

The day before yesterday, he bought white radishes in Lin Juena, and brought them to the county seat on the same day, buying them at his vegetable stall.

The price tag was three pieces and five pounds, and all of them were robbed in one morning.

Many customers have booked with him in advance, asking him to buy some more goods to sell!

In the past two days, he has been wandering the streets and alleys of Jinlong Village, just to find Lin Jue and get more white radishes from him!

It's really the emperor who pays off, finally let him find this young man!

Lin Jue glanced at this uncle, and he looked a little familiar.

Hearing him say "watermelon radish", it suddenly reminded him of the middle-aged man who bought all the radishes in one go.

It turns out that the uncle is a vegetable seller.

"Are you in trouble? Uncle. Lin Jue asked warily.

The uncle suddenly held Lin Jue's hand and said with a smile: "Just call me Xu Jianguo!" The watermelon radish you bought here last time, the market response was very good! A lot of people have booked with me, and I want to buy more from you!

Lin Jue nodded and instantly understood what this vegetable vendor meant.

Unexpectedly, he took the watermelon radish he bought here at that time to the county seat to sell.

It can also be regarded that this uncle has business acumen, and he immediately saw the prospects of his watermelon turnip.

Lin Jue thought for a moment, he currently planted a large number of white radishes in the field, and these radishes matured together, and it was indeed difficult for him to sell them all in a short period of time.

If it is sold to Xu Jianguo, it is much simpler.

It also saved him the effort of transporting it to the county town to sell.

If you form a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with him, the radishes he grows in the future will not worry about no market.

"You want to buy watermelon radishes from me?" Lin Jue asked.

"That's right!" Xu Jianguo nodded decisively, "How much is needed!" If you think the purchase price of three dollars a pound is too cheap, I can also give you a price increase appropriately!

Xu Jianguo was full of confidence, he believed that if Lin Jue was willing to sell the white radish to him, he would definitely be able to make a lot of money with the help of this new variety.

In the entire county's vegetable market, only he has this variety of vegetables on hand, and he does not need to compete with other vegetable sellers.

No matter how much goods you buy, you can sell them properly!

Don't worry that these dishes can't be sold, and in the end, they rot and stink, and they all fall into their hands!

Xu Jianguo's enthusiasm gave Lin Jue great sincerity.

This uncle looks like a person with good personality, and should be able to reach a long-term cooperation with him.

"Okay, uncle! Since you have the intention to get the watermelon radish from me, I can cooperate with you for the time being. If you have a good cooperation, you can continue to cooperate in the future. Lin Jue promised to sell him the watermelon turnips.

When you find a better partner, it's never too late to change your mind.

Xu Jianguo is very happy, a deal has been reached in such a friendly way, he can already imagine the scene of selling white radishes in the future and making money to earn soft!

"Okay! Little brother, do you still have more goods in your field? Xu Jianguo asked.

Lin Jue thought that the radish he planted grew so fast that it could go from seed germination to full maturity harvest in two or three days.

In this way, it is a continuous supply of energy.

Don't worry about running out of stock at all.

"There are still a lot of goods, anyway, it will definitely be enough for you to sell, don't worry!" Lin Jue said.

"That's good!" Xu Jianguo nodded, "Now that summer is here, the weather will be getting hotter and hotter, and white radishes are not easy to grow in summer, right?" Will there be a problem with quality.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about that. This is a special variety that can be grown all year round! Lin Jue waved his hand, not planning to talk nonsense with him, "Uncle, you wait at the entrance of the village, I'll go to the mountain to pull the radish!"

"Okay! Uncle is waiting here, never go around!

Xu returned to the tricycle and continued to buy vegetables from the villagers.

Lin Jue climbed Niutou Mountain, and in less than a moment, he came to his family's field.

At noon, the sun is shining.

As far as the eye can see, the fields are green, full of life and vitality.

He first planted the small seedlings of the prickly fruit in the open space and watered them with spiritual spring water.

Later, I found that the octagonal tree on the edge of the field had grown to ten meters tall, and the crown was extremely luxuriant, almost covering the small tea tree next to it.

The red and colorful buds of the trees are opening one after another, the fragrance of flowers is fragrant, you can smell it from far away, and take a sip, it is really exciting!

"This star anise is also too fragrant, it smells better than osmanthus!"

Lin Jue rubbed the tip of his nose, standing under the octagonal tree, hundreds of flowers blooming together on the tree, this fragrance has reached the level of fragrant to burst!

After smelling for a long time, his nose was numb.

There are many wild bees collecting honey on the flowers, and they work diligently to pollinate the star anise tree, which saves him the step of artificial pollination.

It is foreseeable that within a few days, there will be ripe star anise fruits ready to be picked!

The peppercorn tree next to it also bears a lot of buds, its growth rate is much slower than that of the star anise tree, but the plant is very healthy, the tree is full of buds, and it won't take long to bear fruit!

The situation of the small tea tree also surprised Lin Jue very much.

The tops of the tea tree are covered with milky white "tea bubble fruits".

This thing is not the fruit of the tea plant, but the fungus parasitizes in the young leaves of the tea plant, causing the tea plant to mutate and form something similar to the shape of the fruit.

Looking at the white and fat tea fruit full of trees, Lin Jue showed a smile.

When he was a child, he went up the mountain with his grandfather, and occasionally found tea bubble fruit growing on wild tea trees on the mountain.

Although it is not as sweet and juicy as ordinary fruits, the taste is relatively light, and even has a bitter taste, but it is a good memory of childhood.

"I wonder if this tea tree that has been watered with spring water produces delicious tea bubble fruit?"

He reached out and picked a fat and fat one, shaped like a peach, with a big head and a pointed tail, just as big as a fist.

Take a bite and burst into sweet juice instantly!

The rich juice also has a faint tea aroma, and there is also a comfortable sour taste, which enhances the nerves' perception of sweetness!

Sweet and sour, it actually gave him the illusion that he was really eating peaches!

"The accident is delicious!"

Lin Jue was still unfinished, and picked two more and ate his stomach.

I have to say that this tea plant not only has high quality tea, but even the mutated tea bubble fruit tastes countless times better than usual!

Lin Jue looked at the few tea bubble fruits on the tea plant, the yield of this thing was very low, if the yield was higher, he would pick some and sell it in the market.

Unfortunately, the fruit on this tea tree is just enough for their own family to eat.

"Pick a little more and give it to the kids! The tea fruit has a very short shelf life, even if it is on the tree, it will rot quickly, so simply pick it all back!

Lin Jue took a moment to remove all the fruits from the tree.

It was packed in a plastic bag, and almost ten pounds of fruit were swiped.

After doing this, he returned to the radish field.

When he first planted, he put two or three seeds in each pit.

Mainly to prevent low germination rate, one more guarantee.

After the radish seedlings were sent, he did the seedling treatment in time.

Keep only one radish seedling in each pit so that it has plenty of space to grow.

After a day and a night, the white radish has grown fat.

A radish and a pit, looking neatly and uniformly from afar, full of orderly beauty, looking at it makes people feel good!

"Look, this head is bigger than the last time I planted it! It seems that by watering the spirit spring water from the beginning of seed germination, the plants will grow bigger and faster! Lin

Jue plucked a white radish and weighed seven or eight catties!

Like holding a newborn big fat boy, the skin is crystal clear, snow-white and snow-white, so beautiful, I don't want to eat it!

"Let me see if this radish tastes the same as before!"

He washed the epidermis and took a big bite directly with it!

Click, click, the taste is particularly crisp!

The familiar watermelon flavor, sweet and sweet, especially quenches thirst!

Eating one on this hot summer day is simply satisfying!

"The taste is good, the quality of the watermelon radish is still very stable! I can continue to plant more in the future! Lin

Jue finished nibbling the radish and confirmed that there was no problem with the quality of the watermelon radish.

I didn't have time to rest, and immediately began to pluck turnips!

He finished collecting all the radishes he planted last time, and he couldn't put the back basket down, so he could only put it on top and tie it with hemp rope to fix it.

The rest are packed in large plastic bags and carried in your hands.

Manpower transportation is very laborious, but fortunately, Lin Jue often drinks Lingquan water, and his physique has long been not comparable to ordinary people!

Carrying five or six hundred pounds is not a problem!

It's time to exercise!

At the entrance of the village, Xu Jianguo waited solidly for an hour under the big sun.

My skin was red and sweaty, and finally I couldn't stand it, so I drove my tricycle to rest under the nearby big banyan tree.

There are stone tables and chairs under the banyan tree, and four or five bald uncles with shirtless arms are chilling under the tree, drinking tea and chatting while enjoying a leisurely retirement life.

One of the uncles saw that Xu Jianguo had been waiting for a long time, and he was curious about who he was waiting for, so he asked casually.

"You're still collecting vegetables on this hot day? It's quite dedicated. Uncle said.

Xu Jianguo was bored waiting, and when he saw that the uncle was chatting with him, he was also happy to find a topic and chat.

"I'm waiting for someone to deliver the food!" He smiled and said, "By the way, uncle, do you know Lin Jue, he is a young man from your village, and the white radish he grows is delicious!" "

Lin Jue...?" Several uncles looked at each other.

In their Golden Dragon Village, there is only one young man with this name.

But he had never farmed, let alone planted any white radish.

The masters all thought that the vegetable vendor was joking, or that the name was wrong, and they didn't take each other seriously.

After another half an hour, Lin Jue came down from Niutou Mountain, and the radish behind him was half a meter higher than his head, carrying a large bag in his hand.

Steadily walked from the side of the mountain to the entrance of the village.

Xu Jianguo was simply happy to see his figure from afar, and quickly drove a tricycle to pick him up.

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