"Little brother, you can walk steadily, be careful not to fall!" Xu Jianguo was terrified to see it.

Lin Jue was carrying so many radishes, not to mention two or three hundred catties!

This weight is not able to be carried by ordinary people, but he carries it easily, walks like a fly, and even greets him with a smile on his face.

"Uncle waited for a long time, I'm sorry! The mountain road is not easy to walk and it delays some time. Lin Jue put down the back basket and untied the hemp rope.

Xu Jianguo quickly moved the bench scale on the tricycle, put the radish on the bench scale, and hung up the weight of the weight scale.

His weight can weigh up to two hundred catties, and these radishes are more than two hundred catties by sight, and they can only be scaled in batches.

In the end, I weighed it three times, adding up to a total of five hundred and fifty-five pounds!

Xu Jianguo saw this number, he was stunned, five hundred catties, Lin Jue actually relied on himself, step by step from the mountain back!

This young man won't be the reincarnation of the Chu Overlord, a living strongman!

"Ahem." Xu Jianguo recovered from his shock, took out his calculator and calculated the amount, "A total of seventy radishes, five hundred and fifty-five catties." According to the last purchase price, one pound and three dollars for you, what?

"Three pieces a pound is slightly less. The quality of the radish this time is better than the last one, the sweetness is sweeter, and the size is larger. The purchase price is higher and more reasonable! "Lin Jue is telling the truth.

Xu Jianguo is not blind, of course, he can see that this radish is better than the last time.

He knew who to sell the radish to, and the decision was on Lin Jue.

If other vegetable sellers found watermelon radishes, they would also buy them from Lin Jue and pay a higher price than him.

Then Xu Jianguo will not be able to receive the source of goods.

In order for Lin Jue to cooperate with him stably, he must give a price that satisfies him.

Such a simple truth, he has been a vegetable seller for more than ten years, naturally it is clear.

"That little brother, I'll give you four dollars a pound! If the price is high, it will be difficult for me to sell the radish after I collect it! There are not many rich people in Hua Town, and in the mountain bump of our Meizhou, money is not so easy to earn! "

What Xu Jianguo said is from the bottom of his heart.

Even if the watermelon radish is new and special, there are still a few who are willing to spend this money to buy a vegetable to try it.

What he is most afraid of is that if the goods cannot be sold, it will be embarrassing, so he gives the price very carefully.

Lin Jue calculated, five hundred and fifty-five pounds of radish, four yuan a pound, that is more than two thousand yuan!

This is definitely a large amount, he made the money earned by others working for four months in one day!

And this radish grows so fast that it doesn't take much time from sowing to harvesting, which is simply profiteering!

It doesn't matter if the price is low, anyway, the radish can be harvested in a day or two, if you can ensure stable cooperation with Xu Jianguo, the money you can earn in the later period is absolutely immeasurable.

"Okay! Four bucks a pound to sell you! Lin Jue agreed.

Xu Jianguo happily counted 2,220 yuan to him, and it was exactly the same.

The two pay with one hand and deliver with the other.

Before leaving, Lin Jue stopped him and asked.

"Uncle, where do you live? Next time I'll come straight to you to collect the turnips!

Xu Jianguo said with a smile: "My family lives in Hua Town, not a local of Jinlong Village. But I will come to the village entrance every day at noon to collect vegetables, if you want to find me, just come to the village entrance!

"Got it, uncle go slowly!"

"Hey! No need to send it, go back quickly!

Xu Jianguo drove away in a tricycle.

At this time, the masters under the banyan tree witnessed the transaction between the two of them throughout the process, and the person who sold the white radish was Lin Jue.

When did this kid start farming?

Can the grown white radish still sell for four dollars a pound?

What a huge profit!

The uncles talked about it feverishly, Jinlong Village was originally a small mountain village, and the uncles and aunts could talk happily about big things.

Not to mention such a big rarity!

"This kid can do it, turnips can be planted by him!"

"If it weren't for the fact that this radish is so expensive, I would also like to buy one to taste, what is the taste of a radish for four dollars a pound!"

"I've been looking at Lin Jue unpleasantly before, this kid tosses some things that others don't understand all day, computers, networks, whatever." It's all lost! It's good to start farming now, down-to-earth, rely on the sky to eat, steady!

Lin Jue passed under the banyan tree carrying something on his back, and when he saw the masters chatting so happily, he also raised his hand to say hello to them.

"Hello uncles, I'm drinking tea!"

His face was pleasant, and the masters saw it and felt very kind.

"Xiao Jue, it's been a busy day in the mountains, come over and have a cup of tea to quench your thirst!" The masters called him over.

Lin Jue did not shirk, it was rare that the masters were so enthusiastic, and he also walked to stand under the tree for a while.

As soon as they got closer, they found that Lin Jue's body was really getting stronger and stronger, and his mental outlook was also radiant, which was completely different from the ghost appearance some time ago!

It's like changing your skin!

"You kid is powerful now, silently growing radishes and making so much money! In the future, if you have the ability, remember to drive our Golden Dragon Village to do something practical! From

Lin Jue, Uncle saw the vigor and vitality of a young man.

If he develops in the future, it will definitely be amazing.

"Haha, don't dare to be, don't dare! I just make a little money, not as big as you say!

Lin Jue was humble, remembering that there was still a large bag of tea and fruit in the back basket, and by the way, he took out a few and gave them to the masters to eat.

"This is the tea bubble fruit I just picked from the mountain, uncles taste it and quench their thirst!"

Each of them held a fist-sized fruit with a puzzled look on his face.

They were all seventy or eighty years old, and they had eaten tea bubble fruit many times when they were young, but the first time they saw such a good-looking, big and fat!

One of the uncles plucked up the courage to take a big bite, and was instantly surprised and praised!

"Delicious! It tastes like a peach, sweeter than a peach! When

the other old men saw him eating so deliciously, they were also curious to try.

"It's really sweet, it's completely different from the tea bubbles I used to eat!"

"You boy, where to get the tea bubble fruit is so good!"

Lin Jue laughed twice, and did not specifically answer their questions, but just casually mentioned it and said, "I can't remember exactly where I accidentally found it on the mountain."

"Well, if I knew where it was, I would have to tell my son to go to the mountains and collect more!"

"Xiao Jue, this kid is good, and he also took fruit for a few of us old men to taste." I really misunderstood him before, and I thought he was a second-rate son who didn't do business?

"That's it, this kid is good, he can be a man!"

The masters were in a good mood when they ate the fruit, and Lin Jue said goodbye to them and went home.

Came to the east of the village and stood not far from his house.

With sharp eyes, he suddenly found that the window of Liu Cuihua's house was open, and a fat figure had been dangling by the window.

And that window is facing the door of Lin Jue's house!

Aunt Liu, is this idle and has nothing to do, monitoring their every move at home?

This woman is also too terrible.

Lin Jue's spirit flashed, and he suddenly had a good idea.

Since Aunt Liu wants to get back the money owed from his hands, why don't he take advantage of her obsession and use a little trickery to deal with her?

Thinking of this, Lin Jue acted quickly.

He swaggered home, knocked on the door, and called Su Chunmei out of the house.

Aunt Su stopped work for a few days because of the accident at the construction site yesterday, and she was also idle, and was called by Lin Jue to accompany Jiang Porcelain.

At this time, Lin Jue suddenly called her out of the door, she was also at a loss, I don't know what the other party meant?

"Xiaojue, you're back." Aunt Su originally planned to leave, Jiang Ceramics and the children were napping, and her wife was there looking at the house, which was boring.

If Lin Jue hadn't come back, she would have fallen asleep on the ground!

"Haha, thank you, Aunt Su. Be able to accompany my wife when I'm away! Lin Jue thanked the other party first.

"It's okay." Su Chunmei waved her hand, "I have nothing to do at home alone, and now I can't go to the construction site, so I can chat with Xiao Jiang girl."

After a short pleasantries, Lin Jue took out a plastic bag and counted out a thousand pieces from it.

This thick pile of hundred-yuan bills stunned Su Chunmei.

He directly stuffed a thousand yuan into Aunt Su's hands and said, "I just made money, and I came to you to pay off the debt as soon as possible!" This thousand yuan was borrowed from you before, and now I will pay it back to you, and the debt of our two families will be cleared in two!"

Su Chunmei took this thousand yuan with trembling hands, and couldn't believe that Lin Jue could earn money to pay off the debt in a short period of time!

She has a good relationship with Jiang Porcelain, and the two usually talk about homely things, and she also knows how difficult Lin Jue's family is.

Su Chunmei knew that they couldn't pay back the money for the time being, so they were not in a hurry.

Now this year, everyone is not having an easy time, they should be considerate of each other, there is no need to block them anymore.

Gradually, she even forgot about lending money to Lin Jue.

At this time, she was also very moved to see Lin Jue return the money to her.

Su Chunmei accepted the money, nodded and smiled: "Thank you Xiaojue!" It seems that the little ginger girl did not see the wrong person, you kid is a talent! She has suffered for so long, and she can finally live a good life! "

Haha. I can survive the hard life, and I work hard to make money because I see the good of ginger porcelain! Lin Jue said with a smile.

"Hey, that's it! If there is nothing else, Auntie will go back to the house first.

"Got it, Auntie go slowly!"

Lin Jue watched Su Chunmei enter the house, and then also pretended to go back to her home.

At this time, Liu Cuihua, who had been eavesdropping in the house for a long time, finally couldn't hold back, and hurriedly rushed out of the house and called out to Lin Jue.

"Xiaojue, you will wait! Auntie has something to tell you! Liu Cuihua's face was full of flattery.

She was overjoyed when she saw Lin Jue with such a thick pile of money in her hand.

Lin Jue said in the morning that he had no money to give her, and now that he finally had money, wouldn't he be able to pay off her debt!

"Aunt Liu, what's wrong with you?" Lin Jue pretended not to know Liu Cuihua's intentions.

"Auntie just saw that you paid back Chunmei, and now that you have money, you should be able to give me that thousand yuan, right?" Liu Cuihua's face was full of expectation.

Already in the dark poke of joy.

Lin Jue's face changed at this time, and said coldly: "You also said in the morning that you would set fire to my house, and my wife and children were so scared that you couldn't eat because of your words!" How can I be embarrassed to return the money to you, you say? "


Liu Cuihua was stunned by Lin Jue, and she thought for a long time before she understood what Lin Jue meant by this?

She slumped her face and said with an extremely ugly face: "Listening to what you mean by this, do you really not want to pay back?"

"Don't, don't slander me!" Lin Jue sneered, "I didn't say, I don't pay back." But I don't give this money, it's up to you how you do it! If you are a smart person, can you seriously apologize to us, and you can't keep me from paying you back tomorrow? Liu

Cuihua was speechless.

If Lin Jue really made up her mind not to pay back, she really couldn't do anything with him.

At the beginning, Zhang Dazhuang lent him money, so confused that he didn't even write an IOU!

If he denied that he owed money to their family, Liu Cuihua would not be able to find evidence to confirm it.

At this time, even if she was stupid, she figured it out.

Whether she can get this money or not, the decision lies with Lin Jue!

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