Aunt Liu was so angry that she was so angry that Lin Jue said this, she was about to have a heart attack!

She took two deep breaths and said in a hurried voice: "Aren't you afraid that I won't leave your door again?"

Lin Jue was not afraid of her threat at all, but said calmly: "You can also try to stay on it, but if you do this, you won't want to get money in the future!" "

Lin Jue... You! Liu Cuihua was completely speechless.

Looking at this situation, she really couldn't do anything to Lin Jue.

Do you really want to apologize to the two of them as he said?

Wouldn't that be hitting yourself in the face!

She is in front of the neighbors, how will she behave in the future!

Lin Jue smiled faintly: "Aunt Liu, what to do next, it's up to you, I've finished what you should say, goodbye!"

He snapped and closed the courtyard door.

Liu Cuihua stood in place angrily and devastated, and the original trick of throwing and rolling was no longer used at this time, so she could only swallow her anger and sneak home.

Inside the house, Zhang Dazhuang was sleeping on a bench, sleeping on all fours, sleeping like a drunkenness.

As soon as Liu Cuihua saw this waste husband at home, she was angry.

When was this, she was angry half to death outside, and this goods still slept so sweetly at home!

It's like a stupid pig!

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and simply kicked Zhang Dazhuang's calf, kicking him awake from her dream.

He cried out in pain, and as soon as he opened his eyes and saw his wife standing next to him with a black face, he immediately trembled all over his body and instantly sobered up.

"Wife, I slept well, what are you kicking me for?" His stupid look was harmless.

Liu Cuihua saw his useless appearance, and the anger in her heart suddenly surged in her heart: "It's not all to blame that you are stupid, I lent money to Lin Jue before, so stupid that I didn't even write an IOU!" Well, now he's not going to pay us back! A whole thousand pieces ah, just like that!

Zhang Dazhuang saw his wife crying and making trouble, and he was also anxious.

But his intuition told him that Lin Jue was not the kind of person who would do things that lacked virtue.

This young man's character is still trustworthy.

"Wife, don't worry! It must have offended him before, and he deliberately said this in order to anger you! Zhang Dazhuang guessed.

When Liu Cuihua heard this, she became even more angry.

Dare he still blame her for not doing well?

She is also working hard for this family to get back the money early!

How can you blame her for not doing something right!

Liu Cuihua looked resentful, she spread her hands, and looked helpless: "You are smart, so what do you say?" That kid said I had to apologize to him, and wouldn't really ask me to pull my face down and bow my head!

Zhang Dazhuang thought for a moment, there is really no better way at present.

Only by slowly easing the relationship between the two families and re-befriending Lin Jue can things improve.

"Wife, it seems that this is the only way. You can take something and apologize to them later, in the morning... It's true that you're doing something wrong. Zhang Dazhuang became quieter and quieter the more he spoke.

He was afraid that Liu Cuihua would be angry, after all, in this situation, he still said this kind of words to add fuel to the fire, and it was easy to be beaten by his wife.

Liu Cuihua took a few deep breaths, although she was angry, the last trace of reason in her mind was also telling her.

There really is no other way at this time.

You can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but it's just a shame, and it's not a big deal!

Her old face is not worth mentioning at all compared to that thousand pieces!

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Liu Cuihua gritted her teeth and agreed, "I'll bring a few more wild game over later and apologize to them!"

"Haha, wife, it would be great if you could think like that! Listen to me, it's probably right! Zhang Dazhuang was also very happy to see that she was willing to be soft.

In his eyes, this kind of conflict between neighbors can be avoided, so try to avoid it, there is no need to make enemies for yourself.

It makes no sense to make chickens fly and dogs jump all day.

At night, Lin Jue cooked dinner in the kitchen.

In the afternoon, Jiang Ceramics went to the market and bought two pounds of lean meat with the owner of the pork shop.

This lean meat happens to be tenderloin, which belongs to the most woody and fibrous part of the pig, and it is definitely difficult to make delicious when simply stir-fried.

He prepares sweet and sour pork, cut into strips and fried in flour, sprinkled with sugar and a sauce made with fresh tomatoes.

The taste is crispy and sweet, and the kids will definitely love it!

Jiang Ceramics gave him a hand on the side, she has a strong learning ability, standing there, even if she doesn't speak, silently watches, she can learn a lot of skills.

Since she found out that Lin Jue could cook, she really learned a lot around him.

In the past, she simply cooked an ingredient, and there was always only one way to cook pork, that is, stir-frying!

There is always only one way to do eggs, and that is to make fried eggs!

She never imagined that eggs could also be made into tea eggs, steamed eggs, marinated eggs, salted baked eggs and so on!

The variety of dishes dazzled her.

If it weren't for Lin Jue's casual chat with her, talking to her about this, she wouldn't have known that cooking turned out to be a skill involving a wide range of knowledge!

At this time, Lin Jue was sprinkling the marinated pork strips with flour and massaging them to make them fully glued to the flour.

Hot oil is burned in a large iron pot, and the first time it is fried, you don't need too high an oil temperature, just cook until five or six percent hot.

Too high oil temperature can easily cause the surface of the pork to scorch, but the inside may not be cooked.

The first frying only needs to fry the pork, fry it well, wait for the oil temperature to rise, and then pour it into the re-frying!

The re-frying time should not be long, the purpose is to make the flour layer fried more crispy, and when it has a golden skin, it can be scooped up.

"The meat is fried, wife, is your ketchup ready?" Lin Jue turned his head and asked.

Although the ginger porcelain was in a daze, the work in his hand did not stop.

According to Lin Jue's instructions, she peeled and mashed the tomatoes into a sauce paste.

Lin Jue mixed the tomato sauce with white sugar and cooked it, and finally poured in the fried pork and stirred it to fully coat it with the sauce.

Sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds and a dish of sweet and sour pork is ready!

"Dumplings, the taste of meat is so fragrant!" Yue Yue smelled the fragrance and had already surrounded the stove.

Jiang Ceramics took the child out and said with a smile: "Don't be gluttonous, when Dad finishes the dishes, we can eat." Wait a little longer! "

Oh... Good! She ran into the yard and played hopscotch with her brother Liangliang.

Jiang Ceramics watched with satisfaction as the children played there, when there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard.

She habitually went over to open the door, thinking that Su Chunmei had something to find her.

As soon as she walked to the side of the courtyard door, through the crack in the inch-long door, she saw Liu Cuihua's figure.

The other party stood outside the door with a sneaky look, Jiang Ceramics saw that it was her, and he was shocked in his heart, and he couldn't decide whether to let her in?

In the morning, Liu Cuihua made trouble in front of her house, which made her extremely embarrassed.

When I went out in the afternoon, I met a neighbor nearby, and they were all pointing and talking behind her back, making her seem to be a sinner.

Jiang Ceramics is not a woman who loves to cause trouble, has a good temper, and is submissive, and when she encounters this kind of thing, most of the time, she will only swallow her anger and swallow bitterly.

Liu Cuihua's extreme behavior made her angry, but she would not scold or hit, she could only avoid her, but this did not mean that she was not angry in her heart.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ceramics still made a face and opened the door.

"Aunt Liu, Lin Jue has already made it clear in the morning, we have no money for the time being. You better not make trouble, go back quickly! We are not the ones you can bully if you want! Ginger porcelain stiffened once.

She came up to express her dissatisfaction.

Liu Cuihua looked at Jiang Porcelain with a serious face, and quickly smiled and explained to her: "Little Jiang girl, you misunderstood!" Aunt didn't come to look for trouble, Auntie came to apologize to you and Lin Jue this time! "

Apologize?!" Jiang Ceramics looked suspicious.

How could she not have imagined that Liu Cuihua was still aggressive in the morning and ran to apologize in the afternoon?

She felt that the other party was lying to her, and she couldn't hold back any bad water.

Liu Cuihua held two wild rabbits in her hands and enthusiastically handed them to Jiang Porcelain: "This is the rabbit that my family Da Zhuang beat in the mountains in the morning, it is still alive and fresh, take it home and make it for the children to eat!"

"This..." Ginger porcelain did not dare to take her things.

Reactive power is not rewarded.

Moreover, Liu Cuihua's previous attitude made it difficult for her not to wonder if this rabbit was "drugged" or something.

Liu Cuihua was so anxious that she was sweating, if Jiang Porcelain did not accept her gift, her apology would not be established, and the task of establishing a good relationship with Lin Jue's family would not be completed, how could this work!

"Little ginger girl, don't worry! This rabbit is alive, undrugged, not poisonous! If you don't eat it, you can raise it! Liu Cuihua said anxiously.

Ginger porcelain is embarrassed, she can't do other people's things inexplicably.

What's more, the other party's relationship with them is so bad, it is not reasonable to accept this thing.

"Aunt Liu, you better take the rabbit back, I can't take it!" Jiang Porcelain gestured to close the courtyard door.

Liu Cuihua was in a hurry, how could this work!

She has to give this rabbit out!

Her fat body burst out with tremendous power at this time, and at the moment of the attack, she stuffed two rabbits into her yard!

Before Jiang Ceramics could react, the wild rabbit ran like a joy in the yard, and she was instantly sluggish.

Why is Aunt Liu like this!

Others don't accept gifts, and she shoehorns it!

"Little ginger girl, you take the rabbit well! Don't send it back! Auntie left first! Liu Cuihua completed the task and happily walked away.

Jiang Porcelain was stunned, what is the matter?

She was all inexplicable.

It took some effort to catch the rabbit with the children, and finally caught the rabbit and put it in a chicken cage.

I have to say that this rabbit is indeed very alive.

It's alive, and it's not like poison at all.

But ginger porcelain does not dare to eat it, in short, raise it first!

Their pregnant female rabbit, with two wild rabbits as companions, is not lonely at all.

In the future, there will be a group of "rabbit armies" in the family, and the children and grandchildren are endless.

Self-produced and self-sold, there is endless rabbit meat!

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