"Haha. Many people have come to buy it and say yes. My family's tea eggs, eaten for a long time, are indeed good for health. It will resume tomorrow, if Auntie wants to buy it, remember to come over tomorrow!

Lin Jue exchanged a few words with the other party.

Before leaving, Aunt still shoehorned two big carps for him!

Lin Jue couldn't help it, so he had to accept it.

He uses a string of rice stalks, threading them along the fish's mouth and gills, and then tying the poles in a knot that can be easily carried in his hand.

Carrying two large carps, Lin Jue quickly returned home.

When I arrived at the door, I found that my uncle's van was also parked there.

As soon as he entered the door, Yue Yue and Liangliang, who were playing hopscotch in the yard, trotted and came to him with a fart, and one person hugged one of his thighs.

"You're back." Liang Liang shouted happily.

"Did you bring good food to the nests? What about those wild fruits from last time? "Yue Yue wanted to eat as soon as she opened her mouth.

Lin Jue was really crying and laughing, these two Mao children, really still wanted to eat.

He went into the courtyard and put the big carp in the big tank to raise it first.

Then he sat down under the eaves, unloaded the back basket, and took out a large bag of prickly fruit.

The two children squatted on the ground and watched him untie the bag, which was full of large fruits, beautiful and fresh, and they couldn't help but cheer.

"Wow! What a big wild fruit! Can you eat it? Yue Yue couldn't help but make a move, but she still controlled the urge and asked Lin Jue first.

"You two go wash your hands and face first, and Dad will wash them before giving them to you!" Lin Jue rubbed their little heads and said.

They obediently ran to the bucket, scooped water and washed their hands.

Lin Jue carried the bag into the living room, and saw his uncle sitting on the bench, chatting with Jiang Porcelain and the two, talking and laughing.

Wang Youde saw Lin Jue returning, quickly got up, walked over and said, "Xiao Jue, you can come back." Wait for you for half a day! The two thousand eggs you wanted, I sent them to you!

Lin Jue glanced at the kitchen, and sure enough, the egg tray was full, and the uncle also recycled yesterday's egg tray by the way.

"Thank you, Uncle." He smiled and nodded, "I expect that these two thousand eggs should be sold all tomorrow." If it is sold out, trouble the uncle to ship some more!

Wang Youde smiled tightly, Lin Jue's family's business was so good, even the business of his chicken farm was also good.

He expects that after a while, he will have to expand the size of the chicken farm again, otherwise his family's eggs will not be enough for his nephew!

"Haha, no problem. If you can't find me, go to my house to find your aunt." Just explain the words to her! Wang Youde said with a smile.

Lin Jue nodded and said, "Uncle, you sit first, I'll go wash some fruits for the children!"

Wang Youde saw that he was carrying a large bag of red fruits, and he was also very curious to lean over to look at it.

He poured the prickly fruit into a large basin to wash it, and this fruit did not look like strawberries, nor cherries and plums, but like raspberries and the like.

It's just a lot bigger than a raspberry!

The first time Wang Youde saw this kind of fruit, he was also at a loss, and he was curious about where Lin Jue picked it from?

"Xiao Jue, is this fruit of yours a new variety cultivated by yourself? How does it taste, can I taste it? "Wang Youde has the heart to try.

Lin Jue immediately grabbed two for him, and spread the cleaned fruit on a bamboo plaque to dry, and the children lay on the table and stuffed their mouths one after another, eating with relish.

Wang Youde saw that they were eating happily and tried it himself.

When you bite this fruit a little harder, the juice splashes everywhere, like eating sugar cane, and the taste is too sweet!

But it is very enjoyable to eat, as if there is a cool breath straight to the brain, and the whole brain is a lot clearer!

"Ah, this fruit, interesting!" Wang Youde nodded in admiration.

Although he is not a fruit farmer or a fruit wholesaler, his many years of business experience still remind him that this fruit is very promising!

Lin Jue didn't feel strange at all when he saw his uncle's pompous reaction.

Anyone who eats this prickly fruit for the first time will definitely feel very amazing.

And this fruit seems to be addictive, so delicious that people can't help but want to eat the second or third, and they can't stop at all!

In a few seconds, Wang Youde solved two more prickly bubble fruits, because he accidentally ate too fast and hiccupped!

Both children were amused by their uncle.

"Uncle is greedy! Ma Ma said that you should chew slowly when eating, so as not to burp! "Yue Yue is demolishing the platform next to him.

Wang Youde was embarrassed and broken, and when the child said this, his whole old face had no place to put it.

He lived to a large age, and was told by a two-year-old little baby that he was gluttonous!

The face is lost!

Jiang Ceramics watched from the side that his uncle was embarrassed and self-contained, and quickly took the children out of the kitchen, so as not to make his uncle angry later.

After the space was purified, Wang Youde cleared his throat and said to Lin Jue: "What kind of fruit is this?" I've never seen it on the market before.

"It's prickly bubble fruit! The new variety that I myself bred in the mountains, absolutely not on the market, I am sure it is unique! Lin Jue was not exaggerating.

Before he was reborn, for various reasons, he also came into contact with many novel fruit varieties, such as chicken heartfruit, wild pineapple, mysterious fruit, etc., he had seen and tasted them.

But he had never seen a fruit similar to the enlarged version of the prickly fruit he raised.

If this thing can be transported to the market and sold, a pound sold for ten or twenty yuan may not be expensive!

When Wang Youde heard that it was a variety cultivated by Lin Jue himself, he was even more excited.

If it can be planted on a large scale, it is likely to become a major characteristic fruit variety in Jinlong Village!

Then the whole village will be able to profit from this!

"Xiao Jue, have you ever thought about expanding the scale of cultivation of this fruit! Or start the villagers to plant together. These fruits may not be easy to sell in our village, but if they can be transported to the big cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the rich people in the city will definitely be more willing to spend money on consumption. "

Wang Youde came up with a very forward-looking idea.

Lin Jue had naturally thought about this problem, but he hadn't yet reached the time to make this step, so he wouldn't think about it that far.

"I just grow it and sell it myself, if the market responds well." will consider further expansion of planting! As for the rest... Take your time. Lin Jue gave his reply.

Wang Youde nodded, anyway, he was very optimistic about the prospects of this fruit.

Even people like him who don't really like fruit will be fascinated by the taste of this prickly fruit, let alone others.

The people who can cultivate this new variety of fruit are definitely not ordinary people.

The uncle looked at Lin Jue again at this time, and always felt that the young man in front of him was becoming more and more strange to him.

Like a treasure, keep digging, and constantly surprise!

Every day, he could learn a new thing from Lin Jue, which made him extremely amazed!

His eldest nephew is really a "strange man"!

Before leaving, Wang Youde also specifically asked him the price of this fruit.

After careful consideration, Lin Jue gave a high price of fifteen yuan a catty.

Wang Youde not only did not dislike the expensive fruit, but also spent money happily and bought five catties back!

When I left, I was called a fast one, and I guess I was in a hurry to go home and eat the fruit early.

Lin Jue picked out the fruits on the bamboo plaque intact and put them in the refrigerator to refrigerate, and the remaining broken skin, bumped, and intolerant to store the fruits, and then boiled the jam and bottled them later.

When you sell tea eggs tomorrow, sell the jam by the way, and you can also observe, do customers like this new variety of prickly fruit?

Before Lin Jue returned, Jiang Porcelain made dinner.

At this time, she brought out the meal that was kept warm in the cauldron and placed it on the table.

The family gathered together, blowing the cool breeze blowing in outside the courtyard, the heat of the day has dissipated, and now they feel cool without turning on the electric fan.

Lin Jue had been busy all day and finally had time to sit down and rest.

Looking at the sumptuous dinner carefully prepared by his wife, he felt very happy!

Two dishes and one soup, one of which is stir-fried bacon with garlic.

In the past, for the sake of convenience, the dishes bought by ginger porcelain were the most ordinary, turning over those styles every day, and Lin Jue even ate scallion oil cakes for breakfast for half a month!

Today, I changed my new tricks, bought garlic that I had never bought before, and even bacon, a rare rarity in the south, I have it!

"Ouch, my wife changed her dishes today? How did you suddenly think of making this dish? Lin Jue smiled and picked up a piece to eat.

The garlic is crispy and refreshing, with a hint of bacon, and the taste is decent.

But it was much better than the dishes made by ginger porcelain before, and he knew how to put seasonings to taste, and sure enough, a few days ago, watching from his sidelines, he still learned something.

Jiang Ceramics was a little shy by him, she just disliked the dishes she usually made were too ordinary, and wanted to learn Lin Jue and improve her cooking skills.

Make something fresh for your family to eat, so they can change their taste.

"I went to the market to see that the garlic was fresh and bought it back. The bacon was marinated by Aunt Su's own home, and she gave me a little... Don't know how it tastes? Jiang Ceramics looked at Lin Jue with expectant eyes.

He was shocked by his wife's watery peach blossom eyes, and quickly praised two sentences: "The taste is very good!" It's so fragrant, I can eat two more bowls of white rice!

Jiang Ceramics covered his mouth and smiled, Lin Jue was still so pompous when he spoke.

Obviously knowing that he was lying to make her happy, Jiang Ceramics was still very happy in his heart.

The new dishes I worked hard to make were not in vain.

"Okay, you. Always say this kind of good thing. Too many beautiful words, be careful I take it seriously one day! Ginger porcelain poured several more pieces of bacon into his bowl.

Lin Jue didn't think there was anything wrong with saying good things, if his wife was willing to listen, in this way, he could say that he would not be bored for the rest of his life.

"Just to see you happy. Don't say it's a beautiful word, even if you ask me to pick the moon in the sky for you, I can give you the whole thing! "

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