Jiang Ceramics quickly grabbed a piece of bacon and stuffed it into Lin Jue's mouth, blocking his old nonsense mouth, lest he say something shocking later!

"Okay, you! Talk to the rest. Jiang Ceramics smiled and said coquettishly, "Be careful that the children learn your bad habits of being a father in the future, and they are just as bad as you!"

Lin Jue was stuffed with a mouthful of bacon, he laughed twice, and was counted down by his wife twice, and his mood was even more happy.

Halfway through the four of them eating, Lin Jue suddenly mentioned something to Jiang Porcelain.

"Wife, are there any glass bottles at home?" Lin Jue asked.

Jiang Ceramics put down his chopsticks, thought for a few seconds, and replied: "There should be two or three, not many of them." What does this do, you ask?

"I picked a lot of fruits on the mountain today, and I weighed it just now, and there was a sixty-pound weight, and some of it was put in the refrigerator to sell tomorrow." About half of the left, I'm ready to make jam! It's just that there are fewer glass bottles.

Lin Jue was going to make some jam to sell tomorrow, but he couldn't find enough glass bottles at home, and he was also embarrassed.

Not only that, but after making rice candy last time, the white sugar was almost used up, so I had to go to the store again.

"Why don't you go to the village shop and ask the boss?" I remember he had bottles for sale at home. Jiang Porcelain suggested.

"This one can! Let's go over and ask when we'll finish eating!

After the meal, Lin Jue took his wallet and went to the small shop in the village with Jiang Porcelain.

There is no supermarket in their village, and there are only a handful of shops, but this small shop has been open for business since 20 years ago, and until now, the store has been selling more and more goods.

The boss's surname is Xu, his name is Xu Fengsheng, he is in his forties, a little younger than Lin Jue's father, and he calls him Uncle Xu.

Uncle Xu is a smart man, and his small shop does not only sell snacks, but he goes to the county to buy whatever the villagers need and want to buy.

From candy spicy strips, to aunt towels, electric mosquito rackets, light bulbs, etc., everything is available, even if there are no goods in the store, entrust Uncle Xu, and you can give you the whole thing in two or three days!

When he got there, the light of the shop was still on, Uncle Xu was eating with his family in the house, Lin Jue knocked on the wooden door outside, and he immediately came out.

"Ouch, isn't this Xiaojue? Come buy snacks for the kids? Uncle Xu greeted with a smile, and the person looked like a businessman.

The people in the village who came to buy things here, Uncle Xu basically remembered, Lin Jue and Jiang Porcelain, a young couple, he naturally knew him.

"Good evening Uncle Xu. Do you have glass bottles in your store? I want to buy some. Lin Jue cut straight to the chase.

Xu Feng Harvest turned over a large box from the messy box in the store and took out two glass bottles for him to see.

"Do you see this line? The goods just entered in the store, good quality, no air leakage, heat resistance and drop resistance, a bottle can hold half a kilogram of water! Xu Feng Harvest introduced.

Lin Jue took the bottle and looked at it, the quality is indeed okay, the glass is quite thick, not the kind of fragile glass, the capacity of the bottle is about two hundred and fifty milliliters, no more, no less, just right.

"Okay. How much is this bottle? Lin Jue asked.

"A hachimao." Uncle Xu said.

"That's quite expensive." He laughed twice, "Uncle Xu, I bought all this box of glass bottles, how can you give me a cheaper, right?"

Xu Feng Harvest was taken aback, Lin Jue said that he wanted to buy a box of glass bottles, what was this kid planning to buy it for?

"Why are you doing so many bottles at once? Planning to go into business? Xu Fengshu also heard from the villagers that Lin Jue was selling tea eggs.

Although he couldn't guess what Lin Jue wanted to do, he definitely had a magic use.

"Haha. Uncle Xu, you don't have to worry about this. You just say how much cheaper it is for me, right? If my things sell well, I will definitely come to you in the future! Lin Jue was also telling the truth.

If Uncle Xu could get cheap goods, he wouldn't have to go to the county and find other merchants to buy them.

Instead of giving the opportunity to make money to people outside, it is better to make a profit from the people in your village.

Fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders!

Xu Fengshui also understood his words, Lin Jue, this kid is a smart person, then he doesn't have to say too much nonsense, and directly goes straight to the point.

"Haha. So be it. I have forty glass bottles in this box, and I count you as one six cents, a total of twenty-four pieces! He suddenly gave Lin Jue a lot cheaper.

Lin Jue nodded, Uncle Xu was still very sincere, the price of six cents was quite appropriate: "Yes!" That's twenty-four pieces, you count. If it's okay, I'll move the box!

"Hey, you kid is happy!" Xu Feng collected the money happily.

He is also a small business, if Lin Jue does not come to buy tonight, his large box of glass bottles is estimated to be sold for two or three months.

If he can reach a long-term cooperative relationship with Lin Jue, his small shop will make a profit!

"Haha. Uncle Xu, is there any sugar here? I'll buy some back. Lin Jue then asked.

When Xu Feng heard this, he was not busy counting the money, and pointed to a bag of white sugar in the store to show him: "I only have these in the store." How much do you want, I'll give you a scale?

Lin Jue saw that the white sugar he used in a snakeskin bag was about forty catties by sight, and the amount was not much.

The prickly fruit used to make jam at home is almost thirty pounds, according to the proportion of sugar used to make jam, three to one, then ten pounds of white sugar should be put in.

If less sugar is used, the freshness time of the jam will decrease and it will not tolerate storage.

Therefore, it is better to buy more sugar and go back.

Later, the second wave of prickly fruit in the field was picked, and it could be used again.

"Uncle Xu, you weigh how many pounds this bag of white sugar has! I want them all! Lin Jue said to Xu Fengshu.

Xu Feng Harvest also thought that he had heard wrong, stunned for several seconds, his bag of sugar can be sold for a month, Lin Jue said as soon as he came up, this is a big list!

"Haha, good! If you want more Uncle Xu, he will give you a cheaper, a pound a dollar, what? I usually sell it for three cents! Xu

Feng Harvest wanted to move this bag of white sugar to the bench scale to weigh, this bag of sugar, it was still very heavy, he was a little difficult to move, Lin Jue hurried over to help, and easily lifted the bag.

Uncle Xu put a few weights, looked at the number, and said, "Forty-six pounds, a total of forty-six yuan!" Uncle Xu help you seal the bag!"

Lin Jue finished giving the money cheerfully, and Uncle Xu couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

Selling so many goods in one night, the money is rolling in.

Lin Jue held the white sugar in his left hand and the glass bottle box in his right hand, walked like a fly, and quickly returned home.

After putting the things down, he said to Jiang Porcelain: "Wife, you boil some hot water first, and put these glass bottles in hot water to soak and disinfect!" I went to the kitchen to boil jam. "Good

!" Jiang Ceramics listened to his orders and went to wash the glass bottle.

Lin Jue carried the white sugar into the kitchen, used the newly bought electronic scale in the county, weighed ten pounds of white sugar, poured it into a large iron pot with the prickly bubble fruit, stirred it constantly, and then ignited it and began to boil!

This process, which is quite boring, needs to be repeatedly stirred with an iron shovel to avoid the jam sticking to the pan and burning, once burned off, the jam is completely destroyed!

On a hot day, standing by the stove, the heat was steaming, and there was no electric fan in the kitchen, which made him sweat profusely.

At this time, a cool wind suddenly came from the side, which suddenly relieved his heat.

Lin Jue turned his head suspiciously, and actually saw Jiang Porcelain holding a fan to fan him, but she herself was so hot that her bangs were sticky to one piece!

He couldn't help it, laughed twice and said: "Wife, you don't need to fan me here, go back and rest by yourself." "

Jiang Porcelain's temper is also stubborn, Lin Jue let her go, she just doesn't want to go, she is still in the wind.

"I see you're hot, I'll fan you, it's okay! If you feel tired, the two of us can take turns to replace it! "Ginger porcelain has its own ideas.

She saw that Lin Jue was hard, and she couldn't be lazy by herself, so she thought of helping him do something.

Lin Jue can't move his wife, but he is reluctant to see her next to him as a "tool man" fan.

He simply asked Ginger Porcelain to come over and help stir the jam, and he went to the living room to bring the electric fan and plug it into the kitchen socket.

As soon as the switch is activated, the whole space is instantly cool!

"It's comfortable, haha! Sure enough, buying an electric fan is the right decision! Lin Jue continued to stir the jam with a spatula.

Ginger porcelain was on the side to add firewood to him, and the jam needed to be boiled for an hour or two to allow the moisture inside to evaporate and reach an extremely viscous state.

If there is too much moisture, the jam will not be able to be stored.

An hour and a half later, thirty pounds of fruit, concentrated into jam, the volume is only about half of the original.

Ginger porcelain carried the sterilized glass bottle, and the two of them busily began to bottle the jam.

In the end, thirty-six bottles were packed, which is still quite a lot.

Looking at the bright purple-red jam in the glass bottle, Lin Jue was full of a sense of accomplishment, and after a busy night, he finally did not work in vain.

There was still some jam stuck in the big iron pot, Lin Jue scraped some with a spatula, stretched it out to his wife's mouth, and said: "Wife, there are still a lot of them left, it's too wasteful to wash them off." Lick for you? Jiang

Porcelain was so choked by his words that he was almost swallowed by saliva, and Lin Jue was too unsophisticated, holding a spatula and letting her lick this woman's house!

It's really ... She is not a puppy, what to lick?

But seeing that this jam was crystal clear and smelled of a tempting fruity aroma, she had been smelling on the side for a long time just now, and she also wanted to taste this jam.

"I'll use a spoon to scrape some and try it." Ginger Cleverly took a small spoon and scraped a large spoonful of jam off the spatula.

She licked it slightly with the tip of her tongue, it was really sweet to the heart, sweet and sweet.

the aroma of the prickly fruit is concentrated, eat a bite, feel refreshed, the original somewhat sleepy spirit, but also instantly sober.

"So sweet! This jam is so much better than the ones you made with wild fruit last time! Jiang Porcelain couldn't help but marvel.

Lin Jue was informal, took the cauldron spatula and licked it directly, and then nodded with satisfaction: "It's really good." It seems that the jam made from good fruit tastes different! "

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