Li Shuchao nodded, what his brother said was indeed correct.

Lin Jue's hillbilly marinated chicken can do such a good job, there must be his unique secret recipe in it!

If they can find his "secret recipe", the two brothers can also make the popular marinated chicken!

There is no need to worry about the business being snatched away by others.

"You're right, Treeman. However, this kind of business secret, the other party must be well kept, and it is very difficult to get the secret recipe from him. You've got to think of a clever way to do it! The

two brothers of the Li family stood at the door of Lin Jue's house and poked their brains, trying to find some breakthroughs.

While selling stewed chicken in the yard, Lin Jue curiously observed the two sneaky "black shadows" at the door.

He remembered that these two uncles had just come to line up to buy chicken.

Ordinary guests bought things and left immediately, but these two uncles were a little different, and they kept hovering at the door and refused to leave.

The more Lin Jue looked at the faces of the two of them, the more familiar he felt, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it?

When he was wondering, Zhu Guangming came out of the kitchen and happened to notice the two "strangers" standing at the door.

"Aren't these the two brothers of the Li family? How did they run here. Zhu Guangming blurted out a sentence.

When Lin Jue heard this, his eyes lit up, and he quickly asked him: "Uncle Zhu, do you know these two people?"

"Yes! Of course I got it. Zhu Guangming replied crisply, "The two of them, the eldest brother is called Li Shuchao and the younger brother is called Li Shumin, they have opened two stewed meat shops in the market in our village." Speaking of you, the boss, or a competitor!

As soon as Lin Jue heard this, his heart instantly cleared.

It turns out that these two uncles came to "spy on the enemy".

Looking at this situation, it should be that his family's business in the past two days was too prosperous, and he suddenly snatched away the customers of the Li family brothers, which prompted them to come to the door.

Lin Jue couldn't guess how the Li brothers planned to deal with him.

But he knows that blocking people's wealth is equivalent to killing people's lives!

In the rural area of Jinlong Village, although it is also simple and simple, most of the villagers are friendly and easy to get along with.

But there will definitely be some unscrupulous people who will take extreme actions to solve problems!

Once his business is done, there will be red-eyed and jealous people appearing, and competitors will be even more unlikely to be polite with him!

Thinking of this, Lin Jue's vigilance towards the Li family brothers instantly increased by several degrees.

He spent the whole morning standing in the courtyard watching the two of them.

I'm afraid that they will do something "pouring feces", "splashing paint", these vicious competitive behaviors!

But they never thought that after a whole morning, they did nothing, except for sneaking around at the door, they did not do anything that affected their business behavior.

This made Lin Jue very confused, and he wanted to drive them away, but he couldn't find a suitable reason, so he could only let them linger at the door.

In the evening, the aunts and Uncle Zhu had already left, and Lin Jue was about to close the door of the courtyard and go back to prepare dinner for the children.

But at this time, he saw the two brothers of the Li family squatting in the corner of Aunt Su's house.

The two muttered something to each other.

Li Shuchao observed with his brother for a whole day, and finally came up with a brilliant idea.

"Brother, we can find a breakthrough from Zhu Guangming! He works as a cook in Lin Jue's house and must know how hillbilly stewed chicken is made. Give him a sum of money and let him come out and open a store with us, he will definitely not be able to resist the temptation! Li Shumin suggested.

Seeing that his brother did not speak, he continued.

"A chef like him can't get much wages in a small shop like Lin Jue. Go and get five hundred pieces at the top! Let's pay him six hundred wages and make sure he will come and work with us!"

Li Shumin said with a fluttering eyebrow, Li Shurchao was originally a little hesitant, but he couldn't think of a better way at this time.

It's better to follow his brother's tricks first and try it!

If they can really dig Zhu Guangming to their store, they will not only be able to get the recipe for hillbilly marinated chicken, but also use Chef Zhu's fame to attract some customers to their shop!

"Okay! Let's go talk to Zhu Guangming first. Li

Shuchao took his younger brother to knock on Aunt Su's door.

Lin Jue watched the two of them all the way, and witnessed Su Chunmei open the door and let them in!

He muttered in his heart.

Dare to love these two uncles are running to "dig the foot of the wall"!

If they could really poach Uncle Zhu from his house, Lin Jue would also have to admire them for their awesomeness!

After all, Uncle Zhu's relationship with him is no longer a simple employment relationship.

They are old neighbors for several years, or friends who have forgotten their lives!

Where they can dig if they want!

Out of curiosity, Lin Jue still sneaked to the window of Aunt Su's living room to squat and eavesdrop.

Although this move is a bit rude, competitors have poached his cook, and he must be on guard!

At this time, Su Chunmei listened to Zhu Guangming's words and let Li Shuchao in with the two brothers.

He then took Su Chunmei to the kitchen, leaving only the three of them in the living room.

Zhu Guangming did not seem surprised that the two brothers came to the door.

His face was terrifyingly calm, which made Li Shuchao a little unable to guess the meaning of the other party.

But the two of them still went straight in and spoke directly: "I heard that you work in Lin Jue's house?" His family's business is very good, and I have also tasted the hillbilly marinated chicken sold, and the taste is indeed good.

Zhu Guangming looked up at him and smiled, "You came to me specifically to tell me about this?"

Li Shuchao shook his head and said, "I believe you are a smart person and should be able to guess my intentions." You've been cooking in his kitchen these days, you should know the secret recipe for marinated chicken, right? If you can reveal it to us, I will give you this price!

Li Shuchao waved a "six" with his hand.

Zhu Guangming glanced at him contemptuously, sneered and said, "In your eyes, the secret recipe of hillbilly marinated chicken is only worth six hundred yuan?

"Of course not!" He quickly explained, "Six hundred yuan is just the wages we hired you to work in our shop." If you can reveal the secret recipe, I can take ten percent of the profits from my brother and my shop! Dividends can be settled for you every year. Li

Shuchao had already thrown this huge fragrant dumpling to him.

He and his brother were full of confidence.

After all, you don't have to spend money to buy shares, you can make a steady profit of ten percent, and ordinary people can't resist this temptation!

They all thought about it, and when they got the secret recipe, they pooled their money to open a stewed meat shop in the county, and with this technology, who is still staying in this small Golden Dragon Village!

When the Li brothers were fantasizing about making a lot of money, Zhu Guangming suddenly stood up silently, walked to the kitchen door and called Su Chunmei over.

"Wife, these two people said that they would give me money, let me betray Lin Jue, and give them the secret recipe of marinated chicken, what do you say to do?"

Su Chunmei asked, "How much money do they give?"

"Give me six hundred wages a month." He also said to give me ten percent of the profit.

Su Chunmei's face suddenly changed, and she scolded with disdain: "They are dreaming!" It's not generous to give money, six hundred yuan for a fart! "

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