When the Li brothers saw Zhu Guangming's wife Su Chunmei, they actually opened their mouths to curse, and they walked over to defend themselves with shocked faces.

"Big sister, what you said is outrageous! What is 600 pieces for a top fart? In our village, it is basically impossible to find a job of 600 a month, okay! If you miss it, you won't have this opportunity!

Li Shumin first made his words clear to her.

In his eyes, a middle-aged woman like Su Chunmei has not read any books, and her brain is not good, and she does not understand the trade-offs at all!

She still thought that her husband's status as a chef could get a higher salary than this?

It's so beautiful!

Li Shuchao also followed suit and persuaded: "Big sister, you better consider the conditions we offered." Even if you dislike the low wages of six hundred, ten percent of this profit is a lot of money. It's much better than you guys following Lin Jue to get a dead salary!" The

two brothers refused to give up and tried hard to persuade.

Su Chunmei didn't say anything, turned around and went into the kitchen, picked up a basin of dirty water and walked over.

In the case of the two brothers of the Li family being defenseless.

A basin of dirty water roared, splashing it on the two of them!

Li Shumin was caught off guard, his entire face and hair were soaked, a rotten vegetable leaf was still stuck to his brain, and his bangs were dripping straight down!

He looked at Su Chunmei in disbelief, so surprised that he forgot to get angry.

Su Chunmei crossed her waist and said to them imposingly: "Give us six hundred yuan, you think it's a lot?" Just kidding! Lin Jue paid my man nine hundred a month!

Li Shumin originally wanted to go back, but when he heard Su Chunmei say this, he was instantly speechless.

Looking up and meeting his brother's eyes, both of them looked stunned.

Who would have thought that Lin Jue could actually give Zhu Guangming nine hundred wages, this kid is not an upstart, and he is so generous in giving money?

No wonder when they opened conditions with Zhu Guangming, his face was calm and calm, it turned out that he couldn't see the little benefit he gave at all!

After Su Chunmei finished speaking, she immediately continued: "The reputation of the two of you in the village has long stinked! Before you opened the stewed meat shop, you also cooperated with others to set up a fish pond and defrauded several people of their money. One of them is my uncle! When

Su Chunmei thought of this, she was still a fire in her stomach.

These two people are also bad, in the past, they mixed in other villages, and after cheating money, they ran to their Golden Dragon Village to open a shop.

Although they later returned the money they had defrauded, from this incident, it can still be seen that the two of them have inferior character!

This kind of person with serious character problems, how could Su Chunmei trust them!

Now they can say a few beautiful words, say it wildly, and promise to give them how much profit they have.

But who can guarantee that they will not turn their faces and not admit it in the future!

Whether or not to give money at that time is nothing more than the meaning of a word from their two brothers!

"I tell you. Don't think that saying such kind things can deceive me, if my man really gives you the secret recipe, you will definitely run away if you get something! Who still believes how much benefit you will give us? Fool the fool!

Su Chunmei finished in one breath.

Zhu Guangming looked coldly at the embarrassed two in front of him, and said, "My wife hasn't read any books, but her brain is much smarter than the two of you." I made it clear to you that it is impossible for me to betray Lin Jue! Su

Chunmei took a broom and drove the two Li brothers out of the house.

The two of them stood at the door, and Li Shumin shook the water stains on his body speechlessly and said, "Brother." Who would have thought that Zhu Guangming's wife's uncle was actually someone we had deceived before. It's too coincidental.

Li Shuchao had a black face, the two of them were not good for tonight, it was indeed a little embarrassing.

Su Chunmei's family had a festival with them, and they definitely didn't trust the two brothers in their bones.

Under this premise, they are now offering sky-high salaries, and there is no way to win over Zhu Guangming.

It seems that from Zhu Guangming, there is no breakthrough.

Li Shuchao sighed and said, "Anyway, let's go back first." There will be no solution to this for a while. Let's go back and discuss it carefully.

"Okay, okay. That's all there is for now. The

two of them walked away in ashes.

Lin Jue waited for them to walk away before standing up from the corner of the wall.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally listened to a "good show"!

These two guys can't find a breakthrough in Uncle Zhu, and they will definitely not give up.

It seems that he must be on guard in the future, and must not give the opponent an opportunity.

Lin Jue returned home, and the ginger porcelain had already made the meal almost ready.

There were still some leftovers from last night's iron pot stewed goose, she took out the leftovers and heated them, simply stir-fried two dishes and a soup, and it was ready.

Jiang Ceramics saw that Lin Jue had left for a long time, and when she came back, her face was very serious, and she asked with concern: "Husband, where did you go?"

Lin Jue was afraid that his wife was worried, and quickly showed a smile and said: "I went outside to watch a play." It's quite fun, it's killing me.

He sat down on his butt, picked up the chopsticks and ate the vegetables: "Well, this green vegetable is stir-fried well, wife, your stir-fry is getting better and better!"

Jiang Ceramics saw that he had changed the topic, so he did not continue to ask.

Just sit down and say, "This is the mustard flower I bought at the market in the morning, cut some pork liver and stir-fry!" Is it really that delicious, I'll try it too.

Ginger porcelain picked up a piece of mustard flower and bit it, full of bitterness, so bitter that her brows wrinkled: "It's so bitter!" Mustard flowers forgot to blanch water, husband, obviously so bitter, why do you still say that it is delicious?

Lin Jue was embarrassed for a few seconds, and his wife asked him so much that he didn't know how to answer.

Jiang Ceramics looked at him with a weak heart, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Husband, are you hiding something from me?" You've been absent-minded since just now.

Lin Jue lowered his head and tapped the dish with his chopsticks, thinking quickly in his mind about how to tell his wife about this.

After all, two competitors suddenly appeared, and he couldn't predict what the other party would do to deal with them.

Explaining this to ginger porcelain will not only fail to solve the problem, but will also increase the number of people to worry about.

He didn't want his wife to be afraid of this kind of thing in addition to being busy with business!

Jiang Ceramics saw that he had a stiff face and did not speak, and suddenly had some bad premonitions in her heart, she was afraid that something really big had happened.

"Husband, don't hide anything from me! Could it be that something happened to my hometown, or did my parents get sick? Jiang Porcelain asked anxiously.

If she doesn't ask clearly, she won't be sure in her heart.

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