He picked up his hoe and dug carefully, taking care not to dig up the rhizome underneath.

When Wang Cai saw Lin Jue digging something there, it also ran over with a fart, using its small paws to help pull it, and the two dog paws could dig hard.

Lin Jue dug deeper and deeper, and the rhizomes under him were all the size of two fists, and their color and shape were similar to ginger.

The rhizomes grow one after the other, and there are four or five under a yellow essence, which is not only large, but also of very good quality.

He dug about ten and stopped, and the remaining yellow essence was first put to let it continue to grow, a few more days, and it could grow several times.

Before Lin Jue was reborn, he had heard more or less on various video websites that most Chinese herbal medicines must go through a process before they want to be used in medicine, that is, the processing of Chinese medicine!

For example, fresh yellow essence must be eaten after "nine steaming and nine drying"!

For the process of nine steaming and nine drying, he had only heard of it, but he was stuck in the stage of half-understanding.

Few of the village elders understand these techniques, and he doesn't know who to ask if he wants to.

Thinking of this, Lin Jue also muttered.

He was going to go to Grandpa Yang's house after going down the mountain, he had been digging for herbs in the mountain all year round, even if he didn't know the professional processing technique, he definitely knew more than Lin Jue.

It would be much more convenient to get an answer from him.

After digging up the yellow essence, he carried the about 30 pounds of yellow essence to the board and put it away, and took out several oversized snakeskin bags to prepare for watermelon radishes.

It took a while to pull out all the watermelon radishes in the field, and he counted the number, a total of sixty-six, what an auspicious number!

Two more bamboo baskets were taken out to hold the prickly fruit.

Today's prickly fruit is really a bumper harvest, and the number of densely packed red fruits on the branches is at least double that of the previous one!

The fruit pressed on the branches, all of them drooped, and some were even overwhelmed and directly crushed!

"This yield is really unusual, it seems that improving soil fertility is indeed a good way to increase production." The land needs to be fertilized to grow good crops!

Lin Jue immediately rolled up his sleeves and worked hard.

With so much fruit, he would have to spend twice as long picking them.

When the fruit was halfway up, there was a sudden call of prosperity not far away, which was tragic and urgent, which immediately attracted Lin Jue's attention.

He put down the work in his hand and followed the sound, and found that Wang Cai ran into the grove at an unknown time.

A dog circles around there, battling a swarm of irascible bees.

"Woof, woof!"

Wang Cai couldn't do anything except bark incompetently at the group of bees, which had already bitten several large bags in its face!

Lin Jue quickly grabbed a handful of hay on the ground, took out the lighter he carried with him and lit it, and smoked the bees away with the help of the white smoke coming out of the hay!

The method of smoking was indeed useful, and the bees quickly ran away.

Wang Cai hid behind Lin Jue in horror, it was frightened by the bees, and did not dare to take another step towards the side of the grove.

Lin Jue saw these bees, and he became interested in them.

"Recently, the star anise, peppercorns, and prickly trees in the field have bloomed several times, and these bees often come to collect honey. The quality of the brewed honey should be good.

Their nest is likely to be nearby, and if you find a beehive, you can dig up some honey and go back to the children to eat! "

Wild honey is very nutritious.

Not to mention the flowers collected by bees, but the flowers of the trees he watered with spiritual spring water, the quality of these pollen nectar, is not comparable to the flowers of ordinary plants.

Lin Jue hurriedly went back to find some tools, collected a large handful of hay, and returned to the grove.

Following the path of the bees, he quickly found a hive hidden in a pile of rubble.

Uncovering the outer layer of stones, a huge beehive with a diameter of nearly one meter appeared before his eyes.

The scene is so spectacular, it's really a swarm of bees dancing!

The aggression of these wild large row bees is not small, and as soon as they find an intruder, they immediately attack Lin Jue.

Fortunately, he prepared in advance and lit the hay to smoke it, and the bees were so dizzy that they quickly lost their aggressiveness.

He took the opportunity to cut the honey in the hive with a sickle.

The color of these honeys is actually lilac, especially dreamy, it is estimated that these bees went to collect the flowers of the star anise tree and brewed the "star anise honey".

Lin Jue cut off about two-thirds of the honey in the hive, leaving the rest of the honey for the bees.

If they are all cut in one go, they will not nest here in the future, then he will not be able to come and collect a few more "interest".

Lin Jue pinched a piece of beehive, and this lilac hive looked at the crystal clear, specially colored girl's heart.

He went directly to his mouth and chewed, and the taste was sweet and sweet!

In addition to the taste of ordinary honey, there is also a hint of star anise and prickly fruit flowers, fragrant and refreshing.

After eating a piece, the whole person was energetic, and even faintly felt that there was a hot current flowing in the body, and the position of the low back pain last night was much more comfortable.

"Sure enough, wild honey tastes different! A lot of honey on the market is mixed with water, or simply artificially made syrup. If you want to sell this wild honey, you will definitely be able to sell it for a lot of money! "

It's just that the honey production of bees is very limited, and the number of hives in this neighborhood is also small.

He wanted to harvest enough to sell it, which was not easy.

Lin Jue thought of this, and suddenly a good idea emerged from his mind.

He had just obtained three acres of land from Yang Hui and was ready to plant prickly fruit.

If the prickly fruit produces a large number of fruits, it must rely on bees to collect honey and pollinate.

Instead of pollinating wild bees, he simply raised bees himself!

It can not only pollinate the prickly fruit flowers, increase the yield of the fruit, but also harvest high-quality honey and sell it!

This is a way to kill two birds with one stone!

"This is a good idea, next time I go up the mountain, I will bring a few bee collecting bags by the way, and collect a few more wild large rows of bee colonies to bring back to captivity!" You still have to make some beehives..." In

just a few minutes, Lin Jue had already made an idea in his mind.

When the honey is brewed, even if it is not enough to sell it, it is quite good to use it in new dishes made by yourself.

These honeys are of high quality and add a lot of flavor to dishes.

Anyway, if the quality is good, you don't worry about selling.

He packed the cut hive and restored the large hive of the original bees as much as possible.

In this way, the bees will have a "sense of security" and will continue to stay here to build their nests, rather than choosing to move to other places.

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