Lin Jue returned to the field with this hive weighing at least ten pounds.

Wang Cai's face was bitten out a lot of buns, and he squatted there and whined aggrievedly.

Lin Jue also couldn't take it, took out a bottle of Wanhua Oil from his pocket, and walked over to clean up the bee needles stuck to his face.

After the bee bites the animal, the bee needle will be left on the top, these large rows of bees are quite large and more toxic than small bees.

After the bite, it not only itches, but also hurts.

Although it was not so badly swollen by the bumblebee stung, it took at least three or four days to completely reduce the swelling.


Woo hoo..." Wang Cai held a swollen head and sold cute to Lin Jue.

He helped it remove the bee needle little by little and coated it with kamilion oil, which could relieve itching and pain.

After helping it deal with it, Lin Jue also slapped Wang Cai's dog's head and reprimanded it: "Now you know that it hurts!" With your small body, you dare to fight with bees! Next time, if you can't do it, remember to run faster, you know no! Wang

Cai whined twice, not knowing if he understood.

Anyway, Lin Jue thought it understood.

He went back to pick the prickly fruit, loosened the pine fields again, and planted a new wave of radish seeds.

After finishing the matter, he put Wang Cai on the scooter, pulled the scooter and walked down the mountain.

He went directly to the entrance of the village, and sure enough, at the entrance of the village, he found Xu Jianguo, a vegetable seller who was waiting under the big banyan tree.

Xu Jianguo saw him from a distance and immediately ran over to help him pull a scooter.

When he saw Lin Jue's arrival, his face was also happy, and before Lin Jue could speak, he started talking.

"Little brother, you're finally here! I was waiting for you at the entrance of the village these days, and I really waited from morning to night, but I didn't see your figure. Fortunately, I still came here today, otherwise we would have missed it! Although

Xu Jianguo waited anxiously, he did not feel a loss at all.

After all, his vegetable stall business in the county town was handed over to his wife, and he had nothing to do now, so he specially collected vegetables for farmers in Jinlong Village.

By the way, wait for Lin Jue to come over and sell watermelon radish.

Compared to the benefits he got from selling watermelon radishes, the time he spent in Golden Dragon Village was nothing at all!

Lin Jue pulled the scooter to rest under the big tree, and Xu Jianguo removed the scales from his tricycle, ready to load the watermelon turnips.

He opened the snakeskin pocket on the scooter, and with a flick of his eyes, he saw that the bag contained a white radish that was twice the size of before!

He was stunned on the spot.

Several uncles who were cooling under the tree also curiously leaned over to watch.

As a result, they all froze instantly when they saw this exaggerated white radish.

An uncle pointed to this radish with a fan and said, "This radish has grown into essence!" Look at this head, I can't hold it in either hand. The

other uncle on the side really walked over and tried to hug him, but he almost flashed to his waist on the spot.

"Ouch, this radish is solid, really heavy. Not to mention that there is also a twenty pound, which is heavier than my little fat mound.

"Such a big radish won't grow up with hormones." It's too exaggerated, and it's almost the same size, it's really strange!

"How did this kid Lin Jue grow radishes to such a big size? I'm a lot older, and I really haven't seen this radish variety. Several

uncles couldn't stop chatting around these radishes.

Xu Jianguo was busy carrying the radish to weigh it, and he weighed it, and his face blossomed.

These radishes are so big, he takes them back and sells them at the vegetable stall, customers will definitely be attracted to them.

At that time, his stall can become the focus of the entire market!

He Xu Jianguo is middle-aged, and he can still rely on watermelon radish fire.

"The quality of the radish this time is really good." It took Xu Jianguo fifteen minutes to finally weigh all the turnips.

He was so tired and sweaty that he took out his calculator and counted it, gave a string of numbers, and said, "Sixty-six radishes in total." One thousand two hundred and fifty-four pounds, I will give you the calculation according to one catty, four pieces and five, that is five thousand six hundred and forty-three yuan! When

the several masters on the side heard this number, their jaws almost dropped in shock.

Is Xu Jianguo sure that he did not report the wrong decimal point?

Although this white radish is big, it will not give a purchase price of four pieces and five, right?

Isn't he, a vegetable seller, doing a loss-making deal?

In front of everyone, Xu Jianguo took out his wallet, counted more than five thousand yuan and handed it to Lin Jue.

Fortunately, when he went out today, he brought more cash, otherwise there would not be enough money for him, which would be embarrassing.

Lin Jue counted the money, and after confirming that it was correct, he quickly smiled and said, "Thank you, Uncle Jianguo!" We are also old friends, I just picked some home-grown fruit from the mountain, take two pounds back to your family to taste!

Lin Jue filled the bag with some prickly bubble fruit and gave it to him.

Xu Jianguo smiled without even looking at it.

"Thanks, little brother!" Xu Jianguo received the watermelon radish and prepared to leave.

Lin Jue stopped him and asked, "Uncle Jianguo." Do you have a mobile phone number? Remember one to me, I will buy a mobile phone next time I go to the county, apply for a mobile phone number, and we will add another address book. In the future, if I want to sell turnips, I will call you in advance.

Xu Jianguo nodded again and again when he heard this: "This is a good idea!" We don't have to wait under the heat!

He wrote down his mobile phone number on a note and stuffed it to Lin Jue.

Next time he gets a new phone, remember to send him a text message to remind him.

After watching Xu Jianguo leave, Lin Jue pulled the scooter and rushed directly home.

The masters under the banyan tree watched a play, and their faces changed greatly in shock.

They only knew that Lin Jue was farming in the mountains, but they never expected that he could grow such an amazing turnip, and he could sell it to vegetable sellers at a high price!

Xu Jianguo is in their Golden Dragon Village, but he has been collecting vegetables for several years, and he knows the prices of various dishes in the market.

Even an old fritters like him are optimistic about the radish planted by Lin Jue and are willing to give a high price to buy it, which is enough to show that this radish is not simple.

"When did Lin Jue become an old farmer? Today's young people are really more and more incomprehensible.

"People, one for a while. I dare say that after a while, Lin Jue will become a millionaire in our village, and it is not surprising! "

The masters are chatting about the sky.

Lin Jue was pulling the scooter on the way home, but happened to meet an acquaintance on the side of the road.

Grandpa Yang had just come down from the mountain with a basket on his back, and Lin Jue noticed that he was walking with a limp, and one foot seemed to be sprained.

Seeing Grandpa Yang walking hard with a wooden stick, Lin Jue immediately ran over and called out to him: "Grandpa Yang, you will wait!" Your foot hurts, let me help you.

Yang Lin turned around slowly when he heard the voice, saw that it was Lin Jue, and quickly smiled: "What a coincidence, your kid also came down from the mountain?" "

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