Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 180 The Local Tyrant Makes A Strong Debut! 【5/5】

When Porsche showed its unique trick and killed countless short sellers, a major event happened in North America on the other side of the ocean. The famous Wall Street investment bank "Lehman Brothers" declared bankruptcy.

After Lehman couldn't bear it and declared bankruptcy, someone jumped from a tall building on Wall Street, and his brains were cracked, which was horrible and officially opened the scene of the deterioration of the financial crisis.

Although the debt of Lehman Brothers is a drop in the bucket compared to the entire subprime bond market and the entire US economy, it is like a chain reaction, marking the coming of the global economic winter.

Soon it swept the world, and the term "financial crisis" was talked about by countless countries. The most serious crisis since the "Great Depression" of the last century began to hang over the world.

Porsche, still in the joy of victory, was completely unprepared.

But the prince far away in Dubai, he was quite calm at the victory party. Yes, he was "a match for Porsche" in the acquisition of Volkswagen that everyone thought was impossible.

He also took advantage of the madness of the short sellers to earn more than two billion yuan, which stunned the 31 people in the Dubai consortium and called it a miracle.

Prince Ahmed said with a smile, don't try to make routine judgments on him.

Prince Khalid also laughed at himself: "I underestimated his ability again. This kid's financial sense is amazing. He is a well-deserved stock god!"

A lot of compliments that cannot be justified, coupled with his strong list of "Forbes" this year with a net worth of US$30 billion, Sahil, Prince of Dubai, is already invincible in their eyes.

It's just that he didn't enjoy the joy of victory too much: "As I said before, this is just a foreplay, and the real excitement has not yet begun!"

Everyone looked at the great god: "What else is wrong?"

"Lehman Brothers went bankrupt." Sheikh looked out the window thoughtfully. Outside the Burj Khalifa was the splendid night view of the entire city. This scene was too bustling.

Wang Lisha helped him go on: "The financial crisis will make all industries encounter a cold winter, and Porsche, which produces high-end models, will be in a more difficult situation."

Everyone has figured it out. In fact, this scene is also happening in Dubai. During this period of time, too many people went bankrupt due to the financial crisis and ran away. If not for Dubai's regulation, the loss would have been even greater.

Khalid also understands: "Porsche owes a lot of money to the banks, and if their sales performance declines, it will be too difficult to swallow the behemoth Volkswagen."

Xie He shook his head directly: "Don't talk about buying the public, they are hard to protect themselves."

Khaled knew it was time for the Dubai consortium to step up: "We have the funds ready."

Wolfgang Porsche's dream didn't last long.

The imperial hegemony soon encountered a real impact, and the acquisition plan fell to pieces-the financial crisis came! Lehman Brothers once suffered heavy losses in shorting the public, and now they are bankrupt.

This seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, and it also affected Porsche. Sales performance continued to decline, capital turnover became difficult, and the Snake Tunxiang project had to be postponed until early 2009.

Porsche is thinking about how to raise another business loan to survive the economic winter. However, the cold winter that swept the world did not show signs of recovery until 2013.

The current situation is: the Icelandic government is yelling for bankruptcy, the four European countries are complaining, and the era of the United States crazily selling one-dollar houses is coming.

Porsche's spring and autumn dream is about to be shattered. They cannot repay the huge loan owed to the bank, and the bank is unwilling to postpone the repayment.

I have to say that bankers are damned, but Porsche has no choice but to choose to surrender to reality...but even so, they still cannot make ends meet, and there are still huge deficits in their books.

What's more embarrassing is that Porsche faced the cold hostility from Germany - the state government of Lower Saxony, who had been pressed to the ground by Porsche before, finally came back to their senses.

When dealing with a traitor (German traitor?) like Porsche, Lower Saxony will of course stand in the way and do everything possible to obstruct the acquisition of Porsche, which prevents them from merging their income statements and makes 75% of their dreams impossible.

There is another thing that hit the nail on the head. The third-party consortium that once supported Porsche in the acquisition——Qatar Sovereign Fund showed signs of rebellion.

Porsche hopes to raise funds from Qatar, and offers to exchange 25% of Porsche shares. It can be said that as long as Qatar agrees, they are expected to become the major shareholder of the largest car in Europe.

However, Qatar seems to feel that..... this business is not | addictive, and turned to the public, wanting to support them in anti-acquisition, while taking the benefits of both sides.

Porsche, which originally had the upper hand, suddenly suffered internal and external troubles and was besieged on all sides.

And Volkswagen, who has been beaten by Porsche's series of combos and pushed to the ground, finally found this opportunity to turn around, a god-sent opportunity to come back.

Ferdinand Piëch shouted that Feng Shui turns, Old Couser Wolfgang, now it's my turn to help you! Volkswagen is already simmering with anger to buy Porsche!

Porsche's acquisition of Volkswagen, a plan that has been brewing for many years, is about to succeed, but it has been tricked by God, and now it has become, Volkswagen's acquisition of Porsche.

When Porsche is so close to the sun, their dreams are completely burned to ashes, and finally they are acquired by the public in reverse... I am afraid this is God's will?

However, the fate of Porsche in this life has ushered in another dawn. The prince of Dubai held a consortium meeting and announced his real ambition: "I want to win Audi.

"Audi?" Everyone couldn't think of it.

"That's it." Sheikh said with certainty, "Porsche is short of money now, if it is not acquired by Volkswagen, 463 will go bankrupt, I believe they have no choice in this situation

There is no need for extra persuasive reasons, but the chief asked: "What if Porsche is not willing?"

Sheikh shrugged: "Then take a stake in Porsche. Anyway, it is the largest automobile group in Europe and even the world. I believe this road is not bad at all!"

The entire Dubai consortium has no doubts.

When Wolfgang Porsche, far away in Germany, was smashing the table angrily to vent that he had lost the war, the CEO of Porsche, Wendelin Weidekin, came running

"Sir, the consortium in Dubai has said it is willing to support our acquisition of Volkswagen!"

"What?" Wolfgang Porsche's eyes widened - it was like the ecstasy of a drowning man who finally caught a swimming ring.

"Say it again?"

The old Wedekin could understand the mood of the boss and repeated: "Dubai is willing to support us and help us complete the acquisition of Volkswagen."

"It's so fucking good!"

Wolfgang couldn't help swearing, damn old cousin Piyech! Damn the public! Traitor Qatar! The European and American banks that took advantage of the fire... The old man swallowed the last Viagra

Coming back strong!

"Where are they?" Wolfgang asked impatiently.

"They are going to Germany. This cooperation is led by Sheikh Sahil, Crown Prince of Dubai. He hopes to meet you."

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