Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 238 Make A World-Class News [3]

As for whether this vice premier will play soy sauce?

It's obvious - it will be. From the perspective of the cabinet structure, the prime minister and cabinet members are enough to operate, and the first deputy prime minister is added. As for him?

It is estimated that the chief's consideration is seniority. The deputy prime minister sounds like a high ranking, but in fact it is dispensable. If the prince is motivated, his father will of course give him power.

If not, his father can also give the job to others, and he will not be able to fall on himself if he does not do well. After all, ginger is still old and spicy, this trick is step by step!


The deputy prime minister doesn't want to be too salty this time, will he talk about it later. But now, when the new official takes office, he has to make some achievements no matter what he does, to convince everyone and make women admire him!

Recently, he is very free, so he is serious.

First of all, the first establishment meeting of the Education Development Committee was held, and the seven ministers under him were met.

The first is the Ministry of Propaganda and Development. After the nominal boss was finally transferred, the second minister was of course McGidd. After years of operation, it has become a very important position with real power, and he is his first confidant.

Other newly added ministries and commissions will also emerge with a group of new faces, most of which also belong to the power of Dubai, including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministers of Higher Education Science, Health, and Foreign Trade, all of which are from the Dubai faction.

Thanks to the vigorous development of Dubai, their weight in the United Arab Emirates is not weaker than that of Abu Dhabi. This small cabinet built around the crown prince is obviously a symbol of the madness of the Dubai faction.

These seven ministers are all our own people!

The chief had already considered that no matter how lazy the prince was, these ministers would not trouble him. On the contrary, McGidd, who was exceptionally capable, would help him handle everything.

At present, the deputy prime minister is very serious and energetic: "We maintain the consistent open policy of our Dubai faction, insist on investing in technology and culture, and the achievements we have brought, no one dares to underestimate us."

"From science to education, then to economy and development, guided by the propaganda function, our 'small cabinet' can form a very good cycle.

McGidd said: "The Propaganda Department will be responsible for presenting all this to the public."

"Ms. Minister is very good!" The prince praised her, "Next, each of our departments will make high-profile contributions to the outside world from their respective fields!"

With the achievements of the Deputy Prime Minister taking office, the first wave has begun.

Not long after, the Publicity Department and the news reported that, with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, the Gulf Group launched a new type of seawater desalination treatment technology!

Not only is it extremely efficient and of excellent quality, but it can also control the cost of desalinated water to around US$0.8, greatly reducing the expensive desalinated water to the price of cabbage!

The commercial version of this technology has been released, and on the day it was put into use, all walks of life were shocked! Including some foreign researchers in related fields, they all came here to witness and expressed their admiration.

The United Arab Emirates has also begun to reinstall this new generation of desalination technology. The Gulf News also disclosed that several surrounding countries, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, intend to order a batch.

Farther around the world, countries that are short of water are concerned about it. It is said that the Celestial Dynasty has people who have come, showing a tendency to cooperate... Big countries have begun to take the initiative.

However, the education and development committee's high profile is not over yet. Not long after, there were media reports that a desert area on the outskirts of Dubai had been cultivated and transformed into an oasis!

Some scientists have developed plants that are highly drought-resistant and can effectively resist desertification. They only need very little water resources to maintain their tenacious growth.

The Education and Development Commission fully gave the green light on this matter, and the Deputy Prime Minister issued several decrees, emphasizing the determination to take Dubai as an important pilot project as a benchmark for the combination of desert greening and seawater desalination technology.

He boasted to use this technology to turn Dubai into an oasis within three years! The Education Development Committee will issue favorable policies and will unite with various business departments to build it in an all-round way.

The importance of greening and water resources to the Arab nation is self-evident!

For Arabs, green is almost the meaning of life.

The deputy prime minister's high-profile actions made him in the limelight for a while. After Dubai has given enough impressions to the world's local tyrants, it has now begun to take on the side of technological local tyrants!

This time it’s no longer a waste of money to show off, although it’s still very embarrassing, they spend US dollars to build a green world, and burn money to fully replace the desalination technology, but the local tyrants Yuanzhong want to use money to play technology!

The eyes of the outside world are frequently focused. This year has just started, and they have done so many big things again!

And it doesn't stop there!

Now the dignitaries headed by the Deputy Prime Minister have visited the university and the Science City. This area is centered on the University of the Emirates, and there are various science and technology and research institutions. The famous X laboratory is located here.

Today the prince is going to visit the department he once established himself: Life Sciences. Although the Emirates University of Dubai is a "newcomer" in the education field, although it has been established for a short time, its achievements are outstanding enough.

It does not set up undergraduate programs, but only recruits master and doctoral graduate students from all over the world. The number of students in the school is less than 1,000, and this year it will continue to absorb a group of spring students "to maintain the number to around 1,000.

The school's enrollment policy is always the essence rather than the many, but even with such a small number of people, it has achieved the world's top ten results in the number of papers cited by the unit's faculty, and it is the fastest growing university in the world.

The strong performance is due to its strong teaching staff. The royal family has established an endowment fund with a scale of up to 18 billion U.S. dollars, and has hired professors from famous universities in Europe and the United States. Even the president is the former president of Caltech.

The government does not intervene in the work of the university, and the royal family only supervises the use of funds, so it not only has the best professors, but also the most advanced research environment, and the conditions are among the best in the world.

The Department of Life Sciences that Wang Zi personally visited today is a joint project with X Laboratory. The main members are all at the doctoral level, and they have a lot of technical talents. They have done a big thing!

Stem cell directional division and rapid value-added technology have achieved outstanding success!

Ordinary people may not understand 393, what is a stem cell? It is known as a universal cell, it can differentiate into any cell that humans need, and it is a great contributor to the growth of humans from babies to adults!

The designated division technology of stem cells is expected to cure leukemia, cancer, aging, can cure almost all diseases!

Therefore, research in this field is known as the highest palace of biomedicine!

Any small breakthrough has the hope of winning the Nobel Prize! Any big breakthrough is a major contribution to mankind!

Now the Emirates University in Dubai and X Lab have engaged in more than one big sale!

Directed division and rapid cultivation and proliferation, if it is subdivided into Nobel Prize-winning projects, there are at least five or six directions, and success means that it will definitely win the prize!

Unless there are more astonishing scientific and technological breakthroughs today, what research can be more important than curing cancer, conquering leukemia, achieving human longevity, and doubling life expectancy?


When this news came out, the whole world was shocked!

Did the local tyrant become so powerful overnight? When I saw the head of the local tyrant in the news - the deputy prime minister proudly declared that he would continue to invest in this technology. .

People know that local tyrants are playing for real this time! When they spend money on the field of science, the results are so amazing! The breakthrough is so strong that the whole world is stunned!

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