Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 239 The Attention Of The Whole World Is Focused [4]

A major breakthrough in stem cell technology shocked the scientific community.

For researchers engaged in this field of science, the mind is full of unbelievable thoughts. Or you want to go to Dubai to have a look in person, want to know more inside information, and are extremely eager to join.

Because this is definitely a major event of success and fame, the names of the participants are enough to be written in textbooks, and they will be immortalized forever, and they will continue to be admired and praised by future generations.

There are also some people who saw the name of the Emirates University in Dubai and felt a sense of remorse—this school also sent them high-salary invitations at the beginning, but they burned it because they felt that they had no future.

But I didn't expect that now... It's too late to regret, the fruits of victory are shared by those who seized the opportunity, and the rest of the people can only look at their achievements with envy.

Of course, some people think that it is not too late, the university is still absorbing talents in cutting-edge fields, and it is too late to join now.

Especially after it has shown its leading advantages in all aspects, the desalination of seawater and desert greening were previously hailed as long-term projects, but now they have been realized in a short period of time. This is a miracle.

The influx of talents from the establishment of the Emirates University in Dubai has begun!

It is also because of the increasing number of technical papers they publish, the high treatment for students, and the excellent research environment, which also attracts more students.

Faculty and staff have also increased. After the stem cell breakthrough and the propaganda of the Publicity Department, some ignorant people finally know that there are so top-notch salary and research environment.


At the same time, the stem cell research team and the X laboratory also announced that they would organize an exchange meeting. The venue is naturally held in Dubai, and biological elites from all over the world are invited to [discuss the big plan!

After the technological breakthrough of stem cells, too many fields have been driven! From cultivation environment equipment to cultivation factories, to the use of clinical medicine, to biopharmaceuticals...the entire market exceeds one trillion US dollars!

That's how it hangs!

One trillion is still quite a conservative figure! Think about it, if stem cells are successful in curing cancer, there will be a market of at least hundreds of billions of dollars, right?

If stem cells can replace senescent cells, so that people can stay young, and eighty-year-olds are still the same as thirty-year-olds, do you think rich people and women all over the world can resist? This is like a money printing machine to make money!

There are many other fields of stem cells? Even the work around these fields, such as providing biopharmaceutical equipment and loading containers, is a top ten business.

Therefore, this scientific symposium has become a large-scale conference including scientific exchanges, business franchise, business development, and the future of medicine.

Not only world-renowned biologists will come, but those giant pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Roche, Novartis, etc., have a combined market value of almost one trillion US dollars!

These pharmaceutical giants who are usually aloof, now sharpen their heads and want to participate. If they want to join this pharmaceutical feast, as long as they get technical cooperation, it means they will make a fortune!

It also shocked many national departments, such as the Academy of Sciences of the Chinese Dynasty, and the big names in the field of biology also wanted to learn from it, some cutting-edge laboratories in the European Union, and the National Science Program of the United States.

These large and small institutions and personnel all want to come to Dubai.

At the cabinet meeting in the UAE, everyone was discussing this topic, because of its scale, it seems to have the shadow of the "World Expo". When did the Middle East countries get so much attention?

Even Qatar, which spent a lot of money to build the Asian Games last time, could not achieve this level of excitement! So many countries and so many heavyweights are coming!

But now, because of the prince's unexpected action, it has come true immediately!

Different from previous local tyrants who made headlines, everyone happily passed away. This time is a major promotion for science and human beings! It is a re-division of the biology and medical markets!

At the packed cabinet meeting, everyone's eyes were on the deputy prime minister. This new official who just took office, no one would have imagined that his fire would burn so fiercely!

At the beginning, those seawater desalination and greening technologies were enough to attract people's attention. Everyone knows that the vice premier has accumulated this wave of strength to show.

The opposition to his appointment as deputy prime minister at a young age has also weakened. These achievements are enough for him to secure his position, but he never expected that these are just a prelude.

What he wants to do is a major event that will cause a sensation in the world. People are caught off guard and made a world-class, historical-level super breakthrough, which makes the whole world look at them.

Now everyone is convinced of Sahil, only one!

Originally thought that what he did in the publicity department was already high-profile, and the results were good enough, but he didn't expect that what he did now would surprise the whole UAE.

The pie from the sky happened in reality. Now they have to quickly recover, the Prime Minister said: "々. The first thing we need to do is to do our best to do a good job in this reception and show the good image of our UAE.

"This time there will be many giant business groups, top scientific researchers, and scientific institutions from various countries coming. It is equivalent to an opportunity to show our strength and the market. We must grasp it well!" (Demo Zhao)

Everyone understands that the cooperation and communication that may be involved in this are all important, and any casual negotiation of a chance may bring terrible benefits.

No matter how bad it is, it has attracted the attention of the whole world. Qatar spent more than three billion US dollars to realize it. Now they have not spent any money, so hurry up to take advantage of the cheapness!

After listening to it, Xie He said: "I will be responsible for the promotion of technology, as for other aspects of environmental foundation, let's use your respective strengths.

Enough of the limelight before, now it's time to keep a low profile for a while... The benefits can't be taken by yourself, so that others have no chance to show off.

From this point of view, the prince finally has the consciousness of a political figure... There is an unconscious smile on the face of Majid next to him, she is proud|proud because she taught it. .

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